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Chains Of Heart (Thai Series)

Clearly a show like KinnPorsche was an inspiration for this series, but sadly, this show is not even half as entertaining. It took me half-a-dozen episodes to understand where the makers were trying to go with the story, because the plot is all over the place. The series is so painfully predictable, that viewers would keep thinking maybe there are some clever twists saved for the last. There aren’t. It's simply a train wreck, that gets stretched beyond reason for on and on. With 10 episodes of each 40-45 minutes, this show gave me so much headache trying tp out things in perspective since it is just so all over the place.

The show starts with a couple Din (a forest officer) and his lover Ken running from someone and being shot, fall off the cliff and presumed to be dead. Two years later, Ken is leading some secret mystery life and a mysterious stranger appears and starts to protect him. Somehow Ken feels connected to this person, but can't be sure. Then in all further episodes, we see some bad guys, some forest smugglers, some goofy police fliers trying to protect Ken and looking for Din. When Din's dead body is going after all these years, the family feud begins between two smugglers which make no sense at all. Meanwhile, eventually it turns out that this mystery man is none but Din, who, thanks to his sister and brother on law, went through plastic surgery tp change his face and identity and live like a Taiwanese man. Eventually secret is revealed, Din (in his new avatar) disappears again and the bad guys are out to jail/dead.

As if the ongoing series wasn't itself so bad, the ending is even worse. You can smell the "twist" form miles away. Anyone who watches movies and shows know exactly where this story is going. The episodes just jump from one place to another, different locations (including different countries), suddenly different timelines and more. They are so al over the pace that you just can't understand what's really going on, however hard you try. The poor leads are buried in this convoluted mess of a story, which is made worse by appalling editing choices and weak direction. The lead Ken is supposed to be martial arts expert but all he does is sobs and walks around like this dejected lover. The villains are poorly cast, all coming off as caricatures with OTT acting. What is worse, these flashbacks don't even reveal any particularly smart twist or plot device.  I never felt any connection to any of the characters and felt nothing between the leads or even the second couple (in fact both the couples were just yawn and boring). We would get to see random sex scenes suddenly which would have no bearing on the story. The story that they were trying to tell could easily be told in 2-3 episodes, and the romance barely exists between the lead couple. So it is even hard to brand this series in a particular category. Even if you wanna put your brains away and hope to see some BL love etc, there is hardly any. It's really hard to explain in words, how bad this show really is. Just decent production values cannot salvage the fact that was a royal mess and no one, like no-one, should have to waste money, time and effort on crap like this to make and then eventually for people like me to watch it. Please stop creating nonsense like this. (1/10)


Miisu said…
Oh... Barely survived, I see. Now I'm glad for watching it as an ongoing project, one episode per week. I probably would have been cringing just like you if I had to watch the whole thing in one go. I did love the locations, reminded me a lot of... one other series in particular. But otherwise this series kept on fiddling with my bitch switch and connected me with my bad side so when the last episode aired, I didn't like myself very much :D

And it would have been so piece-of-piss-easy to make this a decent show. Remember "Eyewitness"? Instead of opting for the most classic "who did it?"-scenario, it would have been so much easier and better to show the escape and plastic surgery of Din in the beginning when it happened and then focus on him hiding his identity and getting payback.

Funny that you mention KinnPorsche - did you notice the father of the main family playing the father in this series? The best distracting detail for an observer like me was the fact that both characters have the same first name, Korn :D. And instead of focusing on the current story I kept on thinking about that phenomenon. What a slut of a father, how many families does ha have :D ?! And what has he done to his wives? Somebody please save me from my own brain, asking nicely and yada yada yada :D Oh... uno momento piccolino, per favore, just remembered something... Yup. Remembered right. He has the same first name in "Don't Say No" where he plays the father of Leo. And some other series as well, holy bagpipe.

There's one thing at least that watching this series has done - you're so ready for "Manner of Death".
Golu said…
"Manner of death" - are you sure I am ready for this? I really need to watch something nice now after all these atrocities.
Miisu said…
Yes, positively absolutely sure. It's by Sammon (the lady actually knows what she's writing about, think "Triage") and "Manner of Death" is the complete opposite of "Chains of Heart" both storywise and actual sense of danger. I noticed only one wtf-moment (not spoiling). After seeing a disaster crime series, "Manner of Death" seems even better. Especially the ending that actually looks like ending.
Golu said…
ok. That's good to know :)
I may add that to list
Miisu said…
One more plus for "Manner of Death" - no brand placements. Totally passed the safety test in that area :D

If 14 full-length episodes is too much for you right now, a lovely Japanese journalism themed "Candy Color Paradox" is much shorter, but definitely something nice without being too sweet. One protagonist earned my Oscar for the best bed hair... ever.

And the Korean "Love Mate" has 8 short episodes, all sweet and tender without too much drama or wasting time on pointless characters or actions. Quite many please-close-the-door-moments for such a short series.
Golu said…
These BL shows are coming like a tsunami. Hard to keep a track of everything (as if I already didn't have my other regular shows to catch up on ) lol
Sailor Maan said…
I think I might be the only one who actually enjoyed this one... Or to be honest I really really liked the first half of it. But I'm also aware it's for very specific reasons. Give me neons, back alley, some smoke and mysterious plot and I get sucked in the atmosphere, feeling I'm playing Deus Ex or any other cyberpunk movie/game/show.
Then I can't argue about the second half being so bad for all the many reasons you listed, including the "mystery" that totally fell flat. The last episode was worse than anything else. Actually it became another reason why I enjoyed it : after being angry, I kept laughing of how bad it was. I mean come on, that gun fight scene 6 vs 1 on both sides of the motorbike and one of the bad guys very seriously asks for bullet reloads, I couldn't help but die laughing. Or Din being the man in black? When 1 episode before they show him as being 2 separate characters? But apparently no, Din fought the psyko guy (whose acting is worse than OTT ones from "To sir woth love", and that's saying a lot), then it's Ken's turn, then it's the man in black turn. Meaning instead of fighting alongside Ken, Din went to get change and then come back. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. Sometimes, things are so bad they become good.
I know, my brain is totally fucked up lol. And despite everything, I still liked the atmosphere.
Golu said…
u know.. you point something interesting. Once and if you realize the show is actually bad and then you just give in to how bad it is, sometime you do enjoy liking those things.
I know of a few films that have been so ridiculously bad that they ow have a cult following,

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