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Heartstopper: Season 2 (Web Series) (UK)

Heartstopper Season 1 was a universal hit. You could not have read one bad review or heard from anyone who has seen the show not liking it. It was the kind of series that is easy to love, with sweetness exploding out of every scene without overwhelming you. So naturally, when Netflix greenly Season 2, expectations were naturally high and the same happened with me. I didn't know what to expect, but I had high expectations of this very very sweet teenage love story. And with eagerness and being a little late to the game by a few days, here I am, pouring my t thoughts down having just finished one of the most anticipated shows of the year. The second season also has 10 episodes and has all of our loved ones from the original season.

The show continues from where it had left off in Season 1. Charlie and Nick are a couple and only their very close circle of friends know about it. This includes Charlie's best friend Tao and his trans best friend Elle. The center of the show is still Charlie and Nick. Nick feels the need to come out to someone besides his mom, but with every opportunity presented to him, he finds it more and more difficult to tell any of his close friends about his boyfriend. Nick, meanwhile is very very supportive of the whole thing. And the show walks us through various such situations where Nick and Charlie are being supportive of each other while they deal with pressure of school, exams, Nicks' older domineering brother and a distant father in Paris. This young couple work through challenges in their personal lives and the greater world. Life isn't always smooth sailing for adolescents, especially queer teens, and the new season acknowledges that struggle. The show also deals with the resolution of its central romance by expanding its remit and allowing the peripheral characters more time and space to develop their own storylines. Elle and Tao are considering taking their best-friendship out of the friend zone, while worrying that this would put their closeness at risk. Isaac, responsible for a lovely and understated thread about the importance of books and reading, has a touching self-discovery. Tara and Darcy learn more about the limits of their relationship and what they don’t know about each other outside school. Even Ben, the villain of season one, has the layers peeled back. The few episodes set in Paris are an absolute winner for the show because it focuses on growing love between Nick and Charlie and how all this friends navigate through life and people around them.

When Season 1 came out last year, it felt like a balm, a moment of queer joy amid some strife. The second season doubles down on stories that emphasize queer joy reminding us that even with its struggles, LGBTQ+ life can be wonderful. My and everyone favorite part of season 1 were the "Hi's" that the boys shared with one another. Now, Nick and Charlie are together and so loved up that they spend all of their time snogging, sending each other messages such as “Good morning boyfriend” and commemorating their two-month anniversary. They are given sufficient time and space to evolve individually and as a newly minted couple. And this is equally sweet, though I do have to admit that I missed the innocence of "Hi's" and the anticipation of will they/won't they kinda missing. As the show focuses mostly on Nick's coming out amongst the couple, it does deal with many layers depending on who and when he is coming out to. It examines the effects of coming out, or not, on the other person in the relationship. Heartstopper embraces classic school and genre tropes, with prom, exams, exes, and overnight trips all part of the season-two fun. Yet the scripts commendably avoid clichés. With themes like coming out, family, and exploring your identity, these kids are given opportunities to not only share the most intimate parts of themselves with the people around them, but also experience pivotal moments of introspection. Last season, these characters got to experience crushes with a sense of wonder and positivity; this time around, the show does an excellent job of telling stories that expand it to many many topics: friendship, love, asexuality, bisexuality, family, adult love, coming out, expectations. The issue of sleepovers and room-sharing on trips, and what is and isn’t appropriate or allowed by parents for same-sex couples, gets an airing. Thankfully in all this, the makers show society is kind enough to let them do it at their own pace. I also enjoyed a little bit of hint of adult love between the two teachers on the field trip to Paris. It was a nice little touch.

Talking of actors, the dynamic dup still have an absolute insane chemistry together, and operate their arcs with a feather-weight touch. I really don't have words to tell how good they are. But now let's talk about how I really felt. I am sorry, but I have to say that I was a tad bit underwhelmed by this season overall. And I think , a lot of that has to do with extremely high expectations from the show. Somehow the innocence and the love that made me feel butterflies in my stomach, was missing here. The show, rightfully, tries to balance Nick and Charlie's growing love story with showing us an arc for each of their friends and their life, but in the process it felt that the show was trying to be very safe, but trying and addressing teen issues. And I know that this is probably the need of the hour, but how do I explain to myself that I needed something more. I anted more of Olivia Coleman for example. I would have loved to see more of Charlie's protective sister and her story. As much as I loved the season 2 and finished it all in one sitting, I can't help but remain underwhelmed and tell myself that season 1 was so much nicer. This I snot to say this is bad at all. This is still one of the greatest shows ever, but if it didn't try to be so safe and I wish it had a lot more of Nick and Charlie's growing love, I probably would have enjoyed it even more. I still am very very thankful that we do have shows like this tied at younger audience trying to tell them that all is and will be ok. I can't wait for future seasons. (9/10)


Miisu said…
This one was better than I hoped for. While waiting for the second season there were hints and what's-next-videos on Youtube about Nick's homophobic older brother, Charlie's eating disorder and other serious topics - and that kinda scared me that the S2 might become too serious or dramatic. Pheew, what a relief, it didn't.

The relationship of Nick and Charlie evolved so naturally it was a pleasure to watch. The way they talked about everything was especially nice, even when they didn't have the easiest topics to discuss. The scene where Nick is in the kitchen with his mother and thinks about Charlie's eating disorder, and then decides to google it instead of asking mother - that made me smile like a Cheshire Cat. So lovely to see a young man decide to manage on his own first.

The caring gang of friends was the best thing ever, how they all welcomed and included Nick and helped each other without being too meddlesome. I wanted Isaac to have more screen time and lines and I got what I wanted. Hope he gets even more in S3. (Btw, Skam France has the whole S12 about an asexual boy :) ) I absolutely loved everything about Elle in this season, her outfits and artwork especially, and that she got accepted to the art school. And her museum date with Tao was so amazing. I was also happy for Imogen getting a new dog and staying true to her fresh character. And chrissake, how can a human being have eyes so blue :D

The parents were also included really well, the good ones, the average ones and the downright assholes. Olivia Coleman as Nick's mother was even better than in the first season. With Nick's... eem... other parent it's completely different story. I've written quite a few times that some situations are so difficult to understand when you only have the insider's view and haven't had an opportunity to look at it from the outside. Well, that's my parent there on the screen. When I was a child, he used to visit quite often, brought me toys (he worked in a factory that was making toys among other things) and played with me occasionally, but he never read to me. Then his visits grew less frequent and he never called to see how I'm doing etc. I didn't know it's something I'm supposed to be missing, but I knew that nothing good comes from a person who won't read to me. His visits were basically the same as the ones Nick had with his father - a dinner table conversation 2 hours max and then he was off again for months. And he never remembered the basic details about me as well, the names of the schools etc. He doesn't even know I have a MA now since the last time I saw him was summer 2013 and that was sheer dumb luck. So obviously I was applauding and cheering when Nick gave his papa a piece of his mind. (I hope Darcy gets the same opportunity with her mother, that woman is pure poison.)

What is it with long tables and people around them? Sometimes the conversation just flows and flows and gets so interesting that no one wants it to stop and the food is almost forgotten. And sometimes there's this one entitled asshole who just has to have any kind of attention, even if it's annoying everyone else. Like Nick's brother David. Or Ben in Paris. That must be some scientific phenomenon.

The first season was amazing, the second one was amazing, I hope I'm not getting my expectations too high for the third one :)
Golu said…
To be honest, I had not heard or read anything at all about what could possibly season 2 have, but you ar bang on about all your observations. I wish I had added this ein my review. I did appreciate the comfort and ease with which Nick and Charlie would be able to take about absolutely anything at all. And I appreciate that how subtley they showed the importance of communication on every relationship.
Sorry to hear about the parents situation, but hey, guess what, its moments like these when you are able to relate to something on screen so well, that it touches you in a completely different way.
Miisu said…
The outsider's view of a ... eem... male parent only confirmed my stand that "mother" and "father" are titles that have to be earned. There are people who can create life, but are not able to do the parenting part - and others, who are great at parenting, but can't create a life. I'm one of those who has three parents - he, she and it :) It being the fountain of Trevi in Rome (wonder how many siblings I have :D ). She-parent was a narcissist, he's a long distance coward, so the it-parent is the one I'm proud of. I'm kinda inbetween about Grandma, since she did all the traditional grandparent stuff with me, and sometimes the parent-stuff as well, so she was a 2-in-1... eem... influencer :D. And SHE once read the whole "Jungle Book" to me. Like - 256 pages in one go. All night.

For the last two decades the male parent has been an inside joke material in the family, as in how elaborate stories can a person create in order to avoid something. There were the traditional "car broke down" and "probably sick", but the "can't, fell off the roof" took the cake :D That was the answer to my very polite question if he'd be available to come and collect us at the airport and drive us home.

So I feel for Darcy and Nick for having to deal with such crappy parents. It's kids like them who keep the term "chosen family" alive for those who need it :)
Golu said…
OMG!! Big tight hugs to you miisu and thank you so much for sharing your story here.
Fortunately, I have been very lucky when it coms to getting love from my family. I can't complain at all.
Miisu said…
Hugs are always welcome, thank you :) I'll be loved and pampered in the next life, when I'll be born into an Italian family with a full set of wise and persistent grandparents, utterly sarcastic parents and seven brothers :D In this life I'm quite content with my chosen family, especially my cat people from the MA class - we've been through fire, water and copper pipes together and our communication has always been uninhibited.
Sailor Maan said…
I could finally catch up on you guys, and boy I loved this season! Actually even more than the first season (where I think I remember the last 2 episodes being a bit "too much"). Even my husband liked it a lot! Of course at first he'd play his usual "grown up" and ask why I would have him watch teenage series like this again. Guess what in the end he is the one asking for more haha.
Strangely I had two very opposite (good) feelings. First is those teenage memories brought here with such accuracy. First "loves", with hours spent kissing on a bed, and sex is not even a subject (yet). You know it will be, but after months maybe. Even if it was with girls for me, I could feel that so vividely in the series I had my heart beat remembering all that. And I actually think that's the first time I can see this with young gay love. I have a feeling it's usually more portrayed as "gay sex hiding or in denial" than first love. And seeing this with 2 boys makes me feel the world has evolve a lot.
Then second feeling was from the parents side. When Charlie's parents ground him because of his bad grades and spending too much time with Nick and it seems so unfair. Well I know I will behave exactly the same in a few years (she is just 4, hopefully I still have some time...). And suddenly I'm not 16 anymore but 50something lol. Because many shows tried to have us believe you can be a cool parent all the time, truth is you have to be the bad guy as well.
So I was constantly feeling either as a teenager or as a parent (... not named Nick's dad though). Really weird schizoprenic feeling lol.
That episode in Paris was absolutely wonderful. After Emily in Paris, they certainely know how to portray Paris in its finest assets!
My only complaint was perhaps gay over representation. As much as I'd loved the concept of we're all living in a gay world, having half the classroom in LGBT relashionship (including the teachers!) felt a bit much. And I won't argue with my husband stating it's definitely an idealised little world too. But he can keep on playing the adult. I'm all teenager now, listening to Baby Queen playlists from this show for a few days more (meaning he'll be desperate for a few days more. Or not. Teenagers are always horny :p)
Miisu I (virtually) hug you too!!! Thank you for sharing you story as always :)
Now I need to catch up on the other recent shows you've reviewed Golu! (totally bad timing on my part watching other shows...)
Golu said…
great insights sailor maan.
And please don't apologize for watching other shows. Sometimes it's thanks to you both that I get to figure out which ones to watch and what to avoid.

PS: I do agree with the show being a representation of an ideal gay world, but still, I am not complaining
Miisu said…
@Sailor Maan Thanks for the interesting and different angle :) Although I can put myself into pretty much anyone's shoes, understand the reasoning behind a serial killer's thinking or empathize with the accused parties in any case, I don't have the parental add-on or chip. There are... eem... six people who call me Mum for different reasons, and I sometimes call them babies, but that's obviously not enough to create the parental point of view somewhere in my brain. Interesting indeed. Basically there's only one goal to aim for in parenting - when the child gets into (teenage) trouble, their first thought must be "shit happened, must call parents, they'll come and help", not "shit happened, parents can never find out, they'll kill me". Achieve that and you'll be fine :)

Hugs are always welcome, thank you :) That's one of the very few good things that the male parent can be associated with :D I have played with the idea of telling him what I think of his cowardly behavior like Nick did to his dad, but then again - what's the use? It won't change his mentality and it's kinda late to start being a father to a 45-yr old who was born wiser than he'll ever be. And he's too old (88) for that kind of conversation.

P.S! Please don't disappear for longer than a week, I've got two streaks of gray hair already :D Symmetrical, thank heavens :D
Sailor Maan said…
Talking about ideal gay world, I have a funny anecdote. One of our friend, who is a dance teacher, told us that for her pre teenager students (10-12), if you want to be in and trendy, you have to be bisexual. Don't know how much this is true, but still, Heartstopper world might come sooner than we think XD.
Haha Miisu I promise I won't disapear, just bad timing. Which can have me warmly recommend "Be my favourite". Unique fantasy story (+those last 2 episodes...). And NOT recommend "dinosaur love". It's beyond horrible...
Miisu said…
Good to hear :) I don't mind highlights, but gray is too blonde in my wet-asphalt-coloured hair :D Red streaks are more than welcome :D

My classmate is an Estonian language and literature teacher in a private school and about a year ago we had a longer conversation about the middle schoolers and their identity. Sexuality has become just a fact about a person, nothing sensational that would turn a person into a curiosity. Just like eye colour, special skills or allergies - you just acknowledge the fact and a human remains a human. Lovely. Hope this mentality expands to witches and other extra-sensitive individuals as well, since witch hunting is still a thing.

"Be my favourite" is indeed a good one, about moving back and forth in time to change situations up to the point of keeping someone alive. Loved the honesty and open conversations in the last episodes.

"Dinosaur love" - you would hate it, it has quite many your cringes in it :D But I'm just so effing enchanted by Pepper it's not even funny any more :D Scythed would be a better word, I think. I don't mind the meh?-of-a-story scenario or if there are any other actors present at all, just Pepper in a leather jacket (a rocker, for crying out loud :D ) is enough to have me purring and counting days to Sunday and next episode. Yes, I have shame, but I don't feel it :D
Golu said…
Noted both titles.
Miisu said…
Some tiny droplets of the BL-tsunami have ended again:

"Dinosaur love" - You would hate it - brand placement, too shy protagonist, your cringe tropes etc. Production-wise and story-wise it's nothing special or new, you've seen it a few dozen times. I'm still shamelessly scythed by Pepper in his leather jacket, so don't mind me :D

"Low frequency" - Sweet and fragile like a meringue. Loved the clear ending. Loved the way the spirits were nice and helpful for a change. One protagonist can interact with spirits and helps the other one who's in a coma due to a traffic accident

"Stay still" - a Chinese short series. Wishful thinking storylines about decision making and reconsidering the decisions made in the past. Happy-open-promising ending.
Golu said…
Thanks for these bro. I am swamped with work these days and haven't seen anything new in soooo many days now
Sailor Maan said…
Can I add you NEED to watch Laws of attraction. Ok I know it's not finished yet. But it has the same leads as in "To Sir with love"! ... except they have opposite personalities!! Just seeing that weak Thian has turned into an evil lawyer is sooo fascinating, I'm sure you're gonna love it too XD
"Stay still" was short and somewhat nice. Sadly they have confimed there won't be a season 2.
Good luck for your work :) I'm still amazed how you have time to continue with your great reviews (some of the latest movies you reviewed look nice!)
Miisu said…
I second to that - "Laws of attraction" is delish! Gives so many "Manner of death" vibes, but has some great additional characters. Only E8 to wait for (2nd September), but the E7 ended with such cliffhanger that I've been jittery like a little squirrel for days :D It has already earned my Oscars for The Best Afterglow Scene and The Best Crazy Ex Character.

Good luck and patient perseverance for your work, the crazy busy is not a forever phenomenon, thank heavens. At least you have a lot more common sense than me - you have just t work to juggle with, I'm adding school to that equation :D I totally blame those university-based Thai series for my insane decision :D
Golu said…
I. could never work and study at the same time
Golu said…
adding that t list
Miisu said…
A few of the series have ended again:

"Laws of Attraction" - The finale was amazing and the lawyer character was really well written until the end. Delish, as I said.

"Wedding Plan" - Both main couples of "Love in the air" make an appearance, but that doesn't help much: it's so full of toxic manipulations and twisted personalities that it's not even funny. I wouldn't recommend wasting time on this one, the meh?! and wtf?! seriously outnumber the good details.

"Stay by my Side" - Taiwanese story, where one protagonist hears spirits calling for his help all the time, except when he's physically close to the other protagonist. So they get close and it's sweet and fluffy and nice to look at. And there's a nice and proactive sister as well. Loved the ending.
Golu said…
Thanks for the feedback/suggestions. After a long week of work, I am finally on a holiday. So hopefully in about a week's time, I will b back on my schedule of watching something new

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