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Fujoshi, Ukkari Gei ni Kokuru (Japanese Series)

This Japanese series was such a pleasant surprise. I didn't know much about it and these days, I have been randomly picking up movies and series to watch, so I went into this one completely blind, but man was I in for a surprise. It was beautifully made, very well acted, shows different perspectives and a very intimate portrayal of what it is like to be gay in an unaccepting, especially high-school community. 8 episodes of about 30 minute each.

Jun is an 18-year-old high school student. He hides the fact that he is gay from his mother and other people. Miura-san is a classmate of Jun. She is obsessed with books about BL (Fujoshi is a term referred to girls who are obsessed with BL stories). Accidentally one day Jun sees her buying a BL books that scares off Miura-san. But from that point onwards, an unlikely friendship starts between the two. Jun in meanwhile dating (Sleeping around) with an older married man Makoto. It's an arrangement of convenience for both men where they have sex and even talk about their personal lives. Mr. Farenheit is an online gay friend of Jun, with whom he shares his deepest darkest thoughts. When Miura-san one day proposes Jun to be his girlfriend, he accepts it because deep down he feels he will never be able to be himself and he need a partner to lead a "normal" life. They start dating button day she sees Jun and Makoto kissing. Even though she is a huge BL fan, seeing two men kiss in real life shakes her up completely. Jun's secret in school is out leading to him trying to commit suicide. Eventually Miura-san and Jun's best friend come in support of him, trying to understand what being gay is all about for him. Thereby, Jun starts to slowly come out of steel, start accepting who he really is rather than trying to hide. 

Though I have not mentioned in the summary but Jun has some beautiful moments shared with both Makoto and Farenheit. Fahrenheit eventually commits suicide and Jun goes to meet his family to fulfill his last wish in the end, which was actually quite sad. I also was glad to see that Makoto and Jun's relationship was dealt with dignity and not cheapness. Both men had their own reason to be in the relationship. Doesn't matter of someone is right or wrong. As is the social norm, around us, it is clearly understandable why Jun stays aloof, except for when he is with his closest friend, because he fears his sexuality being outed. Miura-san's character was very interesting. I didn't realize that there is a formal term Fujoshi. She clearly was madly in love with Jun, and so expectedly her heart breaks when she learns the truth. But she is not ready to give up. This is one part of the show that I did not agree with. Was she trying to "cure" Jun or what was the reason. She eventually comes around, but I am so glad they never showed any bitterness towards any character. Jun tries his best to be normal with her. He really enjoys the company, but he just doesn't feel sexual towards her, at all. Such kind of tiny little things are all shared with minute details in this 8 part series. The story made sure to explore everything in detail. There were no half-assed plot points that were thrown in and forgotten about. Jun and Makoto-san's relationship, the story of Mr Fahrenheit, Jun's mother, Ryouhei and Jun's backstory, and Miura-san, all were explored deeply, dynamically, and tied up neatly at the end. Even the smaller characters went through noticeable developments.

The actors all do a really good job. Jun is actually quite good looking and there are luckily no awkward pauses and sudden reactions like most BL shows have. This was subtle and most natural. Throughout the drama, Jun is conflicted between many decisions that are strongly influenced by the people in his life. All the comments they make or ideas they share influence his decisions. Use of Queen's songs in background worked very well too. The ending is abrupt but still positive. This series was definitely a very pleasant surprise and a welcome addition to the ever growing list of must-watch BL series. (7.5/10)


Sailor Maan said…
This one was beautiful but quite heavy. Wow is pressure of japanese society for gays that heavy? I was expecting a light comedy with a fujoshi comparing real gays with her yaoi books (they are some funny mangas like that). I really didn't think it would go that way, with suicide and all. The first part was very good, moving and funny at times. The last episodes however made no sense to me. Miura making a speech in front of everyone telling Jun couldn't make love to her (like, you want the guy to commit suicide again or what?), then Jun kissing her deeply, Miura and Jun still being a couple... What's the point in telling you're gay then? You've done the hardest part, now enjoy! Was Miura ok to be his wife while he had gay affairs? That wasn't really clear to me. Ono's reaction was totally obscure (and disturbing and somewhat insulting) to me as well.
Still a very interesting watch. I liked they used Queen as a red thread.
Golu said…
Agree 100%. Her bog speech at the end made no sense at all.
I am not sure about Japanese society, but I think in the initial episodes, she makes a comment saying that even though she loves BL books, she is sure such things don't exist in real life, which hints that she is still quite prejudiced in reality against homosexuality
sella fi said…
perhaps, if Jun ends up marrying Miura, Jun will become Mr. Makoto in the future. i mean, having a wife at home while he sleeps around with other men.. just like mr. Makoto anyways 🤭🤭..
Golu said…
you never know.. anything is possible. Maybe someone can come up with an alternate ending

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