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Gay Short Films : 107

Outdoors (UK)
When Nathan meets Bim, there is an undeniable pull between the two of them and they soon embark on a steamy romance. However, as the two grow closer and start to form a relationship, Nathan discovers that Bim is homeless. As Nathan’s perspective is forced to shift and he decides to put love before preconceived stereotypes we see a heartwarming story of acceptance and hope play out on screen.

Gulis (Philippines) [Lines]
Andrei is a thriving painter whose father, Jun, isn't in full support of his passion. Their lives take a turn when, Andrei finds out he is HOV positive after taking a home test. The news brings family together  and help them heal their wounds of the mother's absence.
Ice (South Korea)
Seung Jin and Tae Yoon are friends with benefit, both of whom are drug addicts. When they take drugs, they experience utmost pleasure that can't be compared to anything in the whole world. However, as they experience this false pleasure, they also feel anxious in their relationship. This one was a weird short film.

The Prodigal Son (Australia)
A short documentary from 2006 that explores how first-generation migrant parents have struggled to come to terms with their son's sexuality. When Ted came out as gay to his parents, his mother Ljubica insisted it was a passing phase and his father Alexo refused to speak to him. Fifteen years passed, with no communication between father and son, until Alexo discovered he was suffering from a serious illness. Alexo finally accepts his son's sexuality but still refuses to meet his partner till very end. Interesting and short doc.

Peckham Mix - Season 1 (UK)
When Josh’s fiancé leaves him for a new guy he finds himself in need of a new place to live. He ends up moving in with Rex and Connor, a mysterious pair. He quickly becomes intrigued by their late-night excursions. Encouraged to live a little, he joins them on an outing and the night proves more exciting that he could have imagined. Crime doesn’t pay but revenge does. This first season was 4 episodes of 6-7 minutes each on Dekko platform.

Love Of The Sea (Cambodia)
As a kid, Samut saw his father commit suicide because of money. Now a grown up boy, he has company of a mysterious friend Veal, someone whom only he sees and they share almost a love bond. And together they are trying to make a living fishing in their small community at the edge of the sea. One night while out fishing they get caught in a violent storm and Samut's wildest fear of losing his best friend comes true. But maybe this will be therapeutic of him. Hidden hints of a gay love story here.

Dear To Me (Indonesia)
Island locals believe that seeing the deer is a sign of meeting one’s soulmate. 27-year-old Tim secretly hopes to discover the deer, hiding his desire from his very devout Christian parents. He is in love with another boy and always longed for a stable relationship, so he hopes seeing this deer will help him get close to his soulmate.

Coming Out with the Help of a Time Machine (USA)
When coming out to his traditional parents, Sid uses his time machine to reset the day trying to make sure everything goes perfect. A striking film that explores family dynamics and the prejudice that some gay people still experience in society. The parents suffer internal battles as they struggle between their love for their son and the judgement of the community.

2BB (Thailand)
This was a 3 part 'series' total at about 20 minutes. Big Boom is a professional organizer who is hired to help a client clean his home. Their meeting starts off rocky when Big Boom tires to throw away a precious belonging. This may strictly not be a BL but playful interactions and lighthearted comedy was good and simple fun to watch.

Misunderstanding (Poland)
A young photographer falls in love with an athlete. Probably the first Polish film showing a homosexual man in a good light.I cant believe this film came back in 1978. This fully silent film shows us the desires and longings that this guy has for this husky athlete, who in turn has a girlfriend. Compulsory heterosexuality turned out to be an obstacle in achieving homosexual fulfillment.

Legen (Denmark) [The Game]
Eight teenagers gather for a game of spin-the-bottle - with surprising results. This is one of those done to death kinda short film where eventually it all boils down to someone asking one boy kiss another boy. Completely ignorable.

Luksus (Poland) [Luxury]
A 17 years young man, a story about child prostitution and pedophilia. The lives of two boys converge on the central train station in Warsaw, the day before Christmas. Senior - prostitute nicknamed "Luxury", and junior - beginner, a beggar child with a dog. A local taxi driver, the pimp in the sex business, with teenagers, offers Luxury job pimp. Will the boy to exploit his younger friend, or help him escape the clutches of child prostitution?

In Half (USA)
After his twin brother dies in an auto accident, James meets Travis, his brother's ex-boyfriend, at the wake. After a dispute involving Travis disturbs the wake, James follows Travis outside to confront him, and reluctantly ends up spending the afternoon and evening with him, as they talk about his dead brother, and James discovers some new things about himself.

Para Sebastian (Mexico) [To Sebastian]
A guy lies in bed thinking of his trip to New York with his boyfriend. All the memories of that trip keep coming back, as he now lays, alone, in the bed, presumable because his partner is either dead or has left him. It is not very clear.

Mila Caos (Cuba)
Every weekend at an illegal drag show in a suburb of Havana, Sebastián, a 17 year old Cuban teenager, transforms into 'Mila Caos'. He suffers from his mother's indifference and dreams that one day she will see him on stage. An eulogy to acceptance, including self acceptance.


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