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Maestro In Blue: Antonis and Spyros Storyline (Greek Series)

Maestro in Blue is one of the first Greek dramas picked up by Netflix for International distribution. I would haven't known about the show, but I chanced upon this video talking about gay storylines in shows and movies and despite the fact that this show is not gay, (only on the storylines is gay), I decided to give it a go. Dysfunctional families have always interested me and this drama, set in a beautiful island with not-so-beautiful inhabitants piqued my interest. I will probably summarize the story but my review will exclusively focus on the gay storyline of Spyros and Antonis.

Set in a beautiful island right after covid, the series follows Orestis, a 40 something musician, who is invited by Fanis, a guy who is running for mayor, to revive the islands music festival to boost local morale and increase his chances of being elected. He meetsOrestis's family wife a wife on anti-depressant drugs, a girl Klelia, with whom Orestis has his love story going for the remainder of the show, despite age difference of almost 30 years and Fanis' son Antonis, a budding singer. Antonis' boyfriend is Spyros, and their relationship is a secret since everyone on island knows everything. Spyros' mother is helping Orestis with music festival and her husband works for Fanis, dealing with drugs and is also an abuser who constantly beats his wife and son Fanis' ideal family from outside is a deeply troubled family. Fanis is also into illegal activities like money laundering. While both of Fanis’ kids go against their parent’s wishes, Fanis’ secret slowly unravels. Orestis, on the other hand, gets more involved in the lives of the people around him, and soon trouble comes knocking on his door when a murder happens.

My motivation to watch this show was to see Antonis and Spyros relationship and how it gos through its turbulent times. Antonis is fully devoted to Spyros, but because of his dominating father, Spyros' has always had this need to prove himself to be a man. So having slept with almost all girls on the island, he now has a steady girlfriend, despite being clearly in love with Antonis, which irks him. Although neither of the boys has the courage to admit their love in front of others but rumors are going around. One day, when Antonis has had enough of family drama he comes out his family that he is gay. Everyone is ok, except his father Fanis who demands that he stays away from Spyros. Meanwhile to keep Spyros in check, his father beats up his mother and son both, leading to a temporary break up between this love. Spyros is struggling between his love and his fear and responsibility and doesn't know what to do. Antonis tries his best to make sense of everything but it's not that easy. There is a scene in the last episode, where finally Spyros spends a night with Antonis and decides to leave the house through main for, showing he is getting courage to finally face the family and let everyone know of the love he two boys have for each other. Just when their love feels like one of the many stories in the show, it becomes critical, because eventually this becomes the reason for the murder of Spyros' father. In every episode we see snippets of the murder and how character is helping in covering up the body but it's only later we find the reason, how's and whats. Maestro in Blue covers topics like family crises, domestic abuse, corruption, and the phobia of homosexuality. The topics might seem simple, but I liked the way their origins and aftermaths were explained in the series.

I am a sucker for gay romance, if done right. And I think when it came to portal to love, respect, confusion, coming-out, anger, frustration between this couple, everything was spot on. Antonis is slightly privileged child, so despite having a dysfunctional family, he can afford to come out and deal with his family's reactions. But things are different with Spyros. He has a pretend girlfriend, who despite knowing the truth, wants to stick with him. Spyros clearly doesn't like the girl and would rather be with Antonis, and this is why the two keep breaking up and getting back together. Antonis is so much in love with him, that he wants them to be together, move to Athens, do something with their life, but Spyros fears his father and society way too much. But everyone reaches a breaking point and so does this couple eventually. I loved the scenes when they both manage to go together to Athens for a weekend and Antonis remarks that this is the first time they will actually sleep together for the night and wake up next to one another. A very loving moment, which interestingly freaks out Spyros completely, realizing the truth. Anyway, I enjoyed this couple in every scene. Their love, sex, fights, care for each other felt very very genuine and heartfelt and made sense in the larger scheme of the show.  They both do have supporters in their mothers, Orestis, grandma etc but still being openly gay is not the easiest thing in many parts. Despite the main storyline is between Orestis and Klelia; I would just look forward to what is going to happen with this gay couple and where will their life take them. The two very charming leads are easy on the eyes, not smoking hot, but your next door island kinda guys which makes it feel everything real and authentic and I appreciate the show for it. They have some crackling chemistry, which shows their journey of friendship and love. Their kisses feel warm and sex scenes are passionate. I enjoyed it.

At 9 episodes of about 50 minutes each, this is a long investment. I would recommend to watch if someone can come up with a video edit of just the gay storyline, but even otherwise I did enjoy the show overall. The rating is for the gay love story. (7/10)


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