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My Personal Weatherman (Japanese Series)

This Japanese BL was a mixed bag. At one end I do like that we are shown a lot of physical intimacy, kisses and affection between the two leads but at the same time, the whole premise of their relationship is something I find questionable and unable to digest. I am not a fan of power dynamics where someone uses their position to force themselves in the name of love. Also there is very little actual development in the love story. Nonetheless, at 8 episodes of 23 minutes each, it does have its bright moments.

Yoh is an aspiring manga artist thought a lot of his work doesn't get published and he is not making much money. He lives with his college mate Segasaki, who is a very popular weatherman. Right after college, Segasaki gave Yoh a tempting offer. Segasaki will pay for Yoh's expenses, including rent and food. Yoh can work as a manga artist without financial concerns. In exchange, Yoh must obey Segasaki's commands. So in first few episodes we see more of a Dom-slave kinda relationship with sex thrown in and Segasaki getting his way with Yoh as and when he wants, which even Yoh likes and enjoys. In fact Yoh is completely obsessed with Segasaki. There is some lame story about how Segasaki wants to do 'it' only in sunny days and not rainy days. Anyway, eventually we see that both of them are actually very attracted to each other and want. Each other but are incapable of expressing their true love for one another. When Segasaki sees that Yoh spends too much time with a female colleague he gets very jealous. Yoh gets fired form work and this is when his colleague suggest writing a manga abased on his true relationship with Segasaki, how. They met, how the friendship grew and where they are today. Few more regular misunderstandings happen and eventually they are both able to convey their true feelings for one another.

As I said before, the story is more like a Dom/sugar daddy having his way with his slave/sub partner. The protagonist uses the wealth disparity to manipulate, coerce, and exploit his love interest with sex being thrown as a mind game fun. This is a disturbing relationship, which personally I do not relate to but I am sure there are plenty people who do. I also do believe that there is a fine line between love and possessiveness. Towards the end, Segasaki obsession goes out of control , but I felt that the show was glorifying it in the name of love. Regardless it is. Fascinating one. What I don't understand is why cant they both openly talk about their feelings to one another. I mean they do have sex, they do get intimate, what is so scary about confronting your feelings. Interestingly, the passion shown here in bed is real. The series shows many sensual touches and iconic kisses. The couple kisses, caresses, and expresses their longing like they genuinely mean it, which is a huge positive. The actor playing Yoh is actually quite handsome and brilliant actor. He does good justice to his role, but the one playing the weatherman seems wooden. Sure, his character demanded it but he somehow lacks the charm and charisma which this character is supposed to have that makes Yoh become a slave for him. 

The show does have its problem with the basic setup of the premise, but something still connected with me wrt intimacy, passion and something new. Maybe, it was supposed to be a semi-erotica genre. An average fare overall. (5/10)


Sailor Maan said…
It was a weird yet fun watch, totally WTF base concept japanese style. The master/slave relationship is not my thing but that's not what I found interresting. It's more the fact that they didn't talk their feelings out from the start, then both went with their very own interpretation of what the other is thinking, leaking to a totally inextricable (and false) situation. How they will slowly understand the other made it pretty engaging in a way. Like the famous "sex in sunny days only" concept, and the reason behind it. I won't say it's clever or relatable, just unique in its very own special way. Or maybe I'm just too biaised towards japanese nonsense. TOther than that the leads are cute and the colleague was really fun. And of course it's sexy :p

Golu said…
The female colleague who wrote manga was indeed fun and her crushing on the weatherman was nice. I liked how her husband was a good sport about it.

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