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Sing My Crush (Korean Series)

Thanks to the recommendation by Miisu, I just finished watching this show. Now this one is a good example of how to present a simple straightforward love story in a delightful, warm and cozy sentimental way. The show feels very polished and detailed. And watching the leads turn from amazingly close friends to lovers just melts your heart. With 8 episodes of around 25-30 minutes each, I binge watched the sho win one sitting which doesn't happen normally. A show about friendship, love and music, this show could be a perfect healer on a balmy day.

Baram is a young aspiring musician who takes singing classes. His older mentor has taught him guitar and music and Baram harbors a secret crush on him. The teacher has also given him a lucky guitar pick with his name on it. At an upcoming audition, he suddenly collides with another contestant only to discover that the guitar strings have broken. The guy Hantae apologizes and offers his guitar, but the events have shaken him up and he fumbles the auditor. Th mentor tries to cheer him up and this is when Baram sings a song 'Letter of Apology' to his mentor and tells him it is of him since he loves him. The mentor unfortunately doesn't reciprocate the feeling. Baram is saddened and crying when Hantae appears with his shoulder to cry on. He promises Baram that he is a great singer and that Hantae will forever be there with him to support his journey of becoming a singer. The two start living together and Hantae help him create a music band and help with Baram's singing skills.He sort of becomes his manager. Baram starts now harboring crush at Hantae but never tells him. One day a famous band led by his former teacher releases  Baram's song 'Letter of Apology' as his own devastating the newly formed group. Hantae takes matter in his own hand and deals with it despite threats by the former teacher of exposing Baram's likeness for the teacher. In this process, Baram also confesses his crush to Hantae who doesn't know how to react, but slowly he also starts to realize that his fondness for Baram is not just friendly but he likes him ore than a friend. The duo start hanging out as a couple and love slowly starts to develop between the two and the band soon gets an excellent opportunity with a music company.

This one is a rare series that has the perfect pacing. It doesn't feel stretched or long and at the same time it doesn't feel like they missed out on elaborating certain plot lines. No unnecessary fillers are used and the focus is solely on Baram's passion of music with help from Hantae. The creators have amply contained the storyline and used what little time they have in progressing the story. What stays with you during and after the show is the amazing canaries that Baram and Hantae share with one another. They are friends, coworkers, roommates, and confidantes who seem almost inseparable. Many silly, lighthearted exchanges emphasize their easygoing rapport. The two BFFs are also quite affectionate. It is almost hard to believe that Hantae had no romantic feelings for Baram until so late in the show. Baram has this soft, sensitive side and the actor plays to the core, but in my opinion, the real star of the show is Hantae. He has this rogue charm, a cheeky persona and this undeniable charisma that makes him stand out. The fact hat both of them are extremely handsome now goes without saying. Since music is an integral part of the plot, the series is meticulous with song selections that complement the ambiance. Yes, there is an antagonist in the form of former teacher, but even that is believable and is quickly resolved. Thankfully no love triangle was introduced which was my biggest fear. The show keeps its core focus on music and romance. It doesn't care to delve any further deeper into any back stories of these characters. Although Hantae's mother makes fleeting appearances a few times and every time it just adds a bit of comedy, which I liked.

Its the couple's chemistry and the enriching friends to lovers journey that makes you stay with the show thanks to the charm of the leading pair. It sa nice feel good love story. Don't expect anything more than that and you may enjoy the show. (8/10)


Miisu said…
So glad you liked it, yay! It was indeed easy to follow, written and presented in normal tempo, every character was there for a reason and had an actual purpose, and the story was also clear. Made me think about how gray area the ownership of a lyrical piece really is - when it's dedicated to someone, do they have some sort of right on it or not? Of course here it was clear that the piece was stolen since the mentor didn't even plan to let the audience know who wrote the "Letter of Apology" and presented it as his own work.

I was also afraid of a love triangle, but the fact that it was executed as Baram's unresolved issue from the past and him being a bit torn between two crushes was more natural. And he definitely chose the right one in the end.

And whoever decided to make Hantae wear that unbelievably amazing cabled sweater, thanks a few million :D I love cables, I love cabled sweaters, and this one was just one grand delicious knitted piece of swoon. Especially when he wore it in the park, where the color of the leaves of the trees matched the color of the sweater. Like watching a painting come alive, pure bliss.
Golu said…
Korean shows definitely know how to dress up their actors really suave.
Sailor Maan said…
It was an enjoyable KBL. But some things made it so I couldn't totally connect. The biggest thing was Baram. Boy he was such a whimp, and presented as such an infantilized character (with that no expressional face on top of everything else). I wanted to slap and shake him. He has been crying for 6 episodes straight for God's sake. I just couldn't stand him after a point. Given that kind of attitude has also ruined "I told sunset about you" for me, I'm pretty sure now I have a problem with overly crying people in shows. Thankfully Hantae was just the opposite and totally stole (and saved) the show. He was such a great character with his cheerfull energy and total obliviousness. And he definitely knows how to wear sweaters omg he is so handsome in them!
Despite my reticence on Baram, I liked the couple. They make an incredible friends pairing, and and lovely couple. In the last episode. In between was... ok I guess.
Oh and please pretty please Korea, stop with the "deadfish kiss". No, 2 lips just barely touching without moving is not a kiss urgh!!! Thankfully this just their first kiss. The one from the last episode was great. Actually my complaints concern mostly the first 6 episodes. The last 2 episodes were absolutely wonderful. I just wished we'd see their friends reaction, I was so looking forward to that!!
Miisu said…
I'm so glad I'm not the only tear-sensitive person in the world - excessive crying was too much for me in "Step by Step". Physically painful, but that's an empath thing and I should be used to it. Not enough training, I presume :D
Golu said…
Yes the excessive crying does get on my nerves too.
Btw: love the term dealfish kiss. These BL shows definitely do need to let their characters get loose and kiss properly. The kind of kiss these folks show is done by 5-6 year old kids.
Miisu said…
Yes, more natural kissing scenes would be highly appreciated and damn welcome here as well. The deadfish-kisses are just as omg-not-THAT-again as the camera angle kisses. Both are too artificial and too scripted. I doubt these are the actors' actual first kisses, so they must know what the very first one feels and looks like. The best first kiss in KBL-s I've seen was probably in "Love Mate".

I'd like to see the day when air kisses become the latest fashion, but so far I've seen it only once (Payu to Rain in the men's room cubicle in S2 of "Love in the Air").

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