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Vento Seco (Portuguese) [Dry Wind]

I can't believe what I just saw. I mean that in a good way. This film has got to be one of the most unique erotic, sexual, sensual while being romantic at the same time. The queer male gaze, as demonstrated here, is a startling and fascinating and something I didn't think I would enjoy so much. I am not sure how most people will react to this film, but I was very impressed (barring its almost 2 hours runtime)

40-ish Sandro works in a fertilizer factory and has a very monotonous life. The setting is Catalan in Brazil’s state of Goiás which is dry, very dry. Soon, we realize that he has a sort of affair going on with his co-worker, handsome Ricardo, meeting up after their shift in the nearby forest for regular trysts, getting down and dirty in the literal dirt. Sex is always on his mind which is reflected in the various fantasies and dreams that he continues to have. When a new guy Maicon joins the factory, he gets Sandro's immediate attention. The motorcycle-riding, leather-clad dreamboat is right out of a Tom of Finland drawing. He starts avoiding Ricardo, who turns out has some romantic feelings also for Sandro, which Sandro has suddenly stopped responding to. This rejection drives Ricardo into arms of Maicon, sending Sandro in a rage of jealousy. Between dreams and fantasies, Sandro gets Ricardo beaten up, but when his closest friend dies in an accident, they all come to realize that there is more to life. And in a beautiful ending the trio is an a very erotic sexual entanglement in the forests.

What starts as an unashamedly erotic film slowly becomes an existential story about a man having a midlife crisis. Sandro’s desire is shown in great, elaborate detail, documenting his sexual encounters both real and imagined with pornographic explicitness – from illicit meetings with his colleague after work to psychosexual dream sequences often featuring bondage situations. Ricardo, on the other hand wants more. He wants to introduce Sandro to his sister which is not Sandro's plan, and bringing in the devilishly charming Maicon in the picture is a master stroke. Despite the eroticism and full blown sexual scenes, you never feel like it is porn. It is done with taste with cast members all giving a surprisingly mesmerizing and daring performance that draws you in with every blood pumping unstimulated sex scene. I mean, you really have to see to believe it. And they are all hot and gorgeous. Trust me! And I never thought I would say this, but there are quite a few songs in the background and they are all so nothing and melodious. The cinematography is beautiful. Yes, the film is slow and there are many a times where nothing much happens but this powerful and unabashed representation of homosexuality is something to be celebrated. The film makes me happy to be gay and reaffirms my faith in my. love for the male body.

The film's visual language is about celebrating queerness, male bodies in their full glory, talking about sex, eroticism and longing, all at the same time. While this film certainly won’t be to everyone’s liking, its impact is undeniable. Keep an open mind and a bit of patience, I really hope you like this film as much as I did. (7.5/10)


luigi43 said…
I have to finish watching it for the third time before giving my comment ! This movie is real ....something and very very recommended .
Golu said…
I am glad that you liked it too
Sailor Maan said…
Don't know what to say about this one. The beginning fetish scenes were too hardcore for me and left me queasy for the rest of the movie. However the whole ambiance and mostly the incredible graphic filming made up for it. I think you have to see it, just to live the experience and see if you can enjoy it or not.
Golu said…
yeah this is a very personal piece., to which people will have varied opinions.
But something struck a chord with me with this one

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