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Unintentional Love Story (Korean Series)

What started off as a very very enjoyable series with some great chemistry and amazing acting, why did it have to go downhill the last 2-3 episodes. If not for that, this would hav been an extremely high rated series for me. The memorable characters, breezy romance, and polished production create an easygoing atmosphere and is mostly enjoyable and memorable thanks to its leading 4 actors. At 10 episodes of about 35-40 minutes each, this otherwise solid drama would hav benefited if somehow its last few episodes could have avoided the cliched drama.

Won Young is an office employee, who gets fired because of a misconduct by his boss (which he isn't aware of). To combat this, he decides to go on a vacation to a remote village. There he visits a pottery shop owned and run by a guy called Tae Joon.  Won Young soon figures out that TJ is the son of a famous painter and that his former company was trying to get a contract with him. Hoping to get his job back, he makes deal with old boss, if he can convince TJ to sign a contract with the company. Tae Joon is a very private guy who is sensitive about privacy and hence has gone unnoticed all these years. Won Young's eagerness to be friends with TJ gets a cold shoulder. The more Wonyoung persists, the more Taejoon feels annoyed. So Won Young befriends a local cafe owner Dong Hee and gets a part time job in his cafe. Turns out Dong Hee is probably the only friend TJ has. Won Young decides to hang around town and secretly report whatever he can learn about Tae Joon's self-imposed exile, but when feelings begin to develop between the two, Won Young starts to question his sexuality, his motivations, and whether he even wants to go back to his old life in Seoul. The bubbly nature of WY eventually catches on and TJ can't resist his charm. Meanwhile, there is also this love story between Cafe owner and his friend who wants to date him. Back to the main couple , when WY realizes he is truly in love with TJ, he decides that he will tell him the truth, but before he can do that, his ex-manager shows up and tells Tae Joon the truth. Obviously he is heart broken and cannot believe that once again he was used in love for his and his father's name. Now, its Won Young on how he will win his love back after all the misunderstandings. The coupe goes through their share of trying to convince themselves and each other that they are truly in love and meant for one another.

The way the relationships between the characters are developed is great. I like how Taejoon goes from acting cold and distant to being charmed and smitten. Likewise, Wonyoung's confusion over his attraction offers an intriguing tension in their relationship. And with strong direction, the characters were also expertly and carefully written. With this cast, they did fantastic job with their roles and their relationship has such great chemistry. At first, Won Young's character seems to be the selfish kind, but eventually his smile, his charm and effervescence wins you over. He however comes around and you understand his point of view. Tae Joon on the other hand is the emotional kinda guy and you feel for him dearly. Together the way the show depicts the natural growth of their relationship is almost impossible to not fall in love with. Although, one thing that is missing here a little is that solid chemistry between the two. They ar great actors, but somehow that spark is kinda missing. They feel more like best friends than lovers. Sure, the romance develops slowly, but how I wish there was better rapport. Having said that, the show has extremely high and elegant visuals. The production looks crisp and colourful, cultivating a comfortable atmosphere. As mentioned in the beginning, the last few episodes where we have to witness that Won Young's deceit will eventually come to front. I understand this storyline is a significant part of the plot and needs to be addressed. However, the prolonged conflict is aggravating. From accusations to arguments, each hostile interaction undermines the romance.

Truth be told, my favorite character was actually the local cafe owner Dong Hee. He was fantastic, a s friend to TJ and as a boss, a mentor and a guide to WY. Also, the whole story about his friend wanting to date him definitely deserved more screen time. They both have lively banter, natural chemistry, and a nuanced backstory. Also, both actors are charismatic and convey sparks with each other. The series doesn't capitalize on the couple's potential. I really hope that this couple will get a spin off of their own. Despite its shortcomings, I still enjoy Unintentional Love Story as a cute casual series with a happy ending. I do wish though that since the leads were more mature, the romance should have been more passionate than just two kissing scenes that we get to see. There should have been more of passion and seduction, but that could just be my wishful thinking. (8/10)


Sailor Maan said…
One of my favourite series this year. As you said you can't help but fall in love with their romance and how characters develop.
I liked the ending more than the beginning though. I was fearing Won Young would make amends and win Taejoon back too easily. But the fact it's Won Young who won't accept everything and in the end decides to refuse was great. He is willing to do anything to win his love back, but still has self esteem and won't accept being trampled over. And he won't hesitate to say so to Taejoon. That's for me key to a healthy relationship and was brilliant. Of course the confrontations with the 2 bad guys (the ex and the boss) were absolutely thrilling.
The secondary couple was very engaging but wasn't explored enough, I want a spin off as well pretty please! Especially if it stays with this level of quality.
Golu said…
"Especially if it stays with this level of quality." - This is extremely important. If they can maintain this, I am sure a spin off series will actually do well.
I need to watch something nice and good soon :)
Sailor Maan said…
Can I suggest you watch "The day I loved you" from philippines? It's short and it was quite a unexpectedly good surprise, gave me feels of Hello Stranger and Heartstopper. Don't be fooled by the low budget, conventionnal start, this series packs something different. A small hidden gem for me.
And if you want to turn your brain off with some very cute and stupid thai BL, go with "A boss and a babe". Totally my kind of drug (not so sure it's going to be yours haha). The short "The promise" was nice too (the short 2 episodes series Nanfah and Puppah, they made a longer 10 episodes series that tells the same story in an extended not always needed version imo).
Golu said…
Duly noted sir. I will get on these asap

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