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A Man Who Defies the World of BL 2 (Japanese Series)

I was quite impressed with the original season of this show. The story and idea was novel and the zany, over the top acting quickly grabbed my attention and I was hooked to the show. It was an easy watch Molly because of the whacky and quirky humour by the lead actor. Season 2 continues pretty much where we left where Mobu is giving into BL and ready to be loved, but then nothing really happens till like the last 15 minutes. This show is somehow one step down form the original one.

Show starts with Mobu giving into love with Kikuchi, but  Kikuchi’s ex-boyfriend suddenly arrives, declares his feelings, and upstages the moment. Kikuchi and his ex end up kissing in front of a mortified Mob. Mobu feels devastated and he reverts back to his original thought that he is just supposed to be a side character in the BL world. We then have 5 mini episodes focusing on different aspects of BL like them fighting, feeling loved etc etc. We also see the short love story between Mobu's brother and his boyfriend. But towards the end, Kikuchi returns with his feelings for Mob but he knows that it is too late for Mob to return his feelings, so he decides to move to US for studies. By the time Mobu comes to terms with his feelings, the duo decide that maybe distance will make their hearts grow fonder.

The one big problem here in the sequel (which was also present in original) is that it never focuses on one thing. Character after character is introduced in split seconds and then we see maybe a 10 second thing about them and then they disappear. It felt that the makers just couldn't make up their mind from the story perspective. If not for the Amazing and enthusiast acting by the lead guy, the sequel would have completely fallen flat, because it really has nothing to say. The original show, when it came out was very novel but the sequel falls flat in comparison. Yes, there was humor, there was unabashed silliness and playfulness about the characters and even a hint that mob's bothers boyfriend probably is interested door tin Mobu but none of these snippets actually go anywhere at all, which is very frustrating. Kikuchi is a bland love interest who doesn’t match Mob’s vibrant energy. Their interactions are not funny, not flirtatious, and not passionate. They just don't seem like a couple at all. As I mentioned before, its only because of Mob, the actor who does a splendid job with his hysterical reactions, exaggerated expressions, and slapstick mannerisms that this show is bearable to watch. He knows how to elevate the humour in every scene without going overboard. You could watch just the first 10 min and last 15 minutes of this 3 part (6 episodes) shows and would have missed nothing. I had expectations from the sequel , but alas !! But hey at least the title song and the new video was equally charming and still very addictive to listen to. (4.5/10)


Sailor Maan said…
I laughed so much in this season 2!
But once again, I think you have to know and read mangas to fully appreciate it. Else you're missing on all the references. That's why I understand your point of view of it not making any sense. The thing is the show doesn't need to focus on stories because it focuses on the manga tropes it is making fun of. We don't really care about the characters, only situations matter, and seeing Mobu trying to escape from them is hilarious. When he declares "looks like I'm in a shojo manga university but with boys", you can't help but laugh because it is exacly the feeling!
For example the first scene killed me right from the start. The only time Mobu was willing to give in was with Kikucchi, and he became oblivious to his own situation. Because then the ex boyfriend comes back. You have this typical shojo manga trope where the leads are in love, fight, one find a new secondary role love intererest, only for the other one to realize his true love, come back, confess, and they'll live happily ever after. It's very common in girls mangas, and us readers know secondary love will never win. Well, Mobu discovers he was only the typical sidlined love interest. He can safely declare he stay a mobu sidelined character XD.
I enjoyed it more than season 1 because I wasn't expecting something sensible this time. Witnessing and recognising the stupid in real life situations if what makes it so unique and funny!
Golu said…
What you say makes total sense and I can see why Manga loves will connect more with this series and enjoy. I was watching it from a series perspective and was lost at quite a few places.
But hey, at least we all got good laughs thanks to the lead actor's great actin.
Sailor Maan said…
There is a funny series I can recommend : Rak Diao (one love). It's a sitcom, read : false laughs behind, fixed locations, OTT and absurd situations. A bit like "my mother in law" you reviewed. The romance doesn't kick in till the end too. But I really laughed and loved it a lot, actually praying for a season 2, and think you should give it a try :)
Golu said…
Let me see if this one is available on the usual sites that I scout my stuff from ;)

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