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Naked Dining (Japanese Series)

One more show around the recent popular genre within BL series: Food. Personally I have been enjoying these shows, or at least a few of them which are done well. Unfortunately while my heart says that this show wasn't bad at all, my brain tells me otherwise. A whole lot of things were just taken for granted here, especially when it comes to detailing a character, their behavior, backstory and stuff like that. More on that later, but on a plus side, we do get to see again some yummy dishes being cooked in a show of 12 episodes of about 23 minutes each.

Souta, a young man, works in Tokyo and for some off reason loves to eat food naked when he is alone. This is how way of relieving stress after work. After his grandma's death, he decides to visit the home where he grew up and have memories. There is that house he meets Mahiro, a young boy who happens to run a fruit and vegetable store. Souta realizes that his grandma has kept a recipe book of many international cuisines and in fact he and Mahiro used to cook often. Mahiro recognizes that Souta and he used to be classmates and he has ever since crushed on him, but Souta has no idea. They meet often whenever Souta is in town and they cook, and in the process Mahiro catches Souta naked or about to get naked to eat food. Anyway, one night Mahiro kisses Souta, but when later he tries to reciprocate Mahiro steps back saying that he should do it only if Souta likes him. And at this point Souta has no idea about his feelings. Souta's co-worker, a girl, in the meantime comes into picture just to create a little drama and act as an accessory for both Mahiro and Souta to realize that they both do like each other and only if they could recognize their feelings of one another and act upon it and do something about it, they could be happier. In the end they do start dating and Souta decides to quit his job and open a cafe with Mahiro in this village.

This is the kind of story that could have been easily a short film. Mediocre storyline, acting, full of cliche tropes mixed with unnecessary misunderstandings, random side stories that added absolutely nothing. The two charming leads can only take the story so far, but even their good looks are not enough. Mahiro behaves like the wife of an alcoholic in an abusive relationship - he actually recoils from Souta every time they're near each other, and he just looks afraid all the time. Souta manages to express some repressed longing, but it's still not convincing. There is no romantic chemistry between them, and certainly no romance. They barely even touch each other, at least not on purpose.They meet, cook an international meal (the only best part of every episode) and then Mahiro goes back and Souta eats alone. Even though the episodes are short, it doesn't take away from the fact that it is poorly written and someone probably just tried to cash on it the rising popularity of cooking in BL shows. Stuff like childhood memories of Mahiro of sharing the food, Mario's boss giving him a comfort hug, the girl co-worker literally forcing herself on Souta to date her; all these create very unreliable and unpleasant narrative, with so many annoying tropes thrown in that its hard to ignore after a certain time. The only saving grace here is the yummy international cuisines that we get to see being made. The whole title and using the idea of a guy liking to eat naked, could have been explored more about the lead's personality and actually adding to the story rather than using just as a shock value.  Why create it if you were not going to explore it to its fullest extent? Or maybe I am just into fluff anymore. Overall, a disappointing one. (4/10)


Miisu said…
Sometimes it was a total torture to wait the whole week for the next episode, because almost all of them ended with a cliffhanger. But looking at the story from beginning to end, it was kinda shaky, almost disconnected at times. And I admit I'm not the best audience for this show after being spoiled rotten by "Our Dining Table". I also loved the food and gardening part, but when the girl appeared, that was a major MEH?. The nice part of me tried to convince me that it's the cultural differences and these are supposed to be... well.. different, but it still felt like someone in that equation had a few screws loose - the writers most probably. They kinda let their characters off the leash and they ran amok all over the place. And yet it's not so difficult to write the characters-in-love, there's a basic formula that works in real life, and has worked on screen as well: "When a girl is in love, no one else knows - just the girl; when a boy is in love, everyone else knows - except the boy." Souta felt most out of character in that context and the girl came out too random.

I usually love the "have met before" trope, so that's probably one of the things beside fresh veggies and cooking scenes that kept me watching. And when things turned meh? I thought it's just Japanese version of crazy scriptwriting. The kitchen was so full of interesting little things, starting from the grandmother's scrap book of recipes (really well drawn illustrations :) ) and ending with the pots and pans and knives. The glass boxes where they kept the spices were also interesting, a bit Scandi even.

Meanwhile in the green room some series have ended as well. Like:
"Step by step" - office romance between the boss and an employee, very slow :D It takes about 8 episodes until some sort of confession. Excessive crying alert, however. For an empath it was rather painful to watch the characters crying about all sorts of things. Oh, and there's a mini-Vegas :) like a little brother of Vegas Theerapanyakul, he even wears a red velvet blouse.
"La pluie" - half-magic story about destined soul mates who have a specific hearing loss while it rains. They can't hear anyone else, only their soul mate. Also "have met before" is included. And a cat. And a few meh?-moments as well.
"House of stars" - actually more a crime story than a BL, but there are a few BL couples. Rather clear-cut characters and lavish interiors. Liked the ending.
"Tie the not" - a miniseries on YouTube ( ). Arranged marriage pandemonium that ends with a cancelled wedding. Acting is sort of mediocre and production is shaky, but the overall story is rather compact and overall a pleasant watch.
Sailor Maan said…
I have to admit this one was sadly a disapointment to me as well. And yet it begins so good. The first half was excellent. A pure japanese style crazy concept, a promising chemistry and love story, and those amazing dishes that had me want to pack and travel just so I could taste them. Really I was captivated. Then it all goes awry. The base concept never was given any depth. The couple story felt ridiculous. Like you have this guy you've had a crush on for years and then when he confesses you refuse??! Plus all the possible "let's not have any communication, this can give writers excuses to use every misunderstanding / bad timing tropes possible". Errr... Thankfully the yummy food remains. Makes me want to (have my husband) cook all of them (lol). And buy plane tickets.

Following your recommandations Missu:
- "Step by step" will not be for everyone but I loved it so much. It's hard to recommend because you have to watch the uncut version which is basically 12 x 1h20, and not much romantic happens before episode 9 or so. It has other problems too. But I'm soooo infatuated by the boss Jeng and the way his actor acts, makes me lose absolutely all objectivity...
- "La pluie" had a wonderfull concept and some pretty romantic moments. But a poor realisation and irritating characters for me, especially in the end.
- "Tie the not" : short series that treats too many things too quickly to have you feel anything for them. Worth only for the really cute leads and sexy moments.
- There is another philipines youtube series that I really like so far (still in the middle of it) : "Stay"
Miisu you intrigue me with "House of stars". Just tried a tiny bit and it gave me "War of Y" vibes so I immediately dismissed it lol. Maybe I should persevere...
Miisu said…
@Sailor Maan - "House of Stars" unwinds very slowly, but I guess I'm already immune to that :D I liked that all characters had clear personalities and didn't act out of character. I don't like to be confused about human behavior, I've got that in real life - and enough to last me for three lifetimes ( = cringe @ weather vanes). The murder happens almost at the end. Good that the victim was that particular person and it was not too easy to guess who did it. One wishful-thinking blood spatter scene however was soooooo amateurish that it made me laugh, although the situation was far from laughable.
Golu said…
thanks guys for some early feedback on the show is am yet to watch.
PS: I am on holiday in Thailand and I keep remembering of all those Thai shows. So I basically feel at home :)
Sailor Maan said…
Wait for me I'm coming too! (... in February, I hope you have extended holidays lol). Enjoyyyy!!

On a series note, I confirm you should absolutely watch "Stay", it's one of those unexpected very good short series.
Miisu said…
Chrissake, that's some nice news! Send me a postcard and keep away from that peculiar blue alcohol, the Full Moon is rather close :D
Golu said…
blue drinks dn full moon. lol
I lost forgot about that

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