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The Eighth Sense (Korean Series)

I am loving the fact on how some creators are listening to the audience feedback and have started incorporating things that are making these BL shows worth watching. Not many BL shows have captured impacts of mental health on a relationship so profoundly as this show does. The sophisticated narrative thoughtfully captures each protagonist's growth and struggles, while yarning of love and care and provide for one another. It also beautifully shows as different facets of friendships. This show is a perfect combination of romance (feels a lot more matured than it should), emotions, laughter, drama and everything in between. I do have some issues that prevented me from thinking of it as almost perfect, but at least we are making progress. At 10 episodes of 35 minutes each, I still very highly recommend this show.

Our main protagonist here is Ji Hyun, a fresher in university who has just moved to the big city from countryside and is trying to fit in. He takes classes, works part time in a restaurant and has the same friend since childhood who is now also his roommate. We then meet Jae Won, a very popular senior, who has just come back from military and everyone is quite excited. Their first meeting in the restaurant leaves some sort of impression on both of them. Sensing Ji Hyun's loneliness, the chatty and charming Jae Won offer to be his friend. At school, Ji Hyun sees Jae Won on a promotional poster for the surfing club. He decides to join the extracurricular activity despite having no prior experience. This is whereto duo start coming together, but Jae Won is also dealing with depression because of some history with his brother who died many years ago. As the love story slowly starts to build between the two, the duo decide to take on a surfing trip to the beach in which Ji Hyun almost dies. This pushes Jae Won even further in a shell and because of his guilt, he stops seeing Ji hyun completely. How Hyun earns back his trust, brings Jae Won out of his shell and they both fill in each other's life with love and more love forms the rest of the story. We get a very positive and happy finale episode.

Even though Ji Hyun is supposed to be the lead, it is Jae Won's whose character remains with you long after the show has ended. Not only the actor is freakishly good looking, but the man has portrayed a very complex character dealing with guilt and depression who also is yearning of love with aplomb. While the story highlights his trauma poignantly, it takes extreme care to convey the sensitive topic with dignity and respect. From therapy sessions to meaningful dialogue, this show destigmatizes seeking help for your mental wellness. And then we have JI Hyun, making a tricky transition from adolescence to adulthood. Over time, his character ventures out of his comfort zone, grows more assertive (which is evident in the showdown he has with Jae Won's ex girlfriend), and liberates himself from insecurities. The Eighth Sense masterfully portrays his character arc in a triumphant display of storytelling prowess. You may think this show is all gloom and doom but far from that, the series balances its heavy tone with lighthearted wit and snappy banter. The lively supporting cast brings much levity between solemn moments. Jae Won's closest friend who suddenly is not sure what is happening with his friend, his other friend, who is the head of surf club and how she tries to keep everyone together while dealing with her own insecurities, the mother like friend and boss of Ji Hyun n whose restaurant he works an the psychiatrist that Jae Won works with are all very important characters. Not to mention our lead's ex-girlfriend and Ji Hyun's best friend; who is forever supportive and what about this pretty little girl who befriends Ji Hyun and helps in his growth. It's one of those rare shows where each character is flushed out really well and is memorable and makes lasting impressions. The show allows its characters to behave like authentic young adults who drink, smoke, party, and screw. They have realistic chats, relatable aspirations, and raw experiences.

There is so much I could write about how they presented and dealt with mental health issues. It's true that many times, we don’t even know how much people around us are struggling, because they learned how to mask it. Getting out of it needs love and it’s a long process that needs many elements working together to have a positive and long lasting effect. The maturity with which Ji Hyun and his friends deal with the whole thing is commendable. Although, my only issue is the resolution happened very instant. It was like a flick of switch, where Jae Won is avoiding his love and then he jut listens to a song and things change suddenly. Just that one bit was a bit weird for me in the show. Also every episode's beginning felt disjointed. Every single time, I would ask myself, did I miss something in between only to then later put the pieces together. Yes, it is a love story but it is also so much more than that. It is evolution of two individuals and how they learn to walk with each other and help the growth of the other person. A charming lead couple (although I am still biased towards Jae Won) and their beautiful chemistry dealing with a realistic, delicate and maturely handled love story makes this show an absolute must-watch. I want to hug Jae Won and be there for him. And what a beautiful ending with last episode, where nothing is left open ended and we all get some happy endings for ourselves. (9/10)


Sailor Maan said…
My favourite series this year hands down. Can't express all the emotions it made me feel, but boy was I touched. From the start and the fantastic intro graphics and music you can feel it is going to be different.
Every character, being main or secondary, good or bad, was given depth. And of course Ju Hyun growth and the portrayal of Jae Won are the most fantastic of all of those. They were just too good. Contrary to you Golu, when Jae Won finally decides to let go of his pain and guilt and past was my climax, and brought tears flowing. He was so deep in his depression it hurts you, and at the same time yet Ji Hyun would not abandon him, trying again and again. Until Jae Won finally gives in. So did my heart honestly. Many other moments were just epic as well!
I just hate scenarists making us believe Ji Hyun passed away lol.
The final episode feel was above everything else, and the finale left me with goosebumps (I may have watched it every day since, just for the feel, don't judge me please).
Surf topic reminded me of Shelter, that will always have a special place in my heart, so that probably added even more on my awe.
This series is a gem, rollercoster of emotions, a story of love and friendship, and growing, and healing, and so much more. Yes I just love it too much, but it's been a long time I've been that touched.
Golu said…
I completely understand your emotions. When something touches your heart, sometimes there is. no explanation. You just find that one thing that you connect with and whatever you do, you are never able to forego it and thats beauty. This series definitely deserves all accolades coming its way.

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