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Arrête avec tes mensonges (French) [Lie With Me]

A hauntingly beautiful, heartwarming and touching film; this is exactly what I needed today. Within first 10 minutes I knew I am going to like this film, but I didn't know how much. But the time it's almost ending and the last 10-15 minutes just take the film to another level. It is hard to explain in words, why this movie works. The plot is not new, but it's the execution and most importantly two fantastic actors. It takes a certain kind of restraint from a filmmaker to tell a small story so tenderly and moving. Just a few days back I was wondering why we don't get to see some good old gay romance. This film may to be a typical happy ending romance that I wanted, but it was one of the most beautiful closure I have seen on a lost love.

Stéphane, a celebrated author and openly gay, is visiting his hometown in countryside after almost 35 years. He has been invited by local council to celebrate his work and thank him on outing their small town on map. He is a bit uncomfortable on his visit because of perceived homophobia, but things start to look up when he meets Lucas. Lucas is a young man who grew up in the town and now works as a tour guide living in US and is also there in town with a group of tourists. The bike he rides suddenly brings back memories for Stéphane. Through multiple flashbacks, slowly, peel by peel, Stéphane's story from his teenage years in unfolded. Back when he was 17, he liked this schoolmate Thomas, who was vey popular with girls. Thomas notices that and one days asks him if he is interested. Before you know the two start a rocking affair. At first it’s purely sexual attention, but something else soon develops between them – and that’s where things get complicated. Thomas has a condition being that no one can ever find out. Back in present times, At first it’s purely sexual attention, but something else soon develops between them – and that’s where things get complicated. Finds out that Lucas is Thomas' son and that Thomas passed away a year back. Unsure of what and how much Lucas knows, even though he keeps using Thomas' names in pretty much all his love stories. Slowly Lucas probes Stéphane to find out what his father was like, but he os sworn to secrecy. He doesn’t know how to face his own heartbreak or to tell his former lover’s son about his father’s homosexual past. When Stéphane gets to know that Thomas actually committed suicide, he decides to tell Lucas everything and Lucas in turn films him in about life Thomas led after that fateful day when Thomas left for Spain for. Month but never came back. In one of the most precious and beautiful finale speech, Stéphane assures Lucas how much his father loved him and finally after his death is finally comfortable that the world knows the truth about him.

Where do I even begin to write things about this magnificently scripted, acted and shot film. It elegantly recounts, with sensitivity, the love story between teenagers finding their way in a time and place when homosexuality was hidden, and the heartbreak and reckoning of two adults grappling with the secrets and the past. The surroundings and cinematography immerses us in the character of the small town and its surroundings, with particular attention to interiors. All of this is important to understanding Stéphane’s nostalgia for a place which never really accepted him. The film had one too many beautiful moments post in past and present. The ay the teenage romance develops and how the two boys handle it is just so pure, innocent and likable. Viewers can feel the humidity of a nostalgic summer in the air as both boys embrace their sexuality for the first time. And similarly in present, the interactions between Lucas and Stéphane are just so cool. The actors playing the two teenagers are gorgeous and they excel in acting as the teen boys who fall hard for one another in flashbacks. Some of the best scenes and memories from the film are from these flashbacks which make us understand where both of these characters are individually coming from. In contrast, in the present times, the two grow ups are looking for answers. 

This movie explores the special significance of first love, coming of age, and the memories they create that last a lifetime. It was also a wonderful example of how we relate to another person who was unknown to us yet deeply loved the same person that we ourselves have loved. The common ground that two people have when they have both independently loved a third is thoughtfully explored. The film makes you smile, sometimes laugh and very surely cry at many places. This is truly a film that speaks on the process of learning to embrace personal identity and overcoming the personal shame of same-sex attraction. It is bound to stir up emotions that, like me, I didn't even know they existed. The final hug from Lucas to Stéphane was just the perfect ending after a memorable speech. I was bawling in that for no reason. There is no way you would be left unmoved by this film, and if you, probably something is wring with you. Thank you so much for making this film. I am in love with it already. The ability to weave two separate images into one film is genius and fully encapsulates Stéphane’s journey to self respect. A heartbreaking story of love which I can't recommend enough. The solid acting, and the devastatingly beautiful execution makes this film an absolute must watch. (9/10)


Sailor Maan said…
Oh Golu I think I owe you another big thank you for having us discover this beautiful movie (you also have my husband's thanks :).
It's amazing how moving it can be on many different subjects all at once. Of course the fact you know the outcome of the young love adds a touhing melancolic side. But it was more the simultaneous healing of both the son and the ex lover that had my heart beat so hard. Honestly I'm amazed the director didn't get lost with that many layers and things to develop, and still offered a perfectly balanced and interresting and truly moving movie. Even the what you would expect be side characters are given some depth and importance.
The actors are fantastic.
It's a pure gem. My husband wants to buy the book now lol.
Golu said…
I am sooooooo happy to hear that u liked this film. Actually reading this book could be very interesting.
Say my hello and gratitude to both u and your husband.
Sailor Maan said…
You're the one having our gratitude! To think you're the one recommending us french movies, I feel a bit ashamed ^^;

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