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Love Area: Part 1 (Thai Series)

From a plot perspective this show doesn't really have anything new to offer. We have by now seen umpteen stories of two young boys falling in love with one another under multiple possible scenarios, so you get to see another one of those here. The one big difference here though is a very charming lead actor. Its his innocence and charm yet a shining positivity around him that makes this show go above average. The part 1 consists of 6 episodes of 45 minutes each and the story will continue in the next season.

Kaitoon is an orphan kid who has always been alone and is used to doing multiple jobs to keep going. When he enters university, he befriends his neighbor Nont, on whose recommendation he goes to interview in a Japanese restaurant called 'Love Area' and gets hired. His willingness to help everyone and hardworking impresses one and all in the workplace. One night after returning from work, he is threatened to be robbed by a young guy around his age who is being followed by goons. Kaitooon gets robbed but despite that he brings the young guy to hospital. Next day Kaitoon meets the guy again in the restaurant. Turns out his name is Valen and he is younger brother of the restaurant owner. Valen has joined restaurant to work and make money and pay off the loan sharks. The rest of the episodes follow Valen slowly starting to fall for Kaitoon while working together at the restaurant and being there for him. We also see in the meantime that None also can't help himself from liking Kaitoon but he continues to be the silent lover type, because I thin Kaitoon treats him just as an elder brother. We also have another gay love story of Valen's friends King and his lover, which adds actually nothing to the main plot. The first part ends with Valen and Kaitoon taking an impromptu holiday. So far no one has professed there love to anyone.

While the six episodes are cute and cheerful, they don’t leave a memorable impression. Starting off well where the two guys meeting under unusual circumstances was novel, it soon wears off and all stereotypical Thai BL traits take over. A guy falling for another because of his charm but keeping his love silent, and also love making Valen more responsible towards life. Then the whole angle of King and his ex coming back together dealing with their broken hearts. I feel that this couple was added just so we can have some kissing, some sex scenes and make it a proper BL show, otherwise with the way story of Kaitoon-Valen-Nont is going, so far part 1 is just bromance. Nont is a nice guy but his scenes with Kaitoon are just boring and not exciting. He randomly shows up at places to take care of Kaitoon and then disappears. In contrast at least we do get to see some character growth for Valen who starts appreciating Kaitoon for the person he is. Kaitoon is the most likable of them all, sincere, charming and hard working. But there is no explanation given on why he stands up Nont twice. Even though he may not love him, but that goes against what we know of his character.

Overall part 1 is strictly ok and bearable because of a very charming lead with a cute smile. He stands out among the rest of the inexperienced cast, carrying every scene genuinely. Lets see how season 2 carries this forward and whether it is able to redeem itself. (5/10)


Sailor Maan said…
It was nice. I first intended to skip this one (mostly because part 2 is descibed as a mess everywhere) but your review decided me otherwise. And you are right, Kaitoon is adorable, too good to be true. Valen evolution was nice too. I'm usually closed to horrible guys suddenly turning good, so it took me a while to accept him as a love interrest, but I finally gave in (honestly, the guy threatens me with a knife trying to rob me then you learn it's because he is selfich and irresponsible loosing money playing games? How would he ever be a love possibility???). I liked Non more but he was indeed boring. He still broke my heart being stood twice like that. I liked King /Pete story. It felt kindda novel and I wanted to learn more about them.
My main problem now is : I want to know more. So I'm faced with the dilemma of skipping part 2 and staying with good memories or watching part 2 that you described as a horrible mess...
Golu said…
lol. The is indeed a dilemma, but I have. suggestion.
Since you already know that part 2 is a mess, your expectations are automatically low, which is good. Feel free to fast forward some scenes and watch the show, just so you know what happens.

But really truth be told, part 2 is a mess.

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