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Changing Ends (UK) (TV Show)

Alan Carr is a name that I am not familiar with, and honestly, I don't know if I should be embarrassed or not about this fact. I mean, I can't know every single popular celebrity throughout the world. Anyway, apparently he is a big deal in UK, so let's just take the internet's word for it. This 6 episode, 20 minute each sitcom set in the 80s, is a smart, inventive, very funny, honest and charming coming-of-age story. Chronicling the life os the young Alan in his childhood days, I am so glad that. The show takes the comedy route and does a fantastic job. 

We meet a young Alan Carr just finishing primary school, ready to go to secondary school. His best friend and neighbor Charlie has been asked to not hang out with Alan because he is"not the sort" you wanna be associated with. His father is the football coach for the local town team and his mother is a very supportive mom, who picks up occasional fights with Charlie's mom and their banter is always funny. The father rages against his bottom-of-the-table players, and young Alan constantly runs away from bullies to find solace in the drama studio or conversations with school lunch serving ladies. The parents are in a state of denial that their theatrical little boy is… different, or “a bit half-rice, half-chips”, as a bitchy neighbor puts it. Throughout the six episodes we see how Alan struggles in school, at home, doesn't understand why he gets bullied and how his parents are both very supportive yet not there for him at the same time. This is until finally a musical dram happens and Alan accidentally discovers his penchant for standup comedy which would eventually become his full-time job.

The show reminded me a lot somehow of 'Young Sheldon' in many ways. This series was funny but can't match the dry humor of Sheldon. The actor playing young Alan is an absolute scene stealer in every single frame. If not for this brilliant child actor, the show would have completely fallen flat. With his big gap teeth, oversized specs and effete ways, this child actor is completely believable as Alan would really have been in his childhood. The way he runs, to use the word loosely, is hilarious in itself – while exuding the perfect mix of self-confidence and vulnerability that makes the hugely empathetic character work. The real Alan himself shows on more than one occasion as a narrator of the show and some witty scene stealing one-liners. Of course there is an underlying theme of Alan fighting against, or maybe just shrugging off, prejudice, but mostly it is quite subtle, the script seems to assume intelligent viewers already understand what is going on, rather than having to spell it out to them. It isn't quite perfect but lacks enough flaws to cause any real true disliking for it. It won't be memorable in the longer run and I won't be going out recommending this to everyone I meet, but I can see hat if you are a fan of real Alan Carr, then how much you would love the show. You have to keep in mind that this is a sitcom whose sole purpose is to entertain. In that sense, this show has made a clear success of turning 1980s bigotry into a funny, feel good 20 minute episodes. I actually would not mind seeing a follow up season and see how the brilliant child actor takes it forward. (Special shout out to the kid playing Alan's younger brother. He doesn't have much to say or do besides the first and last episode, but his innocent baby face and 'I don't understand' expressions rooting for his kid brother definitely didn't go unnoticed by me). (6.5/10)


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