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Only Friends (Thai Series)

The first thing that you notice while watching, not just in the first episode itself, but in every episode after episode is that how many sizzling sexual encounters fill this steamy series. Surely, slowly Thai series were slowly coming out of shell; but the sheer numbers of kisses, sex scenes that fill this series is something not seen before in any Asian BL series IMO. This series also has a lot of Thai BL stars and many couple and all of them get equal footage. All the actors are confident and share a passionate chemistry with their partners. The show of 12 episodes of 50-60 minute episodes , although, is a show about friends, messy relationships, complex encounters, history and sexual promiscuity. Mostly what kind of hot mess young adult can be. This is a long show and will take up a lot of your time.

The center is around 4 friends Mew, Ray, Boston and a girl Chuem. There are gonna be lot of names and characters, so I am going to try my best to summarize. For a college project, they all have to try and run a hostel together. Later this information becomes irrelevant because the focus of the show is to show the messy relationships these three boys get into. The three eventual relationships would be: Mew & Top; Ray & Sand; Boston & Nick. Mew is the most innocent of the group and doesn't believe in hookups. He wants to fall in love. Enter Top, a rich guy who deals with properties. He is a player and him and Boston used to hook up. Top takes a liking for Mew and is determined to make him fall for him despite Boston believing that Top is not right for Mew. The other friend Ray also doesn't approve of Top since he has always secretly harbored a crush on Mew. Ray meets Sand, a singer in the bar that they all frequent very often. Since Ray got too drunk , Sand brought him home to take care of him. Ray has alcohol issues and no one to love and he slowly starts flirting with Sand. Meanwhile Boston goes to a store to get his phone fixed and he meets Nick there. Sparks fly and before you know they are having sex. But Boston warns him that he is looking for just casual. After these six characters are introduced, we go through the whole emotions of eventually somehow everyone sleeping with everyone. Boston convinces Top that Ray secretly likes Mew and in sadness Top ends up hoking up with Boston. Meanwhile Ray cannot make him his mind of who he likes between Mew or Sand. Nick and Boston have their own issues. Boston is the most fucked up of them all since he just wants to hook up with everyone and somehow  cant see anyone happy. He is the most toxic and no one else is sane. Sand andNick are roommates. As of these complications were not enough, a new guy in introduce din episode 10 who happens to be ex boyfriend of both Top or Sand. The lives of all the egays are so intertwined, mixed up and really really fucked up. As expected there is a happy ending but only after we witness a whole lot of DRAMA.

As mentioned before this series does not shy away from physical intimacy; hot naked good looking bodies, full on sexual scenes and steamy kisses, the show has it all. And with a story like this, they have the opportunity t o cast a lot of well known actors who you will recognize form lot of previous shows. Right from first episode, you get to witness the naughty homoerotic oversensuary pleasures. None of this eguys shy away from anything at all and it's actually refreshing to not see fake kisses.All these 6 gays are messed up in their own way. Their complicated relationship dynamics go through volatile ups and downs. These frenemies experience fierce rivalries, shocking betrayals, violent fights, unrequited love, and bitter reconciliations. Their epic interpersonal drama unleashes a storm of intense emotions into the eventful story. Sand and Nick are probably the saner ones but even thence shy Mew decides to take revenge on Top and make him feel how he felt when Top cheated on him. Some o f the characters are so toxic, for example, Boston or even Ray's affection for Mew; that sometimes you wonder why are these people close friends in the first place when all they do is try to bring each other's love life down. From provoking senseless fights to instigating petty drama, they're hellbent on hurting others. After lashing out for a few episodes, they suddenly regain their decency. The erratic behavior baffles me.I am guessing the only reason they kept one girl in the group was just for diversity sake, which actually is probably the only voice of reason in this show.

I have my opinions of the couples too. Nick's infatuation over Boston who clearly is just lust is pathetic. You want to tell Nick to not embarrass himself but he repeats the same mistakes. Similarly, why and how would a serial playboy Top suddenly wanna leave anything because he thinks the virgin mew is worth it all and he wants to be the one for him. Sand and ray are ok but even in that Ray has his own issues dealing with alcohol and his love for Mew. We are introduced to a random in the last episodes and oh! I almost forgot, how we are also introduced to the girl's younger brother who ends up sleeping with Boston. I think the idea was to have as many willing boys to show up , have them take off their clothes and add some saucy steamy sex scenes. Also some random tings to note: I think these Thai producers have made some sort of contract with outdoor companies, so you do get the mandatory water skiing scenes or a camping scene in a caravan parked in middle of nowhere with all the right amount of lights and setup. I just find this funny since these scenes randomly appear out of nowhere and have absolutely no contribution to the overall storyline. Anyway, back to the show, this one maybe light n story but it does take a big risk by making the show a lot of sex and lust and eye candy and where you get to watch messy young adults dealing with friendship and sex with never ending debauchery. A sexy sleazy BL series, which you may end up enjoying if you know what you are getting into. The story is simple yet complex and it's easy to just fast forward a lot of scenes. (6.5/10)


Sailor Maan said…
Total guilty pleasure, I loved it. Don't know, it kindda felt like watching those 90's series with this group of friends who all end up dating each other at one point of the series, with a lot of drama in between of course. Except here it's shorter and sexier (and gay).
I liked how most characters were different and a bit fucked up in their own way. Except Boston who clearly was too much of an asshole. I wished they'd make him "just" the player type, who is happy living his life this way. But they had to go the "sleeping around = bastard" shortcut. But then he felt a bit too one sided compared to the other characters who were nuanced. With friends like these you don't need ennemies! Thankfully Mew didn't end up forgiving him, I was dreading this would happen.
There are plenty of moments like these I really loved actually, be it happy, sad, funny, hard or touching. Loved how each actor played its character, in turns desicable or touching (except for Boston...). Of course the fandom power with those known actors from other series can't be ignored. I think everyone will have his favourite! And the chemistry between the whole cast was great.
Definitely not your cute little thai BL and with a bit too much of drama at times, but I just loved it this way. I'm happy thai BL from GMMTV are slowly offering something different.
Miisu said…
Compared to the Thai BL - even with the same actors - this story was probably the most REAL thing, resembling the real life more than the other Thai series. Almost every single character brought "hey - (s)he's just like that person I know!" reaction in me. Sadly I recognized the 18-yr old me in one of the characters. I've said many times that seeing some issues from your life on the screen helps to understand and resolve them better. Well, seeing Nick struggling with the shit Boston created gave me the strangest sensations, feeling so familiar, almost TOO familiar... At one point I couldn't hold back tears any more. I still don't know if I felt for Nick or for the broken girl who thought that loving a scumbag will turn him into a normal human being. Damn, pass the Kleenex... I'm glad the ending gave Nick some peace and clarity and his scars were not as deep as mine. I wish I had his backbone back in 1997.

Since my work revolves around clothes and other fashion items now, I notice the outfits even more than before. I loved the way Sand cherished his vintage T-shirts I kept on hoping for a Guns n'Roses tee - and I got what I wanted :) I don't have that version in my own wardrobe, so obvs I was watching and drooling :D And that blue-black-white tee Top was wearing... Payu had the same in the "Love in the Air" :D

@Sailor Maan "Thankfully Mew didn't end up forgiving him, I was dreading this would happen." Ditto! I don't believe in forgiving unforgivable shit and when that happens on the screen or in a book it makes me cringe. That's basically giving the assholes permission to repeat their action, over and over again. I call those storylines "global grooming". Eww. I almost swooned when the forgiving didn't happen.
Golu said…
Things are definitely evolving and changing in the BL landscape and I ,like many others. am glad to see that happen.
100% percent agree with you both of almost everything you have said. Time for me to take some time off and travel a little. Lets see how much of this can I catch up with at least while I am on my flights.
Sailor Maan said…
Miisu it always makes me sad to read your comments about your past asshole boyfriend...
Golu you're traveling again I'm so jealous!! Where are you off this time? Make me dream a little bit please.
On your flight, crew members have a very special selection to offer: "You are mine" for some taiwanese light and charming comedy, the japanese short and good "If it's with you", or our surprise favourite in the korean "Love class 2". However the lastest thai BL "Dangerous romance" has been taken out of our suggestions, given the series is the opposite of what its name suggests (read: rather dull overused school romance). We hope you'll enjoy your flight with us and hope to see you again soon.
Golu said…
That's quite funny. I am traveling to a few places in Middle East. ;)

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