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Punch (New Zealand)

I did not know what to expect from this film, but man it was good. A gritty yet warm Kiwi coming-of-age drama about boxing, machismo and teenaged sexual identity and discovery. The direction and presentation is a bit artsy but with some very sensitive performances and a strong understanding of small town dynamics, makes this film a winner in my opinion. We don't really get to see movie of queer athletes coming out, and this film doesn't out it straight in your face, but lets us through a beautiful journey of this teenager.

Jim is a seventeen-year-old boxer in a small town. He is a golden boy, preparing for a fight that will elevate him to an early professional status. But his father Stan is a demanding coach and a notorious alcoholic. No staying up all night editing music videos out of frolics with his friends, no messing about, pre-bout with his girlfriend. He likes to make videos of nature and water and dunes. Near one of these volcanic sand dunes, he meets Whetu, who is bullied for being gay. Whetu is a razor-tongued, gay Maori boy who spends his days in an old shack by himself. He turns tricks for money in public restrooms to get by. An unexpected friendship starts to grow between them, which starts very non-sexual.  Jim is lot more empathetic to him, which slowly makes Jim realize that there is more to life than just boxing. The melodramatic touches include the father’s hidden illness, Whetu’s love of singing and songwriting and his bitchy defiance in the face of gay-shaming at school, gay-bashing off campus. When Whetu is beaten and raped, Jim is there to take care of him and he soon realizes he feels strongly for Whetu than just a friend and they both have sex and are eventually happy. A dramatic climax where Jim leaves boxing ring to be with his ailing dad and the film moves to a future which is full of hope. Whetu is a singer with a loving partner and Jim is still in the town but happier following his true love of making videos.

This film tries to hold on to some standard tropes of an alcoholic father, mean school girls, evil rival manager etc, but the director keeps the sharp focus on the two main characters and this is where the film scores. Both the characters are sort of stuck in this small town and have no way to get out. Their freedom of expression comes through nature and making videos and music and singing and they beautifully complement each other. There is clarity and intensity about their exchanges that leave you adequately invested in their struggle. The sex scene between the two is poetic and inexplicit, fitting well into the storyline. Sure, some side stories about father's need for alcoholism, other schoolmates and evil competitor are left half baked, but hey I am not complaining at all, because as long as the film stays focussed on the two the boys, somehow it keeps the magic alive. Of course, the most awe-inspiring New Zealnd landscapes are just stunning and it helps. Both actors in the lead roles give a rock solid performance. I believe this was a first major role for both of them. Playing the characters must have not been easy. These are nuanced performances, characters with a soft center but an edge they make certain to trot out when challenged or threatened. The actor playing the father is a seasoned actor whom I have seen many times before and he also does his part well. I liked the fact that when he knows about his friendship with Whetu, there is no reprimandation of him hanging out with a gay boy or anything and you see the comfort that the father-son share despite their differences.

All in all, a beautiful coming of age film, with some amazing performances and direction. It is no genre bender by any means, but sometimes, simple grounded films are the ones that touch you. (7.5/10)


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