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Hello Stranger (Filipino/English) (Web Series)

Another modern, post-pandemic story of two boys falling in love with each other online, just a few days after I finished watching Game Boys. In principal, the idea is similar that courtesy ongoing pandemic, everyone's interactions have been limited to video chats and zoom calls, but you can still go through ups and down in friendship and even possibly meeting your love of life and still go through the typical phases many real-life couples go through when first getting to know each other.

Mico is a book smart nerd who usually hangs out with his three best friends he affectionately calls the "Young Padawans," and the four are a good support structure for each other. On a night when they are organizing a quiz night, the school's popular basketball player, Xavier, joins in and insults them. Little does he know that soon enough he will be paired with same Xavier for a school project that Xavier desperately needs to pass. Xavier is handsome, hunk, popular and straight with a girlfriend whom he has recently broken up with. The two guys start to get closer the more they work together, and soon, their feelings for each other start to become painfully undeniable. After a few hesitations on who would make the first move, the duo eventually confess their love for each other with a very positive loving finale.

With only 8 episodes of about 20-25 minutes each, this series was very easy to watch. There were no unnecessary distractions like most usual Thai BL stories have. Yes, we do have a little bit story of the three other friends but t hey help the narrative to show how close is the friendship between the four Pandawans. One of the most relatable and heartfelt moments came towards the latter half of the series, when Mico finally found the courage to stop denying his feelings for Xavier and came out to his friends about it. What I am loving about this series is that dating either a guy or a girl is being normalized. It's not being treated as a big coming out event. As actors everyone does well, especially the two leads. Xavier and Mico are both gorgeous and so cute and handsome in their own right. Their interaction are cute and very real, not corny at all and their chemistry , even though virtual, is something you can feel. The dialogues are very much relevant in today's time. The ending song to confess their love might feel cheesy but i think it works.  It was so well shot, edited, directed. I just wish that the last conflict by bringing in back Xavier's girlfriend was totally unnecessary and should be eliminated. 

I would recommend this series, for a good positive viewing and to get a warm cozy loving feel in this weird pandemic times. (7.5/10)


edward said…
Glad you checked it out. I loved the connection between Mico and his friends too, his coming out scene really got to me. I wish we all had such supportive friends, also willing to call us out for being too self involved!
Golu said…
Can't agree more with you. THe friend group was absolutely beautiful and nice short little cute series.
Sailor Maan said…
Loved it! Miko and his friends are funny and adorable, and Xavier has a smile you'd die for... I think I've never seen such a positive coming out scene (Miko was so happy and relieved it was so cute). The music was perfect too. There's just the last episode that was maybe a bit too much. And I wanted a kiss in the end. How dare they tease us like that and when they should kiss they just hug, I don't accept it I want a kiss with the tongue and all lmao!!! I have to go check on gamerboys now ;-)
Golu said…
lol.. totally agree on the kiss part.
Gameboys is available on netflix too , at least in the US. The technology used in that show wrt. showing zoom calls and everything is first class. Hope you will enjoy
Hedgehog said…
I already watch it, it’s a nice series. Though I dont feel that same feelings I felt when I watch Gameboys even though theyre using the same mode of filming. Maybe because of it’s generic theme. A popular varsity guy falling to a nerdy guy. But its still a good watch. A very good acting especially to the guy who plays as mico. I rate it 7/10
Golu said…
Yeah it is quite generic and to an extent stereotypical as well, but its the treatment and the acting which made all the difference for me.
Same as Hedgehog, a feel good show, but GameBoys was way better. Xavier and Mico did well, but it felt a bit artificial to me. The ending is just too sharp, and I take it they saved the kissing for the movie.
No kissing after such a confession, really ???
Golu said…
Kissing doesn't come easy (or naturally) in Asian BL shows. Even when they show it, it feels so forced.

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