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Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard? (Japanese series)

This Japanese series was a nice pleasant surprise. It was clunky but romantic, goofy yet charming and most importantly it was funny in parts too. There was overacting at certain places from a few characters but I think it worked well in the overall series. There are 12 episodes of around 20 minutes each, so it's a very easy breezy watch. The basic premise of the story is based on an urban myth that 30 years of virginity can give you powers to read people's mind when you touch them.

Clumsy, awkward and virgin with notable low self-esteem, Adachi is the epitome of the overworked, office worker who is often taken advantage of by his co-workers. On his 30th birthday, he realizes that he cam now hear people's thoughts. Scared at first he has now learnt to love with it battings change, when he finds out that Kurosawa, the most popular, handsome and talked about guy in the office has romantic feelings for Adachi. Adachi is shocked and surprised to know that heartthrob of all girls in the office actually likes him. Kurosawa tries his best to hide his feelings and slowly tries to get close to Adachi. Soon a nice friendship starts to develop between the two, but Kurosawa can no longer bear it and lets Adachi know his feelings for him. Even though Adachi knew it, he is initially surprised to hear it but eventually gives in. Kurosawa decides to take things slow. But even this relationship overwhelmed Adachi and he keeps going into his shell. After a brief few days of misunderstanding, Adachi tells Kurosawa his secret and the two men are in love forever. There is also a side story of Adachi's best friend Tsuge, a shy, awkward writer who finds himself entangled with aspiring dancer and delivery boy, Minato. Like Adachi, Tsuge obtains the ability to read minds on his thirtieth birthday and promptly falls for free-spirited Minato.

The best things about the show is it is free of toxicity and unnecessary drama and evil people. For first six episodes , I kept wondering why would a popular and handsome guy go for an awkward man like Adachi, but thankfully later in the episodes we see the reason. Everyone always sees Kurosawa just for his looks but Adachi was the first person who noticed him for his kindness and not looks in an office outing. The chemistry between the two men is amazing. Kurosawa shows no outward indication of liking Adachi though secretly all he wants to do is be with and near him and that come out really well. He is never pushy and is like the perfect guy. Adachi's character was interesting yet depressing. He is a nice guy but very low in confidence and doesn't think much of himself. Some caring colleagues help him overcome this eventually. When he sees Kurosawa care for him, cook for him and be friends with him, these feelings are new for him and it tugs his heart. As an actor Adachi does a good job with his expressions. Since most dialogues happen in voice-over narration, given that he is reading people's thoughts, he pulls it off real well. A lot of times those reaction are over the top, but by now I have gotten used to this kind on most BL series. I loved Tsuge, by the way, Adachi's best friend who has his own storyline going in parallel. He is so handsome but all his reactions were over the top but actually quite funny. Despite his nervous responses to Minato, he manages to overcome his insecurities and uses that t council Adachi to accept his love for Kurosawa.

Beneath the surface humor, this series shows us the importance of communication, self-acceptance, and honesty in relationships. I did miss that the show had no kisses but a nice feel good drama is what we need in todays time. I would definitely recommend this. (7.5/10)


edward said…
This was such a welcome distraction over the last few months. Very likable cast and interesting story. I hope we see more of the series, there was a special Valentines episode.
Golu said…
Just yesterday I saw the two additional episodes that they did for Valentines. A good extension of the existing storyline.
The show easily makes you forget about the mind reading ability, even though it's present through Adashi's narrative all along. It's very well done and very different from what we're used to watch.
I did not like the actor playing Kurosawa but it's a very personal appreciation. He played his part well but there's something about him that made me uneasy at times, especially when he smiles.
A good watch, when you don't know what to pick up next, this is a safe choice.
Golu said…
Why didn't you like poor Kurosawa. Was his smile creeping you out? lol
Exactely, looked evil... It kinda ruined it for me.
Sailor Maan said…
I loved it!! The cuteness, fluffy and goofy feels were through the roof, japanese style. The fact it felt so typical manga-like, I was doomed to like it more than I should anyway... In the top of my happy feeling series.
Golu said…
and of course .. you are a HUGE manga fan ;)
Sailor Maan said…
Haha I totally plead guilty, you can even go with biggest manga collector ever lol. I have just finished watching a short 5x25min japanese BL series I can recommend: HIS. I's different than the usual BL series, nothing game changing but I think you should give it a try.
Golu said…
Thanks for the recommendation. I will definitely check it out
Sailor Maan said…
Don't know where to put it but they have internationnaly released the movie of Cherry Magic. And it's as adorable as ever!
Also in the upcoming thai BL series, they will make a thai remake of cherry magic with Tay/New (dark blue kiss) as leads!! And they promised the lift doors won't close this time. I might have ended up jumping screaming on the couch (and my husband is probably going to ask a divorce lol).
Golu said…
lol. I so wish to now see a pic of you and your husband.
Jokes aside, I did notice that they have released a movie, but haven't had the time to catch up on it yet. Hopefully soon.
Another remake in Thai language. ( I think I am gonna keep my thoughts to myself for now)

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