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Funny Boy (Tamil/Singhalese/English)

'Funny Boy' is as much a luminous coming-of-age tale seen through the eyes of a relatable yet entirely unique experience, as it is a portrayal of the start of the long lasting civil war in Sri Lanka between the Tamils and Singhalese. The vicious ethnic conflict maybe specific to the region but tragically universal. Using lush visual images, some really good actors and a beautiful story line, without making it too heavy, the film maker creates a beautiful movie of this 1994 released novel of the same name.

Set is 1974, we follow a upper class Tamil family and their middle child, the effervescent 8 year old Arjie. For his mother, he is creative and adventurous but to his strict father, his "funny" behaviour is not acceptable. No one has an answer for the boy when he asks “Why does everyone say I’m ‘funny’? What does that mean?”. Just as his concerned parents attempt to clamp down on Arjie’s gender fluid play, in walks Auntie Radha, a lifeline who brightens his childhood with her love of theater and vibrant spirit. It’s through Radha that Arjie first witnesses the cruelty of his country’s ethnic divide, when she is forbidden from seeing a Sinhalese boy she falls for in drama class. She is forced to marry a Tamil boy in Toronto after she narrowly escapes a violent attack. Years move and Arjie is now a young teenage boy studying in a Christian boys school and the political situation is getting worse between the two groups. Tamilian Arjie soon falls for the Sinhalese classmate Shehan but the memory of what happened to Arjie’s aunt when she fell in love with someone despised by her family is never far from his mind. Around same time Arjie’s father, offers safe haven to a family friend, Jegan, who used to be a Tamil Tiger. Arjie's parents have different beliefs on who and how should fight for Tamil rights in the country. The love grows between the boys and is soon discovered by the parents. They abhor it but they dont have much time to react since situation in country soon worsens and Singhalese people are after killing all Tamilians. After a few months the family manages to escape as refugees to Canada and Arjie reunites with Aunty Radha. There is still hope.

The film is trying to tell two stories at the same time: an intimate portrait of Arjie and his growing understanding of his sexual identity, and a grander story about the Sinhalese/Tamil violence and how those divisions caused thousands of Sri Lankans to flee the country. I, being familiar with the history was able to connect with the story telling and also the growth of Arjie from a s hy boy to a slightly more confident teenager finding love but also very much aware that this is illegal and will never be accepted by anyone. The background story of Aunty Radha and its impact on Arjie is huge and influences all decisions he takes. The love between Shehan and Arjie organically grows and it really will remind one of their growing years and the fear and thrill of trying something new. Their privilege helps them to find places of privacy but their wealth cant help them from the aftermaths of the riots and conflicts happening in the country. The sub-plot involving Jegan was a little stretched and not properly culminated IMO and is the only complaint I have of the film. Actors playing Arjie (young and teenage both) and Shehan , in fact everyone, does a splendid and confident job. They just fit the part so well. Any queer person can see themselves in Arjie’s romantic yearnings; anyone who’s faced discrimination will feel his pain and confusion at being forced from his home. The opposing forces of sexual and cultural identity into a whirl of color and emotion are beautifully woven by the acclaimed Deepa Mehta.

So not always positive, but in the charming Arjie and his attitude to life and love, we do see and feel a young man awakening to himself and the society around him and how eventually there is hope for everyone. (8/10)


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