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Stage Mother (Canada)

This film starring Jackie Weaver is a sweet little film trying to cash in on the drag culture, but unfortunately it leaves a lot to be desired. it tries to handle quite a few topics but having not gone into details with the right emotions ultimately makes it feel superficial. The comedy and drama both seem a bit forced but having said that, it's the charming performances that makes this film watchable.

Ricky, a drag queen , ends up with ha tragic death because of drug overdose. When estranged parents back in Texas get the news, the father is not interested but the grieving mother decides to fly to SF for her son's funeral. She is met with hostility by Ricky's husband Nathan, who was also his business partner in the drag club Rickey owned and performed in, since in the absence of a will, the parents have inherited the club/bar. The mother also meets Ricky's best friend, single mother Sienna, who offers her a place to stay. Surprisingly, the mother decides to revive he failing bar and give it some time. She creates a new show for the club, coaxing Rickey's "drag sisters" — Joan, Cherry and Tequila to sing rather than lip-sync. Naturally, they all have great voices. She stages a one-person intervention for the drug-snorting Joan, arranges a rapprochement between Tequila and her disapproving mother, and encourages a struggling-to-transition Cherry to make a clean break from a past relationship. She also helps Sienna with childcare. As expected everything falls in place. she legally hands over the bar to Nathan and goes back home. but she realizes that she is no longer in love with her husband who still despises his son. She comes back to SF and makes her debut as a stage singer and stage mother for all the drag queens.

You watch the film and you feel how does this old Texas mother have all superhuman like powers, who can single handedly fix people's drug problem, get a whole lot of audience to the club. Its all a bit surreal and something thats hard to digest. Also there is no single scene which shows sadness or remorse on her part as a mother. The emotions are completely missing for a mother who has just lost her son. Famous Lucy Liu seems to have fun playing her irresponsible character, making herself look as messy and weary as she possibly can. The lead actress is charming but when the premise itself is a bit hard to buy, there is not much that can hold your attention. The musical numbers are well shot and all other actors do what they can with what they’ve been given. If I was to have a take-away, it feels like it takes a straight white woman to help and fix a group of LGBTQ folks in SF to grieve and come out of grief after losing their friend and this in itself doesn't sound very convincing.

This was a good opportunity but was very predictable and convenient. Hardcore Jacki Weaver fans may love it but this is just below average. (4/10)


Oh wow! A 4/10. 😂🤣

I actually liked the movie. I saw the movie like a month or two ago and contrary to this Also there is no single scene which shows sadness or remorse on her part as a mother. I think she did show remorse/sadness for her mess up. It wasn't a drawn out, depressed, woe is me display of remorse though but I could still still it.

Linda Liu is Lucy Liu.

Thanks for your reviews always man ❤️
Golu said…
You think so? I didnt get that feeling at any point. yeah she was sad and all but it never reflected back to me in a way that I should have. It felt more like a supermom capable to fixing the messed up people.

re: Miss Liu. Thx for pointing that out. No wonder I never use actor's names in my blog and stick to just characters. I am soooooo bad withh name. Let me fix that right away.

Do continue to leave your wonderful comments
Some say there are people that are able to fix people's mess but are helpless when it comes to theirs. Maybe she's one of them🤣🤣

You're welcome. Keep up the good work/recommendations

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