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Future (Thai Mini-Series)

Even though this mini series is only 6 episodes, albeit each of still 40-45 minutes; this show offers absolutely nothing new for us to watch. The plot is full of cliches, which to my disappointment, keep repeating, the story is absolutely pointless, the personalities are odd and this seems like a hastily put together project which is sub par at almost every level. This is the kind of love story that we don't need.

He show starts with us meeting Ana, a medical student who has a crush on Fuse, an engineering student, but he never acts on his crush. Circa, one year later, Fuse is hanging out with his friends and most of them are in some relationships and Fuse feels lonely and wonders how come a handsome guy like hi cannot find a boyfriend. Sad, he goes to a dentist to get his teeth cleaned and meets Ana there who is working at his father's practice. The two make small talk. Fuse mentions how he's hopelessly single. Ana takes a bold initiative and offers to go out with him. Startled by his forwardness, Fuse agrees to a date. From that day onwards, they officially begin a relationship as boyfriends. They start dating. We find out that Fuse used to have a boyfriend, who he broke up with when he realized he wasn't serious. More drama is thrown our way when Ana's parents are reluctant to like Fuse, only because the last boyfriend broke his heart. Fuse has more battles to fight. Not only is the fact that their son maybe gay is news to them but also they feel he is way too young (not even 20) to make a decision like this. They briefly breakup only to get back stringer and managing to convince there parents that their love os true and for real.

When Is aw that there is a Thai show with only 6 episodes, I was happy for a moment that finally someone is listening to audiences and making crispier shows, but then the first episode itself gave me a taste of what to expect. The start of the couple's romantic journey itself was one of the most bizarre to say the least. Fuse is desperate to find a boyfriend, Ana offers himself and bang here you go! I mean, how ridiculous that sounds. The series doesn't explain their attraction, explore their feelings, or emphasize their bond. And things don't get any better. The cringy dialogues and attitude, the unnecessary jealousy by the ex or even close friends, total unfunny jokes; almost everything is just plain simple boring and bad. Future often comes across as childish and amateurish, embarrassing itself with an unpolished script that needs refinement. The love story is extremely bland. They claim to love one another after only dating for a short time. Yet, their shaky relationship is eclipsed by angsty conflicts and needless drama. The actors are good to look at but when you have a shoddy script like this, almost no one can save this hot mess. The finale is ok with parents getting together to talk about their kids and future, but I mean these are just students. Just let them be. Why does everything have to be so serious. An easily forgettable series, this one had no business to be made. (3/10)


Miisu said…
Yes, what you said. Cliché and trope overload, twisted ways of thinking (and these are not due to cultural differences), engineering student AGAIN... Reading your review brought back the pain I felt watching it, hoping every week that now it's going to get better. No such luck. It's supposed to be a parallel story to "Love Mechanics" that's in your "never watch" list and I was ready to give the makers the benefit of a doubt, because some time has passed and they might have read the reviews and made some conclusions and everybody's developing for the better... Not with this show they didn't. So many opportunities wasted. Why am I this hopeful and optimistic - am I turning blonde?! There's no sensible explanation since I've been accused of being too pessimistic and seeing everything in dark colors and refusing to give anybody a chance etc. Well, the next wisea$$hole who comes near me with this accusation gets a really big piece of my mind :D

Hope you have something pleasant to heal your wounds with. I'm taking a midnight walk to smell the blossoming linden trees.
Golu said…
We are never gonna help ourselves and continue to watch these stupidity, because in our hearts we are teen girls and shippers.
Sailor Maan said…
This one was such a waste of time seriously. It was onlt 6 episodes but I felt it was 20...
I kindda liked the beginning. Ana accepting to be his boyfriend just like that may seem odd, but let's be honest, one night stands we all had are rarely based on personality lol. Doesn't prevent the hook up from turning into the man of your life (... yes I'm talking about me here haha so maybe I felt a tiny connection there). But then all the rest was so tedious to watch. With all the possible BAD cliches around (of course they would go with the good ones).
At the same time it comes from "Love mechanics" world. I didn't really find the short version thrilling, and hated the long version, so I don't really know what I was expecting... "Because in our hearts were are teen girls" and because "I was happy for a moment that finally someone is listening to audiences and making crispier shows". Yeah, that. Once again you perfectly summarized my feelings Golu!
Golu said…
Hopefully one day we will have someone actually listen to us, but then , like everywhere else, we will have to continue to watch a lot of crap in the hope of finding that one show or film that connects with us,

Don't miss futon watching this French film I just reviewed recently
Sailor Maan said…
Haha it's booked for tonight actually! Couldn't miss this film after your review ;)
Miisu said…
Exactly - the hope that maybe someone finds our thoughts and actually decides to use them is the only thing that brightens the future. I feel so high and dry because of being raised to be the nice idiot who always finishes what they've started, be it an unpleasantly tasting dish, a shitty book or a damn torturous film/series. I need an... I don't know... an assistant in rebellion :D Some badass demonic daredevil to give me permission to drop bad stuff halfway before I completely ruin my eyesight or before my last remaining brain cell decides to run away from such an abusive owner :D

But still: this series together with the whole set of prequels and parallels was so sadly half-assed in every aspect - camera work, production, lines, locations, everything.
Golu said…
and yet we are alll still here waiting for the next best shit show.. hahahahahaha
Miisu said…
And they keep making all sorts of shit :D The growing production capacity is beyond any expectation, but if it is not too much to ask, I'd like some increase in the quality and substance as well. Asking for a friend (I hope my last remaining brain cell still considers me as its friend...)

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