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1313: Haunted Frat

What was the purpose of making this film? I mean, come on!! I would love to hear what was the pitch that the story writer or the director gave to the producers to make the film. It took around 17 minutes watching the same guy take the same walk in an underwear. About three lines were said and noting until 25'ish minutes for the next.

Film starts with a guy in a frat house dreaming of another guy who is walking around their house for almost 17 minutes. That really long wandering scene was immediately followed by a shower scene. dialogue. Then there are these other 2 guys who are either taking a dip in the pool or taking a shower and walking around in their underwear. There's a lady ghost wandering around rubbing the frat guys bodies throughout the movie and turning them into some sort of mindless monsters that wander around the it doesn't change them at all. And thats pretty much it!

If you think you are targeting this movie for gays, I feel insulted that the makers think just watching hot guys walking around half naked would excite us, you are so wrong. A couple of separate shower scenes involving two young men who endlessly rub their bodies with soapless water while the camera never goes below their hip line are supposed to titillate us. Really? There is absolutely nothing to watch here. No acting, no story, no directing, no nothing. Nothing at all. The film ends as randomly as it started. God O God! Why do I torture myself with such films? (0/10)


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