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Wild Side (French/English)

This is a film about unconventional people and their unconventional lives. The sequence, place and chronology is out of order and it keeps moving from present to multiple flashback sequences. The film is directed in a poetic sort of way, where sometimes not much is happening but as if you are witnessing a trio's life in front of you.

We meet Stephanie, a transsexual who has been reduced to turning tricks as a prostitute. The flashbacks show her as a young boy, Pierre. We also meet her Bisexual Russian boyfriend Mikhail and another male lover Jamel, who also is dealing with some family issues while working as a gay prostitute in Paris. As the story develops, we see Stephanie leaving Paris to care for her terminally ill mother, together with Mikhail and eventually joined by Jamel. The film shows us through multiple scenes how the trio come to meet, the events of their past, how Stephanie's relationship with her mother is finally being amended. There is no end or beginning, just a beautiful relationship of three people, with no jealousy, just love and its evolution over a period of time.

The narrative is conveyed largely through the experience of Stephanie, whose triangular relationship with the two men is one built on sincere and simple respect and equality. There is no question in the film of her having to choose between the two. All three are equally compatible with each other and do not have the usual conventional jealousies and arguments. They all need love and they find some with each other. While taking care of her mother, Stephanie tries to come to terms by confronting her past and making amends with her first love and slowly piece her life together. The transsexual depiction is done with the sincerity it deserves. Stéphanie (the actress is a transsexual in real life and has never acted before) is presented not as an oddity but as just a human being for whom life has dealt some challenges. I wasn't very clear with Mikhail's story but he did portray the lonely Russian immigrant very well. Jamel's issues are probably more to do with his line of work. The film may feel simple, but with beautiful photography is quite complicated at the same time. But having said that, the film is not for everyone. 

It's an unconventional love story, with some very beautiful photography about love , sexuality, compassion about three marginally social outcast individuals. Many people will be frustrated with non linear narrative and not in your face start-middle and end. But I thought, for an independent film, it was actually not bad at all. (6/10)


luigi43 said…
One of the very first movie on the subject , told in all his hardness and reality .
Golu said…
Did you like it? I was wondering from a local's perspective who understands French cinema and language
luigi43 said…
You know that I love just Cinderella 's tales , I need the happy ending ; so this movie was not my "cup of tea", but that's the real life and French cinema up to couple of years ago was very " noir" in the saddest way.
Golu said…
Noir is the right word to describe. I used to like them at one point :)
Sailor Maan said…
Haha a big part of french gay cinema is indeed not cheerful. Quite like Cannes film festival spirit. And don't even look at tv series, it's even worse, I never want to watch them, they are always depressing and tragic... It's strange they keep doing this because the biggest movie successes were the funny and lovable ones (bienvenue chez les chtis, intouchables, les visiteurs, amelie poulain...). A friend working in this field once told me they wanted to make people feel strong emotions. I guess it's way easier to make them feel sad using horrible situations than try to make them happy at the risk of your movie being over sweet and cheesy. In regular movies we have a lot of enjoyable light comedies though. I feel it's more gay movies that are always dark (but maybe that's just my interpretation here as I'm no expert). At least not so long ago in french gay cinema we had "les crevettes pailletées" that was good!
Golu said…
Yes to more gay comedies..... PLEASE !!

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