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The Day I Loved You (Filipino/English Series)

This is probably one of those series which is likely to go under the radar. A cute, fluffy BL set in a high school, it has all the elements of love triangle, first love, prom etc giving a "Stars under the sky" vibes. And it sonly 10 episodes that too of about 18 minutes each. The show focuses only on the main story and there is absolutely no distraction whatsoever. Now, if this was a Thai series, we would have had tropes overload, some random comic side stories, some 3-4 other parallel love stories and they would stretch and extend the show of Ron reasons. In that sense I really am glad that this show knew exactly what it wanted to say and portray without digressing us from the main story.

We meet Eli, a rebel kid who gets caught trying to steal school paper. Eli is a foreign student from Singapore who acts out to get attention from his mom. As a punishment, he is made to join the dance club where the school her, topper gay boy Nikko will teach him. Nikko has a best friend Justine who have known each other since they were kids and Justine actually likes and loves Nikko. Initially Eli completed ignores Nikko but eventually gives in to learning dance, thanks to a very positive outlook towards life from Nikko. Both Eli and Nikko feel a strange spark towards each other and Eli soon realizes how Nikko might be the nicest, kindest and most optimistic person he has ever met. Justine is not unaware of Eli's growing fondness for Nikko. When it's time for prom, they both ask Nikko to be his date, at which point Nikko faints. It is revealed that Nikko is suffering from ALS and has been getting treated for it for few years now, and so it is not sure if he will ever be even able to dance. Justine and Eli both help Nikko's mother during this time and Justine finally realizes that even Nikko feels much more strongly about Eli and he will only be a friend for him. In one the most touching finale episode. Nikko is paralyzed waist below and can't stand, but dancing in the prom was alway this bog dream; so how Eli confesses his love for Nikko and makes his dream cum true for not just dancing in prom but also him becoming the prom king.

I have to say that I wasn't expecting much from the show even after a couple of episodes, but it took me by surprise. The show may be simple but it has heart and soul. What seems to be quite a conventional enemy-to-lovers and love-triangle high school BL series in the first episodes, suddenly turns into a heartbreaking drama, and something that grabs and keeps your attention. The short episode format is definitely a huge plus. All the characters slowly evolve in the show. Thanks to Nikko and his love and optimism, Eli gives up his rebellious behaviour over time and even reconciles with his mom. Justine finally accepts that he won't be Nikko's lover, and he gives up in a heartbreaking scene. He proves that he is Nikko's best friend when he teams up with Eli trying to support Nikko. And to top it all, the positive uplifting spirit of Nikko, despite being called homophobic slurs, always knows exactly when to give it back. He wants to enjoy as much of a normal life he can dancing, laughing, falling in love and with friends. It is a good blend of comedic, joyful, sad, tragic, and emotional scenes. Coming to the actors, the boy playing Eli is super hot, like hot. And It the Nikko's spirit that eventually wins you over. A classic case of beauty lies within and show with your attitude. I loved the fact that there is nothing over the top, no unnecessary drama, even the love triangle is handled with love and maturity. All of this is in complete contrast to what you get from any Thai school/unoversoty based BL shows. It is not a perfect sow by any means and may feel a bit too simple, but somehow the zest of life and the soul of the show came across very positive to me and I binge watched it in one go. If for nothing else, watch it for the hot Eli. Hahaha.Jokes aside, I think the show deserves to be seen. (7/10)


Sailor Maan said…
Glad you liked it as much as I did, I can't describe it more than you review. Just don't get fooled by the beginning and give it a chance. It begins with the overused ennemies to lovers, with clearly low budget, and I mainly stayed for the (very) hot Eli. Then it evolves into something completely different and mature and beautiful and touched me deeply. Nikko totally wins you over with his cheerful and optimistic attitude. At the same time it's not all unbelievable fairytail-ish. The moment Nikko finally can't take it anymore breaks your heart. His scream when he realizes he is paralysed still give me shivers everytime I think about it. When his positiveness comes back, it's just another dimension. Reminds me of One Republic videoclip "I lived" and its oh so touching message. Helped me a lot when my bestfriend had some serious health problems and needed some real backup. It sets you straight with your everyday life little complaints as well... That's probably why this series touched me more than others and I consider it a small hidden gem.
Golu said…
It is indeed a hidden gem. We all have our own ways of dealing with curvevballs that life throws at us and sometimes, moments like this reminds us of all the goodness out there.

PS; Just finished watching Season 2 of "The Bear" on HULU. Not a gay show, but an amazingly different yet hopeful show. Highly recommend if u r looking to watch something good.
Sailor Maan said…
Oh thank you for the recommandation as always :). Hulu is not accessible in France unfortunately, I'll try to find another way to watch it.
Miisu said…
There have been a few other Asian series that have taken an American-ish (or telenovela-ish) overused story line and tropes and made it a pleasant watch that works. This series was - above all - emotional, but yet not overly dramatic, although it could have been -, the material was there alright. It was used in a very classy and well thought through way. At first I didn't dare to watch it, afraid it might be a trigger, but then I thought "for Jane!" and watched it in one go. Jane was a belly dancer with fresh and bubbly personality, shitload of talent and carpe-diem-attitude. She was 41 when she was diagnosed with ALS and six years later she became forever 47. She dedicated her last years for raising the awareness of both ALS and assisted suicide. I followed her blog and whenever I could I had - probably the most meaningful - conversations with her via messenger. She was amazingly fluent in sarcasm and a force of nature to the very end. It's crazy how in the 21st century there's still one damn diagnosis that is basically a death sentence. That was the only thing in the story that bothered me - the script was rather hopeful, but in reality there's still no cure for ALS. The condition worsens in time and the ending is being fully paralyzed and fully conscious, a prisoner in the body where all motor neurons have shut down. Scary.

While watching I tried to keep myself aware that Nikko is a character played by an actor (the actor was the very best choice for this role) and this story is not a reality show, but more than a half of me remembered the journey of Jane, her blog and book, her list of first and last things she wanted and managed to do, her jokes and witty remarks, her lushious hair and I-dare-you-sparkly eyes. It was an emotional roller coaster indeed. I don't know what I'll do when "Last Twilight" airs... "The Day I Loved You" reminded me the life of a person I knew only briefly and via online conversations, "Last Twilight" will be too close to my own story. But I'll watch it, no matter what. For Jane. For me. In your face, ALS!
Golu said…
Miisu you always amaze me at the amount of knowledge you have about so many various things. Respect!!
Miisu said…
Thank you, kind sir, for the best compliment of this year :)
(melts into a blushing puddle)
Sailor Maan said…
I join with Golu, love your stories Miisu! (that counts for the one you shared in Love tractor too)

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