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Our Dating Sim (Korean Series)

It's been a while since I saw such a nice 'feel good' show. I mean, people need to learn how to make simple and elegant shows, within unnecessary plot twists or drama but still manage to hold audience attention. This simple love story was just 8 episodes of 15 minutes each, but thanks to a wonderful writing, and a crackling chemistry between the two leads, keeps you completely hooked. The plot is insanely simple. but the execution is the thing that matters.

Lee Wan (Ian) is an illustrator with a blog and some online following. He is invited for an interview to a gaming company, where he meets Ki Tae (Eddy), who is interviewing him. Turns out Eddy is Lee Wan's high school crush. On a fateful graduation day of high school, Wan confessed his feelings and initiated a kiss. However, Ki Tae was taken by surprise and Wan was so embarrassed that he immediately ran away. The same day his family was already moving to a different city for personal reasons. It's now their first encounter after 7 years. Lee Wan eventually joins the company, but still feels embarrassed about what happened 7 years ago, and so he continues to remain awkward towards Eddy. Even their coworkers notice the subtle animosity between them. But eventually, one day Eddy confesses that he has always liked Lee Wan and would like to date him. Completely taken by surprise but a very happy surprise, soon an office romance starts to develop, where this time Eddy pursues Lee Wan, who enjoys complete attention and love from his crush of so many years. We ar told how Eddy has always loved Ian too but that day of graduation, Lee Wan ran so fast and moved cities that despite Eddy trying to look for him everywhere, he couldn't find him. Eventually the two boys have each other.

This show impresses you at so many levels. I seriously would not have imagined that such a simple story can strike a chord with me. And I have to hand it out to the two leads, who ar not just extremely good looking but they have a sizzling chemistry. Beyond the adorable casual relationship moments, all the kisses are iconic. The passion will make your heart race with excitement. Even after the awkward introduction, the couple's sassy interactions are hilariously entertaining. Every exchange brings them closer, adds emotional nuance, and clarifies their feelings. The seduction builds steadily until everything unleashes in an epic BL moment. The plot develops comfortably without clunkiness, like sliding puzzle pieces into the right places. Everything comes together with smooth pacing, suspenseful adrenaline, and satisfying climaxes. After every episode, we have these moments, where we see snippets of their high school days and what would have happened if the whole situation was gamified. The other actors were decent, since the focus was on the main leads, th story never deviates from them and doesn't let anyone else take center stage.

The actor playing Eddy has a slight upper hand and that is also because of the way his character is written. He is extremely handsome, cheeky but without being obnoxious. The way he continues to tease Lee Wan is so much fun to watch. Similarly actor playing Lee Wan gives a poised sensitive performance.Their natural rapport makes the BL material even more enticing. All of their interactions , whether in office or at home, feel so natural. Something that todays' generation would act and talk and react. It doesn't feel dramatized and thats a huge win, in my opinion. Clearly the selling point of this show is the warm endearing couple and their crackling moments with one another. As the series finishes, the first word that comes to mind is "wow". You may read this and think it's all fluff, but trust me, this show is a winner. You don't need big budgets or confusing storylines, sometimes it's just the right actors and story and direction that can do the trick. I can't wait to see what this combination of actors/production company and director will give us next. For now just savor this sweet and saucy show, because simple love stories like this comes far and few in between. (9/10)


Miisu said…
This story had a destination and it got there - and without being predictable. That's really hard to achieve, especially considering the (BL) audience who have already seen everything, from all angles and multiple times. It felt like a true story and it stimulated the sh*t out of my visual thinking. I remember thinking of jasmine blossoms, Rubik's cube, Langebraun's painted poppies on the fine china, Gn'R "Yesterdays", a smile behind a lacy fan... and puzzle pieces being assembled. It managed to create the inbetween state of "more than friends, less than lovers", where you're genuinely interested in that person, enjoy the process of being curious and getting to know them, and you're not yet scared to become too vulnerable. And above all watching it brought so many flashbacks from "Esteros". Definitely didn't expect the "Amores como el nuestro" song to start ringing in the back of my head while watching a Korean series... And you know me and "Esteros" - that's the most welcome surprise ever :)

Btw, talking about simple stories - have you seen "Eismayer"? New, Austrian, military, based on a true story.
Golu said…
This show was really brilliant.
wrt to the Austrian film, its in my list to watch. Have heard some really good things about it
Miisu said…
All true about "Eismayer". But please resist the the temptation to google the story before watching it. After watching is way better, although even that made my eyes spill over... dammit, pass the Kleenex, please.
Golu said…
will watch it asap
Sailor Maan said…
Probably my favourite BL of this beginning of year, a pure gem for me. It could have been just fluff but I feel was way more than that. The story is simple but so well made, with a blazing chemistry, it had my heart race the whole time. Ki Tae character was superbly written (and acted). Playing the strong one, and yet when he thinks he lost Lee Wan, you see how vulnerable he really is, I thought I would cry with him. Yet he couldn't resist having his small revenge, that was brilliant. Lee Wan was nearly just as touching.
Personaly a lot of things ring a bell, so I think that added even more to my feelings. That missed college love story (with a girl, but that still counts right?), and meeting that person latter. Those "dating simulation" video game endings definitely strike a chord for a geek like me. And most of all, Lee Wan looks so much like an ex, it was very very troubling haha
A perfect short series. Like you said Golu, I'll be looking forward any new project they have!
I'll keep an eye on Eismayer as well :)
Golu said…
Rightly said Sailor Maan. Definitely a favorite so far and all thanks to a palpable chemistry and a very simplistic approach. Those dating simulations at the end of every episode was a brilliant addition for sure.

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