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A Boss And A Babe (Thai Series)

When I started watching the show, I absolutely loved it. It was uncomplicated, drama free, great chemistry, a very infectious energy from the lead and the conversations were something that you would expect most people to talk in their daily life. The problem with the show it overstays its welcome. After being a huge fan of the lead's chemistry and our 'babe', it just started to repeat itself and the conflicts and drama felt forced. Ideally the show could have ended in 6-8 episodes and I would have rated it quite high. But as it is, I would probably deduct one mark. Besides that the show does manage to keep a smile on your face, with some objectionable and questionable workplace behavior; but other than that, it's not a bad show at all. It is 12 episodes of about 40-45 minutes each.

Through his friend Jack who works for a gaming company, Cher manages to get 3 month internship. Cher is a bundle of energy, self-admit tingly chatty, very outgoing, says what he feels like and overall very likeable. As first order, he is asked to pick up a complicate coffee order for the CEO, his boss Gun which finds difficult to remember. When he can't help but offer his business advice on a new game, the boss notices him and the next time when Cher brings him coffee, the boss tries to remember where has he seen him before and realizes that Gu is a loyal follower of Cher's secret ASMR channel and that his videos help him with insomnia. The duo connect on that and before you know, the otherwise serious boss is slowly letting go off his guard with the peppy Cher and the two start hanging out a lot more. Other employees notice their bond and begin gossiping, especially since Gun is openly gay. Cher stands up for his boss, telling others to mind their business. Touched by his gesture, Gun and Cher grow even closer. They develop an attraction and share their first kiss, which happens actually pretty quickly by episode 2 or 3. After that , we see their relationship grow and navigate through multiple situations but nothing overtly dramatic. We see Gun's ex-boyfriend (now a very good friend) coming into picture making Cher jealous, there is a backstory of Cher's high school girlfriend and her brother to whom Cher takes care of after the girl died. We have the whole office gossip situation and a game competitor for the boss who used to be a close friend and more like this. Also we have Cher's group of friends trying to go for a big gaming competition and how Gun eventually also becomes part of the group. Cher even backs out of the relationship a couple of times, thinking that a boss and an intern relationship is not right and that Gun deserves better but both of them realize thatchy complete each other and are very much meant for one another.

The biggest USP of the show is its lead Cher. He is a bundle of energy, goofy yet charming, has excellent sense of humor and one can easily see why just any one would not be able to escape his charisma. The cheeky jokes, silly antics, and hilarious quips create a boisterous atmosphere. There were so many instances when he replies to Gun on his cheesy jokes that made me smile or laugh. I really can't recollect many but stuff like, "don't be overdramatic", "I am just finishing internship , not moving to Mars" or" u love me every time you do me" and many many more like this. The sassy character gives it back with the witty one liners and for a change I really have to applaud the screenplay writers and the dialogue writers who made sure the series and character remained true. And thankfully this doesn't change even when he falls in love, or moved back to college or in difficult situations. He is who he is and I loved that. In the show, you can't ignore his vicarious personality; but at the same time I can totally see rolling my eyes of someone like him was my co-worker. The romance between him and the boss develops pretty quick. Some may think that gun is abusing his position of power but personally I didn't feel that. You can see that even his office friend and other colleagues advice him to not take this relationship serious because the whole boss and intern dynamic is unhealthy, which I agree to a certain extent; but the way they have depicted things in the show, I have. Absolutely no problems with it. I was quite content with the way relationship, its sanctity and the whole office romance was portrayed. I loved that Cher was naughty but also mature enough to notice that Gun doesn't have enough friends and made sure he included him in his personal outings and office outings.

So overall I enjoyed the romance, their sassy interactions, the playfulness thanks to Cher's character and more. The big problem like I mentioned is that they kept introducing sub-plots which really were not needed. Had they focussed only on core couple and  finished the show in lesser number of episodes, it would have been so much better. The whole gaming competition or even his ex girlfriend's brother story could be completely taken away. Also the ending felt very disjointed from everything that happened so far. Cher deciding to cut ties completely with the boss after internship to prove himself, not talking for 6-12 months and then suddenly show up with flowers asking to Bemis boyfriend was something that just didn't sit well with me. I mean they both knew each other's home, college, internet etc, it is almost impossible to disappear suddenly. So yes, these flaws that I mentioned are real and took away from the overall spiciness of the show, but I still quite enjoyed it A LOT, and almost all of that has to do with the actor playing Cher, the tailing of his character and the sassy dialogues. Take away any of that, the show will be a big bore with its very below average storyline. (7/10)


Miisu said…
Indeed huge thanks to the scriptwriters - this series is way better than "Enchanté" where the main couple played the leads. This one actually had a beginning and an ending and something logical to connect those two points. The cheerful, sincere and easy-going "Cher" suited much better for Book than the whining and scheming "Theo" in "Enchanté". "Cher" was definitely more relatable and his personality matched his job and his hobby of having an ASMR-channel.

I liked the way the actual work process in the office was not used as a filler to stretch the story to 12 medium length episodes (remembering "Check Out"...), there was enough going on. And +1 about the sad story of gossip and death from the past of Cher - was it meant to add some vulnerability to his character? He was already sincere enough.

Btw, they have 2 special episodes in "Our Skyy 2", that ended recently :)

P.S! The "elaborate coffee drinks that are impossible to remember"-trope created a discussion with my friend who has a coffee mug with the statement "I hate morning people. And mornings. And people." She had also seen some series where the leads were drinking some embellished coffees.
Her: Really, coffee is first and foremost an alarm clock, it has to be fresh and clean and simple. Black, poured to the rim, a spoonful of syrup - and basta.
Me: Yeah, totally agree. Mine is really simple, a triple espresso with chili flakes made in a Bialetti pot, served with lemon peel, 3 cubes of sugar and frothed almond milk, topped with some cinnamon.
Her: THAT is your idea of simple - ?... And coffee is what - optional?!
I've officially become high maintenance. Oops :D
Golu said…
you and High Maintenance? never :p
I have always been a tea person ;)

I saw somewhere anbouthis Our Skyy2 episodes and this show , but I wasn't really sure as to what was going on.
Miisu said…
"Our Skyy 2" just ended; it contains specials for "Never let me go", "Star and Sky: Star in my mind", "My School President", "Vice Versa", "The Eclipse", "A Boss and a Babe", "Bad Buddy" and "1000 Stars" - each show gets 2 episodes. The last two shows/4 episodes are merged ( = the best part).
Golu said…
Got it. In that case, I won't rush into watching this soon
Sailor Maan said…
I loved this one so much, it radiates with positive energy! All thanks to Cher of course. But it's also the combo "cold handsome one / goofy kindhearted over energetic other one" than I liked a lot. I wouldn't stop smiling, just by hearing the intro theme song.
I sadly agree that the stupid end drama was not necessary and not welcome, but other than that I'd probably watch it from time to time when I need spirits uplifting. "You love me everytime you want to do me" haha please thai writers give us more lines like that.
I actually liked the story with Cher's brother in law, it gives another dimension to Cher's positive nature. Boy, as you said I would never want a co-worker like him though! I'd have a hot Gun though :p
The episodes (11 and 12 if I'm not wrong) from Our skyy 2 dedicated to "A boss and a babe" are very nice. You can watch them without taking care of the other episode as each story of 2 (or 4) episodes is independant. They follow the story in a cute way with still that beautiful energy.

OMG Missu you're worse than Gun for cooffe haha!
I'm a tea and coffee person. Even in my beverages I'm a bisexual flexible person lol.
Miisu said…
Well, I kinda left some specifics out of the recipe - like... the coffee beans have to be Lavazza Rossa, the lemon peel slightly scorched (on one side only) and the Bialetti has to be red :D Dammit, this happens almost every time I try to be less complicated :D

P.S! Tea is fine, too.
P.P.S! Mate is more than fine :D

Oh, and I just remembered the legend of the widow's ghost from the beginning of the series. That was good. There seem to be a lot of ghosts and spirits over there and I really liked that one.
Golu said…
As always, so good to read comments from both of you. It's like watching the show together. ;)

" Even in my beverages I'm a bisexual flexible person lol." - because why not !!! :)

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