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HIStory2 - Right or Wrong (Taiwanese Series)

When you read that this is a love story between a teacher and student, the cynic in me raised eyebrows and wasn't very sure what am I going to get myself into. But I was so wrong. This is one of the cutest, yet mature at so many levels. This is the first on the two stories, shown as part of season 2 of the Taiwanese streaming drama anthology series. The show is 8 episodes of about 20-22 minutes each.

A single divorced professor Shi Yi Jie hires 19 year old Xiao Fei to take care of his 8 year old daughter Yo Yo. This happens very accidentally when Xiao Fei meets Yo Yo and realizes that Professor Shi Yi Jie is so busy in his anthropology work, that he often neglects his focus on his daughter. We soon find out that it was 3 years ago when Xiao Fei was dumped his his school senior and bullied by his classmates, it was Shi Yi Jie who gave him some words of wisdom outside a gay bar that helped him. And this was eye's way of giving it back. Of course, the professor doesn't remember anything. Soon enough, both Yo yo and Shi Yi Jie get very used to having Xiao Fei around them and in their own unique ways both Shi Yi Jie and Xiao Fei start falling for each other. After a few hiccups and concerns they both decide to go for their love for each other, but Shi Yi Jie's ex-wife shows out of nowhere wanting to get back. She tries many dirty tricks, but thanks to stern determination of Shi Yi Jie and his feelings for Xiao Fei, he is very sure that he only wants his life with him. Thankfully, a very mature YoYo only strengthens their love bond.

There are so many good things about this show. The first episode was a little patchy, but things start to improve soon after. The way the relationship between Shi Yi Jie and Xiao Fei grows is very realistic and cute. Even though Shi Yi Jie is technically straight, one he realizes that he now loves Xiao Fei, there is no confusion in him. He is sure he loves the boy and no amount of worrying about what college would say, their age difference or even just his sexuality would do for him stops him. He is determined to love Xiao Fei and goes full force. In one of a very important scenes he even approaches eye's mother asking for her permission to date Xiao Fei, given that he knew her from past. That scene somehow worked really well on the large scheme of things and was a very loving and determined gesture. IT just proved that Shi Yi Jie is not picking around. And for someone like Xiao Fei, who has seen and suffered a lot in his very short life, it helps for him to have someone loving him with all the determination. I am glad no big deal is being made of Shi Yi Jie suddenly feeling for a man. His feelings never waver and he is never afraid. Even the way their relationship grows his organic and beautiful. Eye's beautiful friend is a great support structure in his life who is always there for him constantly reminding that he deserves love.It was nice that YoYo was also seamlessly involved in their love aspect. It was about making a family and YoYo was very happy to see her father more involved in her life and be with Xiao Fei, whom she had grown very fond of. Even the drama from the ex-wife was handled very well with audiences being provided of all relevant information from their past. All the actors did a great job in the series and suit their part. The chemistry is amazing and the little YoYo is sooooooo cute.

A cute, adorable, feel-good, very realistic drama that is such a welcome change from the fluffy Thai BL shows (which are good in this town way), I would highly highly recommend this. Can't wait to see the next few shows/films as part of the HIStory series. I have waited too long. (7.5/10)


luigi43 said…
Many wives , ex wives and ex fiancee come back from nowhere to recall their ex in eastern novels and B/L series! Who knows why exactly when he is now in love with another man . For sure the Professor is very sexy, the story is well built and decently acted. Not repetitive that much : worth watching , at the end. Thanks for the advice.
Golu said…
You are right. These ex-es coming back is a pretty standard thing, but I was happy that in this case, the husband didn't feel obligated to get back with her for the daughter's sake. In fact, even the woman's brother shows her the mirror that it was her fault that she left and she can't expect the guy to be forever waiting for her.
Sailor Maan said…
I had the same fear as you for the teacher/student romance, and I definitely loved it in the end. Different and more mature than most BL, the story was also very well built. It's my favourite of the HIStory2, but I biased because seeing two guys raising a kid is my weak spot. Now I hope you'll enjoy the other HIStory, they are all so good :-)
And now I just realize I unintentionaly skipped this one. After "crossing the line", which was very good and probably your next watch, I directly moved to Season 3.
With husband away for work, that leaves the whole afternoon to catch up !
Xia Fei had a very nice birthday, and I had a very nice Time. We will all prefer one story over the other, but the average quality is just awesome in this series.
If you liked this one, you'll love the others !

Golu said…
I am definitely looking forward to the next few stories in this series. I have just been slightly busy but hopefully soon

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