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Donde Hubo Fuego [High Heat]: Fabio and Gerardo Storyline (Mexican Series)

This actual series focuses on the life of a stripper turned firefighter trying to figure out who killed his brother. But god bless the person, who was kind enough to make a gay edit of the whole series and just focus on the storyline of Fabio and Gerardo. Even after the edit, the version is almost 2 hours 45 minutes long but is still quite engaging. The biggest advantage is that this story line felt pretty isolated and meant knowing anything at all about the main story, did not stop me from appreciating the focused gay sub-storyline of this show. I really wish more and more users, could possibly make gay edit versions of series which normally wouldn't qualify as LGBT show but have a substantial gay sub plot.

Fabio is a young 20 year guy and son of Glorita, the proprietor of the local boarding house that is next to the fire station. And then we meet Gerardo, on whom Fabio has a huge crush and who is friendly with everyone. Except that Gerardo has a girlfriend who happens to be Fabio's good friend too. Fabio is openly gay and is known to everyone, but only one of his other close friend and his mother knows about his infatuation with Gerardo. Fabio comes up with an idea to open a business of knitting with cafe and Gerardo decides to become his partner. Every time they interact there is bundles of sexual tension between them but neither takes any action. After a long long time, Gerardo finally rises Fabio and the two start a relationship secretly. But Fabio doesn't like secrecy and he puts pressure on Gerardo to come out. In the meantime, the girlfriend suspects something fishing going on, and she corners Gerardo into almost being ganged to her by inviting his parents who are a big time homophobic. Fabio breaks up with Gerardo, but true love can't stay apart for long. Gerardo eventually tells everyone the truth but it doesn't go down well with anyone. His parents now don't want anything to do with him an this girlfriend still hopes against hope that she can win him back. While Gerardo is struggling with his sexuality, Fabio proposes him for marriage thinking of it as a grand gesture. Shocked and surprised Gerardo runs away, but eventually understands that he cannot keep running away from love. He finally, in a grand gesture, proposes to Fabio; the duo get married and his parents also finally come around.

I did enjoy this series a lot actually. Two good looking men, nice love story and some very hot fire fighters; what's not to like. But I have a big issue with this show and that is Fabio's attitude. Just because he has been open all his life and has had very understanding mother and friends, gives him no right to put pressure and force his love for Gerard to make him come out. I strongly believe that every individual has his own coming out journey that only the person should decide and no one else. So, in this respect I found Fabio's character very overbearing. Gerardo was the ore understanding and patient one, but sure the man couldn't make hi mind between the girlfriend (because the society and his family expects that of him) and his true love Fabio (because he is the only one with whom he actually feels loved). But if I was Gerardo, and Fabio would pull all the stunts that he actually does throughout the show, I would actually run far away from him. I felt many a time Fabio crosses the line in the show. No wonder they make up and break up like at least 4-5 different times in the show. The worst decision is when Fabio decides to propose Gerardo. I mean, come on. A straight guys is just about to coming to terms with his sexuality, his father has just asked him to leave the home, the ex-girlfriend is doing her own drama; and this guy thinks that proposing marriage to Gerardo will be a true proclamation of love. I mean, that guy has no timing. Unfortunately the show actually promotes all his actions, in the name of true love; but personally I don't advocate most of his actions. The guy needed to be patient and be on a journey with Gerardo. He was always 'my way or highway'. Despite this, I did enjoy the overall series, I did enjoy the phase where Fabio is constantly infatuated with Gerardo and you can see he too has feelings but how they both would keep things in check. The show does a good job of portraying it. And of course, we do get a very happy romantic ending. Overall, if you get your hands on the edit version, Would still recommend watching this. (6/10)


edward said…
I saw the main couple on social media so tried to start watching the series on Netflix. Glad to know there is an edited version somewhere? Agree with you about coming out is different for people, nobody should be pressured when they aren't ready.
Golu said…
The edited version of the couple storyline is available on YouTube, so you can follow it there rather than watching the whole show with 39 episodes, unlesss you are enjoying the series overall :)
Sailor Maan said…
So nice to have edited version of shows with only the gay storyline. Although I can't say I liked this one... Fabio definitely crosses the line too many times but nearly all characters do. They also keep changing minds and attitude every episode, that's so irritating. Gerardo sad puppy face quickly got on my nerves too. The worse being most situations leading to drama have just NO credibility. The biggest one being of course Fabio asking Gerardo to marry him after one month, when one month and a week before Geredo was still in the closet and engaged to a girl. Oh and that kiss in front of everyone, and most of all your girlfriend you still haven't talked to, seriously? And so many other moments. Boy I thought I was immune after all the bad thai BL tropes but this felt even worse. I strangely felt it had all the possible cliches of 2000's when homo characters were still new in series.
On the positive sides, I did enjoy the firemen shirtless perfect bodies a lot ^^
If you want another edited version, I liked the one of Zero and Jude in Hit the floor. Still a OTT stupid drama series but it at least had good moments. And the guys are hot too :p
Golu said…
Totally agree with you on how how somany of the cliches and bad decisions were taken by Fabio in the show . Andyes, who wouldn't appreciate the naked chests of hot hot foremen.

Where can I find the gay storylines of these shows that you have mentioned? Youtube?
Sailor Maan said…
I had seen it on dailymotion, 2 episodes of 1h each. I checked and could only find Jude & Zero storyline Part 2 now. I'll see if I can find something with their mixed name maybe (Zude)
Golu said…
got it. I will also look for it

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