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Red, White & Royal Blue

A lot of us have been waiting for this film ever since it was announced that Amazon Studios will be premiering their film on Prime Video. The book is quite popular and the two gorgeous leads gave an impression that it will be a fun one to watch. Now, it all depend son your expectations. Since this film falls in the typical rom com genre with gay male leads, you can either give your brain a break and enjoy whatever is unfolding in front of you, or be on. Your high horse, try to dissect everything thats happening, critique it and maybe not like the film. I tried to go the former route and actually thought it was a decent film. It did fall a little short of my expectations but still wasn't bad at all.

Two young, good looking strapping blokes, the son of US president Alex and the other second son of the British king, Prince Henry meet at a high-profile gathering, bicker and end up rolling on the floor drenched in 5-tier royal cake. This becomes tabloid fodder and the two young men have to put up appearances for the cameras to save the sensitive US-British relations, but as expected this events lead to something more than that. As wariness turns to attraction turns to affection, Henry and Alex share bantery texts and phone calls till Alex invites Henry for his new years party where Henry ends up kissing Alex. Alex is first confused but very soon they start a torrid affair. While Ali feels comfortable with his bisexuality, but Henry makes it very obvious that he can never be serious about this how much ever he wants to because elf his responsibilities. As the love grows, Alex comes out to his very supportive parents but the idea of things getting serious scare Henry because of his duties and they partly split till Alex comes back to him promising to be there for him. Somehow their email accounts get hacked and the press leaks the information about their love affair making it an international scandal. Will the scandal end up costing Alex's mother the next election and how is the British royals going to deal with the issue forms the rest of the film. We do get a very happy and positive ending.

The actor playing Alex is dreamy like crazy. His wisp eyelashes, swooning dimples and a smile to die for has the charisma that will make anyone root for him. He is a soft boy, thinks politics can help change the world, proud son of working class parents and has a happy loving relationship with his folks. Pn paper, Prince Henry is dramatic opposite to him. Composed, self-serious, and careful with his words, Prince Henry exhibits a level of restraint solely reserved for the royal family. The actor playing Henry does a commendable job of balancing his sexuality, his love for the man he is attracted to while he’s buckling under the weight of the crown and its responsibility. The slow build up of romance between the two men, emphasize romance and intimacy in a soft gentle way. Of course you can't imagine in the real world, two privileged individuals of their stature could humanly manage. To get those moments of privacy at all. They have insane chemistry while they both go through their own journeys of self discovery. Sure, the problem with the film is that it is very very predictable, offers almost nothing new. But then this harmless story is still funny in many parts, sticks to the lingo of 2023 happily allows its Queer characters to just be and not be entirely defined by their sexuality. I just wish there were more steamy scenes between the two boys. We gay men deserve that, but I guess the makers were trying to stay PG. There are a few subplots like the re-election campaign etc, which ass a bit of gravitas to the film. The scene where of the girls catches the boys red handed in hotel room was quite funny. There is also something to be said about seeing a love affair like this one affirmed and celebrated, and even though there are obvious roadblocks placed in front of the pair to sabotage their future happiness, these are dealt with in a goofily satisfying, simplistic manner that fits the tenor of the material beautifully.

We need more of good old gay romantic films that focus on good old romance for a change. We are missing such films and they are far and few in between. While this film stays true to its genre with his deliciously looking leads, it does also make a very important point of the fact that every queer person has the right to come out at their own terms or not at all. No one should ever be forced. Now this is one principle that I have been saying out loud for almost 15 years. Still, it is a fairy tale, so there are plot issue that are resolved quite easily. But the shimmering sweetness between two extremely gorgeous men (you know who my vote goes to) supports the very willing suspension of disbelief, and that’s what happily ever after is all about. (7.5/10)


Golu said…
Miisu commented on "Red, White & Royal Blue"
2 days ago
Eem... we watched it together :D - ?! Nice :D It's the best part of August, the peak of the meteor shower etc, so I was in the right mood for this film. And I needed a happy ending story after the uncertain open one the "Stay with me" series had.

Yes, the story of the children of the public figures has been done in so many versions and once you've seen a romantic comedy, you've seen (almost) all of them, but who cares? This one had really good lines, a nicely flowing story and good friendships as well. And some really good actors as well - Uma Thurman as Madam President, that was a really amazing surprise. Damn, she was good. And Stephen Fry as the king of England had my wires tangled for a moment - yesterday he was the headmaster at school in "Heartstopper", and now the king?! Talk about a twist in the career :D

Adding the journalist friend (journalists are never friends with public figures, chrissake, they're always working on something unpleasant) was interesting. Although it bothers me a little that the issue with hacking the e-mails was left unsolved. The Italian drop of water in my veins demands vendetta! I'm quite sure it was Miguel and his minions, the sneaky little weasel.

A few years ago I watched a British period drama series "Poldark" about life in Cornwall, and the protagonist's hair had a fan club. Well, where's the fan club of Alex's lashes? I'm definitely joining that one. I'm so cheap when it comes to eyes and lashes, and his were exquisite. Some sneaky bastard or my own bad karma made the camera catch the shadow of his lashes a few times, OMG. And now I have to deal with my improper thoughts here :D
Golu said…
as soon as the journalist friend showed up, I knew exactly where this would lead to. I think the film tried to avoid too much drama so they just give us a hint by using the news anchor and not going into depths, which is ok. And hey, using Stephen Fry as the king was AWESOME
Dennis said…
Loved it, we do need some romance and lighearted movies to face the world, escapism, maybe, but soo welcome.
Golu said…
Absolutely!! Enough of sadness around us, so whatever escapism we can get in the form of movies that makes us feel good, I will take that!
Untouchable Ace said…
This was excellent. I love that it's a top movie around the world and it's good. (Unlike 'My Policeman')

I look to your website when I watch a movie I've never seen before (because with me it always has to be queer).
Why haven't you seen 'Get Real'?
(Also this is my annual call for you to please review 'Maurice')
Golu said…
hey hey.. thanks for your comment. Actually I have seen Get Real and reviewed here

I am hoping this is the only film with thattitl so far in LGBT space.

I do need to watch Maurice again. As I mentioned I had seen it long before I started writing my reviews. So I do need a refresher.
Untouchable Ace said…
Thank you, I couldn't find it.

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