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Jack o' Frost (Japanese Series)

This Japanese series is an intimate tale of love, loss, romance and tenderness between its two main protagonists. The dignified story conveys delicate emotions, thoughtful introspection, and poignant recollections. Having said that, the show may not be earth shattering, but. The tenderness with with the entire situation is dealt with, it feels very mature and dignified and I respect and salute that. At 6 episodes of about 24 minutes each; this is a binge worthy show for sure.

Fumiya and Jitsu are a couple living together. The show starts with Ritsu's birthday, and for some reason after the party, Fumiya has had enough and suggests that they should breakup. A heartbroken Ritsu leaves home only to get into an accident and is in hospital. Ritsu's brother asks Fumiya to come immediately. When Ritsu wakes up, it turns out he has partial amnesia and cannot recognize Fumiya or anything associated with him. Fumiya introduces himself as his roommate and decides to take him back home to take care of him. Ritsu assumes they are roommates and for some reason Fumiya also doesn't want to bring that up, given Ritsu's fragile situation. Secretly, Fumiya enjoys having a fresh start with his ex. Their domestic bliss reminds him of when their relationship first started. Ritsu asks him to take him to a familiar place in order to regain his memory. Fumiya is reluctant, but the two of them start a "journey" to follow the trajectory of their relationship. The coffee shop where they met for the first time, the riverside road they always strolled, the places they both traveled to before dating... Sweet memories and bittersweet memories, the time they spend together haunts Fumiya's mind. Ritsu, on the other hand, finds himself getting attracted to Fumiya. But when Ritsu finds out that Fumiya has been hiding the truth form him, he is devastated again and thinks that something in the relationship must have been wrong for Fumiya to hide that. He decides to leave home. But thankfully sense prevails, his memory comes back on the last day and him and Fumiya both realize that they have done their share o mistakes but the love they hav for each other was never less and they will make it work.

While I do find the overall idea quite interesting and to an extent execution is done nicely, but I do have some issues with the show which I wanna get out first before going into the positives of the show. Firstly, I am still not sure what exactly was the big issue that the two breakup in the first place? It felt sudden and random. Secondly, Fumiya hiding the truth and pretending to be roommate with the hope that he can save the relationship, is again something I don understand; but I am willing to give benefit of doubt to the makers to try and attempt something new. Also, what's up with such fake kissing between two adults who are seemingly in a happy relationship? Talking of some positives, the show feels like a warm cup of hot chocolate on a nice wintry day. I bet you, if I had seen this show in dead winter, I would have enjoyed the show even more. A journey of reflection, love, reconciliation and redemption, the show is redeemed only because eon the sensitivity it handles the whole story despite its flaws. Fumiya keeps going in the past remembering their bittersweet memories. For every loving memory, there is also a case of regret. But these flashbacks give us something to connect to with these characters, otherwise it would have been very dull. The whole selective amnesia seems convenient, but come on, it's a story. :)

Both the actors have done a decent job. While Fumiya portrays his silly smiles and nervous glances, and to an extent his regret effectively, it's hard to ignore Ritsu's charisma. He brings fragility, innocence, and tenderness to his character. I was happy that the show ends on a positive and happy future of the couple. Sometimes, you got to forget logic and try to immerse yourself in the love thats unfolding in front of you. If you don't look for logic in the show, you will enjoy the couple's growth, healing & rekindled attraction. I was somewhere in between because I was unable to justify some of their actions, particularly Fumiya's. But hey, that's my issue. I still think this series is definitely worth a watch. (7/10)


Golu said…
From Sailor Man:

Such a unique (and great) one. I feel the same as you about Fumiya's reaction that would be unbearable in real life. But I felt the point of this show was all about the redemption and sincere regrets when things go too far for no objective reason. You know, when you are angered and you say things you regret the second you say them. But too late the damage is done. That's what I felt watching this series. I couldn't really understand either why Fumiya wanted to break up but it is not even that important. What is is Fumiya sincerely regretting, wanting to erase the "going too far", and wanting to start over with a second chance. Watching him (them) falling in love again while comparing with his precious story was magic. And at the same time you know truth will inevitably have to come up, with all the consequences. I was just dreading the "when".
It got me lots of opposite feelings at the same time, bittersweet, happy and beautiful, and sad by anticipation. Really I felt I had my heart in my throat the whole time.
I thought it wouldn't end well, the happy ending was a bit too easy maybe. But since you know me and I'm all for happy ending romance, I won't complain at all :p
Golu said…
exactly. I agree. even with my issues with the show, I like that how they dealt with everything with dignity and not over the top melodrama.

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