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Love By Chance 2: A Chance to Love (Thai Series)

I have to start with first apologizing to some of my friends here. I know this show has a lot of fans and lovers, but this season leaves a lot to be desired. The makers went so wrong in this sequel in so many ways and it ended up being a major disappointment for me. After a decent first season, I was actually looking forward to this sequel, but little did I know that I was going to be tricked.

The leads of the show this time are Tin and Can, whose story we saw to a large extent in season 1, but it was eft open ended. Tin is the rich guy, never known to be nice to anyone. Suspicious of anyone who ever tried to get close, Tin had closed his heart off to the world, until the day he met Can. Can is childlike, naive and innocent in many ways. Started with fights, the two boys start feeling more attracted and attached towards each other. And soon they are in a relationship. Even though Can maybe innocent, but he doesn't shy away form telling everyone know that Tin is his boyfriend and that he will do anything to make Tin happy. The feelings are reciprocated where Tin feels grateful to have Can in his life. Thankfully there are no unnecessary misunderstandings between them. We just see how their love grows while Tin dealing with family conflicts mostly because of his brother issues. We still have other couples from season one added as a filler but not much happens with them, to be honest. Ae, having broken up with Pete is now a drunk. Techno and Ken had some scenes together, where you see some feelings develop but none is properly exposed. And a curveballs is thrown towards the end, where Tin's earlier married brother is also shown to be gay with a secret lover. Pond, with much less scenes compared to season 1, seems to be the only straight person left.

First things first, what's up with the weird timeline shit. While we see Ae's story sort of moving on from where season 1 ended, the Tin/Can love angle is shown from the very beginning. The first 6 episodes are pretty much a repeat of what happened between Tin & can in the first season. Its like things moved on for everyone but Tin and Can started afresh. So random. But thankfully there character arcs were slightly more developed. We see more humane, vulnerable and sensitive side of Tin (As compared to mean side of him in first season). Can was still naive but lot more caring about Tin and his feelings. The way Can was so protective of Tin when his stupid brother was being a jerk was amazing, and I quit enjoyed that. Their relationship was so wholesome and never toxic. Lets talk real quick about Ae. Where did the cute character of first season disappear? You have made him shitty, arrogant and drunk. I didn't really understand where the makers were trying to head to with his story. There must have been some issues with Pete, the actor, who did not feature in this show. Even looks wise, Ae's hair style was horrible. I didn't like him one bit. All the other 3-4 couples (there were plenty in this season) were just used as fillers and I, as audience could really not connect with any of them at all. Stop introducing new characters every time, when you already don't know what to do with existing ones! The only ones who made any difference were Tin's brother and his lover, but rest others are completely forgettable. I am so disappointed with this show which can easily be termed as a train wreck. 

If the only purpose was to put a closure to Tin/Can story from season1, the makers could have come up with a 90 minute film to show that, instead of this monstrosity. This was a complete waste of my time. (3/10)


Sailor Maan said…
Haha told you not to watch the first 6 episodes, it was such a pain!! Even if I loved it, I have to agree to most of what you said. If you want to enjoy it, just start at episode 7 and watch it for Tin/Can, because this was awesome. Supporting and caring for each other feelings. Sometimes clumsy but never toxic. I think the cold and beautiful boy melting for the energetic adorable monkey is my favourite kind. Can made me laugh so much, so stupid, straighforward and not a real person really, I felt like watching a gay version of Luffy from One Piece lol. The reaction of his sister when she learns about them is still making me laugh everytime I think about it. I liked a lot the story of Tin's brother as well (oh and Tul is Hot). All the rest was garbage/nonsense (what did they do to Ae, it's unbearable!), but thankfully not that present after episode 7.
Answering your question, the whole thing is due to bad stories between Perth/Saint (the actors of Ae/Pete) managers, and managers only, leading the actors to not be allowed to play together anymore. Thus the horrible mess in season 2... They should have made half episodes, and most of all explain why Pete's character disapeared (his father disapproved the relationship with Ae, theatens his parents, and Pete decided to go his father's way to protect Ae, befor he can be independant and return to him). Still I loved it for Tin/Can who is one of my favourite couple, but even that I can understand why it would not be everyone cup of tea. From what I've read on people opinions, you either love it for the main couple, or hate it for all the rest... Just once again people, do yourself a favour and skip episodes 2 to 6, you won't miss anything I promise!!
And now Gerald you can make fun of me because of course I had to be the first one to comment here lmao.
luigi43 said…
The real pain in the a.. is that this is what market offers ! May be they must learn a better film editing , sometimes too much disconnected and rambling.
Golu said…
luigi: I hear you man. so true
@Sailor Maan.. iw as dreading your comments. I knew you really loved the show and was hoping that I don't offend you. But what you have written makes complete sense. Either u love fo rain couple or hate for all the extra fluff and I fall in the second category. I tried so hard to ignore the fluff but it was all over the episodes. As I have said multiples times before, If this show, like many others, could be edited and show only the Can/TIn story, maybe this would do a lot better.

Thai series really need to stop adding characters just for the sake of it.
Sailor Maan said…
Thanks for your mindful thinking :) Don't worry I think it's impossible to defend this season with half of it being a horrible re telling way worse than the original. Seriously what were the writers thinking... I decided to skip the first episodes and enjoyed it a lot like that, but for the whole thing I would probably not give it more than 4/10 as well.
@luigi: I hope real good gay movies can be made again pretty soon too. (BL series are indeed something... different lol)
@Sailor, I expected no less from you!! Season 1 was kinda cute but season 2 was a total disaster, the writers did their very best to ruin everything and they succeeded beyond expectation.
That being said, I understand you so well. Something about the characters really got into you and you could probably watch 5 more seasons and be happy with it. Let us remember that we're all fully grown adults in our early forties, watching shows meant for teenage girls in the first place. WTF guys, we're so messed up already, let's just be confortable with it.
@Golu: just like you, after a pretty decent first Season, I never thought I would be so disappointed in S2. That was totally unpredictable. And it's only after watching that we can tell how bad a show needs editing. You can find these on YT but I guess you will still prefer to watch the entire show, for fear that you might miss something. Annoying parts help highlight the better ones !
Golu said…
Thats it so true. Its the annoying parts that help us appreciate the good sections even more.

And 100% agree to us grown ups watching shows meant for teenage girls. SO yeah, we are already messed up and I Love it!! hahahahaha
Sailor Maan said…
+1 for the teenage girl inside! Girls, when we meet we should do a pyjama party XD

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