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Runs In The Family (South Africa)

The summary of the film said "An Indian father takes his transgender son on a road trip across South Africa to rescue his son’s long-lost mother from a rehab clinic"; which, as you can imagine peaked my interest. And of course since I have lived in South Africa for a couple of years, naturally I wanted to feel close to the country and the people again. This film is truly queer in every sense and while watching the film and even after, I realized that there are so many nuances to everything in life that sometimes we tale for granted and its the people who are dealing with it will ever know for sure.

India origin tailor Tarun used to be a scammer forging papers in his early life but that's all now past him. HIs trans son River has ambitious plans for himself. He wants to enter a drag competition to use the money form the winnings to get his top surgery. An unexpected call from Monica, River's long lost mother who abandoned the kid when he was 1 year old needs rescuing from a rehab clinic in Eswatini. River resists the trip, partly due to the dreadful inevitability of meeting his mother by coming out to her. But he’s also worried that he’s risking his true self by schlepping miles to bail out someone who abandoned him. But here starts a delightful road trip that lasts for almost half the film of father-son bonding rescuing a woman who had abandoned them many years back. But during the return trip, River finds out that his friend has broken ankle and Monica suggest that Varun should participate as River's partner for old time's sake. The father gives in and perform amazing but sadly do no win. Surprise surprise, Monica disappears after stealing the money from River making all his nightmares com true. Varun will have none of it. More secrets are revealed eventually relating to Varun's friend Stan, a mafia gang member who used to be friends with Varun and Monica, which I wouldn't spoil, but they help in bringing the bond between the father and his son even closer.

Actor playing River is a real life trans male who is also the writer of the film and its his father who has directed the film so you can see that it lethally runs in the family. Now what I don't know is how much of the story has been from the real life, but who cares!! The film works and how. Even though the conflicts shown are never blown out of proportion but all the interactions are still kept very light to entertain audience while also educating them bit on gender and sexuality. An otherwise happy life of father and son is thrown to caution with resurfacing of River's mother. The concerns aren’t related to River’s authentic identity (he’s incredibly confident and comfortable in his skin); River’s issue with Monica are more reflective of his uncertainty with letting a new person into his incredibly supportive found family. The father-son bond and that the love they share is incredible in the film and believe you me. The film doesn’t feature a coming out scene, romantic confusion, or discomfort with being queer. If anything, the film adheres to the conventions of broad comedies or family sitcoms: River is mostly embarrassed by his father’s affection for him, but that love and support is unconditional. It’s genuinely heartwarming. And the lengths to which Varun will go to support his boy only become more evident as the film progresses. So much of the film is simply candid conversation, travelogue-style montages of gorgeous South African scenery, and low key hijinks such as climbing over a border fence, learning drag terminology, and not pissing off potentially homophobic patrons in rural bars. The whole drag scene is very well done and we see snippets of so many shows, and this was probably the first. Time that I felt I wished they showed more of it. I was expecting Monica to somehow steal the money, but. The eventual twist they showed, was probably not necessary. It interrupts the otherwise pleasant tone of the family film.

Poised with confidence and humour. Truly a queer film with some outstanding performances and a skilled direction. The film is a a beautiful representation for the trans community. I would definitely recommend this heartfelt story about acceptance, community, and unconditional love. There is nothing stronger than familial love, whether biological or chosen! (8/10)


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