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The Raspberry Reich (Canada)

A highly awkward blending of gay porn and political satire, I am very curious to know what was the pitch that the filmmaker made to whoever decided to finance this film. I have seen a lot of garbage, a lot of that can also be found here on my blog, but this one is almost down there almost challenging all the others in the category. I mean there was more than enough graphic sex, for this to not be termed as porno-'something' film. In the name of story, I am not even sure if there was a point being made.

Some random dominatrix woman decided to call herself leader and sole female member of titular Berlin revolutionary group inspired by Reich, Marx and legendary 70s German anarcho-terrorist organisation. Some members of her gang kidnap a wealthy young man, whom she orders to have sex with another man, because “Heterosexuality is the opiate of the masses" (whatever that means). Pretty soon there are a few groups who become a subject to man to man sex. All this time random slogans are loudly said and force fed the audience through scrollers like a news reel.

That's pretty much to it, this film. Plenty of nudity and hard penis shots and some self-appointed leader running around shouting BS and telling the guy's to have sex with each other . This was too stupid. I kept wondering to myself, myself, what must one be going through in their heads to put something like this on screen. I mean, there must have been some idea of some sorts for the makers to get financiers, actors etc; but this clearly had nothing going for it. Honestly, this film was an embarrassment to watch. I don't believe anyone is trying to justify this film by calling it a comedy, a satire. This is definitely none of those. This film has no redeeming features. It does have non-event actors; a rubbish script and a truly irritating habit of superimposing quotes from some leaders that I don't care about, over scenes of graphic intercourse. Its quite possible on of the worst films you will ever see (assuming this still can be categorized as a film). (0.5/10)


Miisu said…
Me reading your review: :D let's see then... Probably some artsy-fartsy university project or sth.
Me skipping through the thing in 10 minutes: Holy mother of all bagpipes - what is that?!
Me 5 minutes after skipping through the thing: Time for a cup of valerian infusion. On second thought - let's make a whole pot of that. A strong one.

Well, this... thing... probably didn't have any budget at all - looking at the result the people holding cameras definitely had no idea what they're doing, the actors had no idea of what acting is supposed to look like, the script was nonexistent and wtf with these slogans flashing left and right and everywhere? You're right, this is definitely not porn - porn has to give the viewer something to watch, but here there was nothing to watch since everything was so blurred, fragmented and flashing - barely visible that is. Call me fussy, but I seriously don't think watching porn equals trying to get at least some idea on who's doing who on the screen. Plus all this politics, eww.

You did an enormous job trying to think outside the box and look for any point or meaning in this... thing. Since I don't have a box at all I came to two background stories: 1) the makers had too much spare time and unfoundedly high self esteem and probably thought they were making something shocking. Eem... fun fact - ? Anyone who has survived the 90s is not shocked; and 2) My friend sent me a meme with a joke "-Could you tell me the way to the town, please? -Sure - you go right through this cannabis field until you reach the talking river. It will tell you the further instructions." The makers of this... thing... have definitely gone through a few cannabis fields and seen a few talking rivers :D A sober mind CAN NOT produce such result.

Phew, what did I just see?! This calls for a therapy night. "Esteros" and chocolate it is :D
Golu said…
rofl on the meme story. Its hilarious !!!

Btw: Hello from Bulgaria. Here for a short 3-4 day trip.
Miisu said…
Bulgaria is pretty this time of year - have fun and make the most of it :) Oh, and if you're also looking for something to cure the side effects of this... thing..., a really sweet and lovely Korean series just ended. "Love Mate". Not the traditional sugar candy fluff, but definitely a few "please close the door"-moments.

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