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Destiny Seeker (Thai Series)

Some shows are good and some are bad, but I can't think of just handful of shows that are just plain simple boring. They are not necessarily bad, but the execution of the already insipid plot does really nothing for me. I bet the makers were thinking that they have a SOTUS like series on their hands with dorms and rivals and the classic rivals turning lovers story on their hands, but the childish story and the fact that really nothing much happens for most of the story plots just tests your patience. Sitting. Through 10 episodes of 45 minutes each is going to be very very hard to finish this series, without constantly wondering if there is a point that this show is going towards or not !

Ai and Songkhram are leaders of the two dorms in their university and as such arch rivals. So for first 2-3 episodes we get to see the context being set on the university, students, dorm culture and these rivals. Confident and intelligent, Songkhram often clashes with Ai. None of the students on either side get along with each other. Songkhram also butts heads with Ohm, Ai's childhood friend and relative. Songkhram and Ohm's strained relationship means Ai further opposes his rival. Then we also have a student who is also a celebrity working in shows (irrelevant). Secretly, Songkhram has a crush on his rival and doesn't want to feud with him. However, he's too afraid to confess his feelings. Now it's their final school year before graduation. Songkhram tries to spend more time with Ai and ease their existing rivalry and confesses his love. This is where the story redeems itself a little. The duo star a secret romance hiding things from friends and a romantic courtship follows. But eventually they grow stronger and happier in relationship getting comfortable with each other, navigating through the journey of their college life leading to happy finale.

The biggest problem of the show is that the love story gets established in the 8th episode. By then it is so late. Audiences have probably completely lost the interest. Episode after episode random uneventful things happen that are just boring and I could care less. A confusing introduction of the show takes way too long to establish the university details, competition among the dorms and the orientation ceremony. Then we have some debt collecting episode which has absolutely nothing to do with the overall story. Afterwards, the characters do school assignments, go on a beach trip, and bicker incessantly. Before I knew it, this BL drama was halfway finished without significant developments, overarching plots, or memorable climaxes. What a waste of time. We know Songkhram has feelings for Ai but doesn't confess. And in the meantime, we have many other characters who have their own secret crushes in an annoying entangles web of crushing BL love. It sonly after episode 8 when the main couple comes together, we get to see some cute flirting, playful teasing and some cute moments; but by then it's too late. It is so sad to see two very very good looking leads struggling to take an obscure story and keeping it all together. They look good together and could have done wonders with a better story arch. The show squanders a handsome cast with lacklustre content. The one good thing about he show was the passionate love making scene between the two leads in the last episode, which is so much better than the usual static kiss on the lips that we are used to. Overall, in my opinion it's the yawn inducing pretty basic storyline that is the biggest culprit here. There is only so much that a charming leads can bring freshness to what's unfolding in front of us. (3/10)


Miisu said…
It's so different to watch a(ny) series one episode per week or in one go. Especially this particular series - some episodes appeared without translation, then some effing amateurish translations were added and then finally some half decent English subs were attached so it's possible to get a general idea about what's happening. Every single week the same prolonged agony! Seriously, us translators are a quite nice crowd, but it is not advisable to torture us with missing subtitles, "holy bagpipe, what's this - a Sphinx's riddle in ancient Sanskrit?!"-subtitles or suchlike pandemonium. There's one thing in the world that Chuck Norris is afraid of, and that's the rage of a translator :D

I liked the sandbox competition, probably because I miss studying so much, but I totally recognise it drags the main story and looks like something that's added as a filler to lengthen the story for 10 episodes. Looking back - I have no idea why I didn't stop watching it after E3 or E4, although I thought about it. The last 3 episodes were like written by a completely different scriptwriter, things were actually happening, going somewhere, and there was something to WATCH. That applies to that close-the-door lovemaking scene as well. It didn't feel rehearsed or choreographed at all, and that's rather... rare. Hope the main couple got noticed by some good director who can pair them with a better script.

One really amazing little Japanese series just ended, btw. "Our Dining Table". Follows the less-is-more rule, the main couple is so fragile and their interactions are so delicate that some parts made me hold my breath. The last episode moved me so much, I don't think I've ever seen anything like this (not spoiling). Pass the Kleenex, pls.
Sailor Maan said…
Shoot, that was next on my watching list... I had little hope but didnt expect it to be that bad. I'll still give it a try! But before that I have to finish the horrible "Past Senger" haha. And the bad "Make a wish".
I agree, Our dining table is so nice! (still haven't finished it)
Golu said…
I wil add "Our Dining Table" asap to my list now.
Miisu said…
Oh... sorry I didn't warn you about "Past Senger", mea maxima culpa. How far are you - ? It seemed like the writers wanted to squeeze in every BL and telenovela trope they could think of. And they succeeded! Unlucky for us. Where did you find "Make a wish" with English subtitles, if that's not a secret?

When watching the "Destiny Seeker", fast forward through the first 3 episodes, these are the slowest (probably written by a sloth who happens to like Harry Potter). The last 3.5 episodes are the ones where something actually happens.

And for the last episode of "Our Dining Table" passing the
Sailor Maan said…
Finished Past Senger and it was just sooo bad. Like you said they tried to fit in all the worse BL tropes in this one.
I watched Make a wish but with french subtitles... Would that help?
Went through 1st episode of Destiny seeker and I sincerely hope it improves a LOT. Else those 10 episodes will be painful to watch. Let's say I'll stand in support with you guys in sharing your pain ^^;
Miisu said…
Thank you for the support, helps a lot. I was afraid I'd have to scratch some images off my eyeballs, those fansubbed versions were too much.

Not just TRIED - they effing did it :D All the tropes into one series, that's an achievement alright, but all the wasted resources... "Past Senger" created quite many "what?!"-moments, and not in a good way. The amnesia-trope was the worst, seriously.

Hmm... "Make a Wish" with other than EN subtitles, thanks for the idea :) I'll try finding it in Russian then, I doubt it would be available in Finnish or German :D And my Spanish and Swedish are both kinda insufficient right now.

"Destiny Seeker" (I feel like guiding you through a maze :D ) - skip through the E2 and E3, nothing interesting and/or key value there. E4 & E5 I don't even remember what there was, E6 had something (ouch, remembered the machine translated initial English subtitles that almost made me chew my furniture to pieces), E7-10 finally have some movement and events. Long story short: don't waste your eyesight on the first 3 episodes, you're not missing anything.

P.S! Have you found "Eismayer" yet?
Golu said…
Just watch Ep 1-3 in fast forward and then skip directly to Ep 8/9/10
Sailor Maan said…
So I finally watched the whole thing (told you I'd stand in support) and it was indeed a pain for the first half that turned into a really cute second half. All thanks to the main leads that were sooo charming. I really wish we'll get to see more of them in another, better written, show. The second couple could have been really nice but their development was too quick and weird at times. And the third one just comes out of nowhere. Like many other things in the show unfortunately. It's mostly the writing that is to blame, many scenes were put there you wonder why, and many connections between scenes were just bad. Thankfully the second half had me smile a lot. And as you said Golu, we finally have a great, believable, love scene in a BL!
Oh and they have a baby in the end. You'll always win me over anytime there is a baby with gay dads in the end ^^

Sorry Missu, no Eismayer yet... (timing in order to watch a full length movie in english is actually a bit tricky for me :(
Miisu said…
Pheew, you survived :) The last 3 episodes were good, indeed - but it would have been good without the torture of the first 3, that's for sure. Oh and those machine-translated initial English subtitles... still scratching the visual off my eyeballs. And the missing connections between scenes, indeed. I love all sorts of brain games on the screen, like "find 10 differences" or "find and name Ikea items", but this piece made me worry about my own memory way too many times.

"Eismayer" is mostly uploaded without subtitles, but "my" main site has recently added French ones :) (and Polish and Serbian and Indonesian) That film is one of those rare pieces that should be prescribed as a painkiller.
Golu said…
you have got to watch Eismayer soon :)
Sailor Maan said…
Oh Miisu can I kindly ask on which site you have the french subtitles please. This way my husband will have no excuses like " I don't understand when it's in english" and I can put Eismayer on our movies to watch list :D
Miisu said…
It's on one of the many F.l.ix.t.o.r sites :) - I could send you a link via e-mail since I don't want to get our gracious host into trouble.
Sailor Maan said…
Perfect thank you Miisu! As soon as we're finished with "1899" we'll watch this one :)
Golu said…
1899 was such huge disappointment for me. DARK is one of my fav shows ever , so my expectations from 1899 were riding very very high

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