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El Diputado (Spanish) [Confessions Of A Congressman]

I can't believe that this film back in 1978. A daring film by standards of the time, this film offers a portrait of Spanish society after the death of dictator Franco, during the transition to democracy, using the central theme of secret homosexual life of a prominent member of the Spanish communist party. And how this information makes him vulnerable to exploitation by the Fascist opposition. It's an interesting mixture of political themes and the outsider status of a gay man, who can only exist in a sordid underworld culture.

The story is actually simple. Roberto is a prominent politician on rise. We are told that he knew he was gay since he was a teenager but when he was in military, he met his current wife Carmen and told himself that maybe he is bi and actually could be happy. Apparently Carmen knows about his past. Once when he was in prison, Roberto had met young rent boy Ned, and both of them continued their relationship. Somehow Fascist party finds about this and they want to use this information. Ns introduces Robert to Juanito, a young (underage) boy, to whom Roberto immediately starts taking a liking, not knowing that he is actually there to give information to the opposition. Over a period, we see their relationship develop where Roberto is almost falling in love with him. He tells his wife the truth and to protect his political career, the trip start hanging out together creating a facade. As the couples integrates him into their lives - including sexually - he questions the Fascists who set him up to expose Roberto, and accepts that his own sexuality is more complicated than just "gay for pay". But the opposition party is no less, they kill Juanito an plant his dead boy in Roberto's home which will make it hard for the politician to explain what's the body doing. The film has an open end where Roberto decides that maybe it's time he tells the whole party the truth about himself.

This movie has all the essence of love, blackmail, and violence in the political arena. It stands out as an excellent examination of the hypocrisy of right wing politics, and the problems we create for good men and women when we force them into false roles by denying them the solace and support of marriage because they love the wrong people. It may not be a thriller film per se, but politics combined with sexuality, blackmail, treason, love and murder; it's all there in this film. The lead actor playing Roberto delivers a mostly convincing performance and behaves in the cautious manner one would expect of a politician in a secret affair. Although I wish I got to see some more passion between the characters, but I am willing to discount that given the film released back in the day. It was interesting to see how a renowned politician, at almost peak of his carer was almost ready to give it all up for the love of a young boy, if not for support from his wife. The film adds a touch of social realism with clips of political demonstrations and rallies, creating a sense of imminent danger and uncertainty that builds over the course of the film. The film sidesteps the sticky issue of Juanito being a minor. Although the director shows how poverty and class barriers played a role in his sex work, he doesn't probe enough the power variables of age and maturity that raise alarms for contemporary viewers. I can see this subject still very much relevant equally in today's time. Politicians would still use someone's sexuality to blackmail if their social image is of a happy straight family man. A very interesting film indeed. (6.5/10)


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