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My School President (Thai Series)

An enchanting teenage love story, where the supporting actors from "Moonlight Chicken" get an opportunity to exude their boyish charm and boundless charisma with full force. They have crackling chemistry and if not for that, this reis could easily have been a huge let down. The story is light yet entertaining, the humor is deft and you get the giddies of memories of your probably first crush or love in high school and what falling in love for the first time was like. Sure it's not at the level of 'Heartstopper' but it's pretty decent, I have to say.

In their final year of school, Gun is the leader of their music band Chinzhilla, but their band has a reputation of not doing the right things their is a risk of their club closing down, so that the funds can be used for better productivity. Since the school has a policy that student council president president controls the budget. Gun applies hoping this can help save the club. But his opponent happens to be Tinn, the principal's son who makes a more compelling statement and eventually becomes the school council president. Since Gun's band is on hitlist, so Tinn gives him an option that if he can win any music competition within a week, he won't close down the club. As expected they win a random competition. But all this while what Gun doesn't know and audience just finds out that Tinn has had a secret crush on Gun for a long time now and the whole point of why he became the president was to help Gun Gandhis club and in the hope to get closer to him. Only Tinn's closest friend knows about this who keeps pushing him to confess his feelings to Gun. But turns out that The club has a rule that forbids people to date until they participate Hot Wave Music Contest. This is where the journey of dating, support, friendship and love starts between Gun and Tinn. How they become close, confess their love but also have to hide their love form friends, they navigate through their parents and people around them to convince people how their love is pure and true; form the rest of the show.

This show, as mentioned before as well, is a teenage coming of age BL love story, that transports you back to your school days full of teenage crushes, wholesome friendships, and sentimental plots about pursuing your dreams. The lively banter between the friends, the funny jokes and moments, and the naughty yet simple flirtations between a few members will remind you of the youthful adolescent days. It's a win, when you don't cringe while watching those scenes and you actually have a smile on your face. And I have to say that writers of this show did a pretty good job at keeping this very realistic to how teenagers in these situations would normally behave. Sure, some dramatization is done for effects but it works. The whole journey of Gun and Tinn going from so called adversaries, to friendship to eventual lovers is very cheerful and energetic and yes all credit must go to these charming leads. While Gun makes you heart beat with his charming smile and silliness, Tinn sincerity and enthusiasm is what you root for. I remember enjoying this couple in their other show and was quite glad to see them running a whole show by themselves. Don't underestimate this series just because it centres around teenagers. The characters face emotional dilemmas, forcing them to be practical instead of idealistic.

Having talked a lot of positives, I have to say that the series dipped for me somewhere in the middle from like episode 5-9. It felt like now we are jus stretching the main love story, also giving some more breathing space to some side actors and their love stories, which was funny but would side track. They would just end up being frivolous and I still don't understand why Thai BL directors can't help but do that. We always have a main couple and then suddenly by the end of the show there are like 4 couple with friends and friends of friends. The show comes back and redeems itself in the last few episodes filled with emotion, sentiments and love. I do like how Gun's. Mother story was crossed with how Tinn's mother was dealing with her son's sexuality. And for a change we saw a passive but a very very kind hearted father. Also, special mention about Tinn's best friend who stood by his friend throughout and was his support system right from when Tinn had a crush on Gun till the very final moment. A true friend indeed. For fans for teenage love stories, you will not be disappointed. Had this shown not dipped midway for almost 4 episodes where I found myself yawning, I'd probably have rated it even higher. (8/10)


Sailor Maan said…
I have the exact same feeling! I feared teenage story would not be my thing but the first third of the story was absolutely fantastic. Then it lost its appeal, especially with that repeating kiss pretending that annoyingly never happens. Thankfully the end gets great again! It was great they didn't get to win, bringing all the insecurities and questionning about your future when you are young. Btw I read their first kiss where Gun pranks Tinn was an actual prank from the actor playing Gun, it was no planned in the script. No wonder the actor playing Tinn played so well the surprise haha. I love the fact they kept it! The group of friends reminded me of Vice Versa with their energy. Parents were good too. Of course the main couple steals the show with their chemistry.
If you're interrested, in a few weeks will be aired 2 special episodes of My School President in the "Our Skyy 2" series. This series is a group of 2 special episodes from popular BL (like "A tale of thousand stars", "Vice versa", "Bad buddy" and "The eclipse" you have seen).
Golu said…
u echoed all my sentiments.
Btw: Interesting t tidbit about the 2 special episodes. How do you even keep up with all this information? Never mind, actually remembering all these old shows. If you asked me a month from now, to name my five 5 fav BL shows, I will probably draw a complete blank.

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