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Nuovo Olimpo (Italian)

Look, I will always be slightly partial to Ferzan Ozpetek's films. He is probably the only gay film director who I know by name, have loved almost all of his films and am always looking forward to what he would be coming up next. This film is no different. Released recently exclusively on Netflix, this is a beautiful story of unrequited love. A love which was never meant to be together but still so complete just knowing that you loved and you were loved with so much intensity and passion and just pure form of love. Once again, the director surprises me with small little things in the film like his previous works focussing on relationships and love and friendship.

The story is simple, yet complicated. Two young men, a film student Enea and a medical student Pietro meet in 1978 in a movie theatre. The theatre is also occasionally used as a cursing spot for men. Enea wants to get it on but Pietro wants his first time to be special and so Enea finds a place for their rendezvous. They continue to meet in the same theatre everyday, until one day they cannot when riots happen in the city. Now this is 70s, so they don't have each other's contacts. 10 years later, Enea is now a film director and the first film he makes his based on his love story with Pietro, which he watches with his now wife and friends, but they are both in different cities. Pietro sees his interviews but just from far but doesn't try to meet him. Soon Renea also finds true love, comes out openly gay and is together with his long term partner. Another five years pass and its early 90s. Pietro has changed and stays a bit aloof form his wife. And somewhere deep down both of them are still looking for the other person. Enea meets the original theatre owner who tells Enea that metro came by after the riots in 1978 and even left a letter for him, but Enea never came back, which breaks Enea's heart since it had his number which is now of course not working. Pietro goes to meet Enel but when he sees Enea acknowledging his true love, his current partner, he doesn't meet him. Fast forward many other years and now it is 2015. The mean are in their 50s. In an accident at a film set, Enea hurts his eyes and destiny brings him to Pietro for surgery. You can feel the tension between the two men when finally Enea sees him. What follows is the most intense, most romantic, most subdued meeting of two lovers after almost 35-40 years but haven't forgotten each other, have moved on, but had and will always love each other.

The first forty minutes of the film are quite beautiful in portraying their growing love and relationship. The story maybe simple, and the fact that Enea and Pietro only are together at beginning or very ed, but its the very strong characterization of the two men and their performances that clearly stand out in this wonderful film. A lotto item in the film is spend in exploring their individual lives with their respective partners and friends, which may not link directly with the main plot and could be a problem for viewers, especially Enea's partner, who gets a lot of screen time, but he comes off so poorly at first that it’s hard to feel bad for him when he’s supposed to be a sympathetic character later on. The ending of the film is one of the most beautiful one. Its not what you expect form a typical romantic film, but honestly there couldn't have been a better one. The two men finally get to acknowledge their love and move on with dignity and respect. The film is free and explicit when it comes to nudity and sex scenes, but it’s the familiar tale of a lasting love which has never been fulfilled. Coming to the two main characters, not only are they both extremely gorgeous, but even with the makeup etc and their body language, it is nicely shown how time has progressed. They are great actors and every scene with the, they have crackling chemistry. You can see the passion in their eyes. There were many small things that I really enjoyed in the film. Scenes like when Enea gives Pietro a map of the place for their first meeting, which also ends up being the house that he eventually buys leaving Pietro very surprised at the end; the contents of the letter that Pietro had left for Enea all these years ago; or when both of them are watching the same film with their respective partners reminiscing of their time together when they saw it, and so many more. The end credit scene of a 'what if' scenario was an interesting touch where we see what would have happened if the riots didn't happen and the two men actually met for wine and dine as per the original plan!

Nuovo Olimpo is pure romance and having, even if only for a couple of hours, this feeling of amazement, passion, disappointment, melancholy, and nostalgia is a true wonder. This is not just a simple regular gay movie because the 2 leading actors could be said bi-sexual, it's about the once in a life time unforgettable love they found from each other, even being together only for few days. I know the film is not without its flaws, but I warned you that I would remain partial to Ozpetek's films. (8/10)


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