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Big Boys (Series) (UK)

This is exactly the kind of show that is up my alley. With 6 episodes of about 25 minutes each, this kitty sitcom has the most amazing premise and an amazing mix of everything from comedy, drama, emotion, relevance, tolerance, love, friendship, coming-of-age, mental health. It's unbelievable that a show of such short length manages to capture all of this without being preachy about anything and keeping a warm smile on your face. Somehow British shows have a lack of keeping this wonderful balance without having to over dramatize every situation. And this show is no different. A growing relationship between two young men, one gay one straight, makes for a genuinely uplifting, warm, tender and witty show.

Since it is almost semi-autobiographical, we meet Jack, who is supremely close to his mother, especially after his father passed away from cancer. He is uncertain of what life will bring for him when he moves to university. Jack knows he is gay but hasn't ever told anyone. In college, he meets Danny, a stereotypical straight lad, who surprisingly turns out way cooler about Jack's sexuality than Jack himself. Danny is himself secretly battling with depression because of his father who abandoned him and he has lived with his granny all his life. In college they make a couple of friends, a black gay guy who sort of becomes Jack's mentor and a nerdy girl who becomes Danny's support n every possible manner. Even though Jack's struggle with him being gay is the central plot, his friendship with Danny is more the heart of the show also focussing on how some of these misfits are trying to find their place in the society.

The initial setup of introducing Jack isa tender beginning with us getting to know his grief but a very loving family and surrounding. It has a melancholic tone but still very warm yet funny. His relationship with Danny is shows with so much grace, respect, admiration and truth that we rarely see such relationships on the screen. It was never about falling for straight best friend. But it was a genuine caring and loving best friendship. It was uplifting to see something like this honestly. The other characters and also of Jules, the ex-student who never left the college are all skillfully woven around a very very positive story and screenplay laced with humor and warmth. The dialogues are cheeky, witty, sharp and that helps this affectionate story rise to become an even more likable, intriguing and lovable show. 

You know pretty much every single scene gives you hop here. Every episode starts with a little bit more background on what Jack was going through when his father died and then moves on to show how he is coping up now. Him and Danny together as friends, being there for each other is simple fantastic. The number of times Danny helps Jack to explore himself and meet men for sex was very kind and good. Similarly Jack tries his best to be there for his friend when he goes through bouts of depression. The final episode when Danny's granny is completely losing it and how jack's mother and his family take Danny in just as her own son made me really cry. I can't imagine myself what I would do, If I was Danny. Similarly, Jack's coming out scene to his mother and her reactions were mind blowing. You may wonder if the show is all soppy, but its one if the most beautiful mix and blend of comedy yet meaningful drama that I have seen in a long long time. There are plenty of laughs, but at its heart this is the story of a friendship that you dearly hope will work out. Both actor splaying Danny and Jack do an amazing amazing job and you root for them. You want their friendship to stay as pure and as relevant as much longer as possible because together they just fit. But again, its the dialogues and witty screenplay that is the real winner here. I am a sucker for such shows and I couldn't haven happier enough to have this absolutely wonderful Show. I want  more of Danny and Jack. Please!! (9/10)


Sailor Maan said…
What an incredible little series. Can't believe how much it moved me with all kinds of emotions in so little episodes. Your perfect review says it all Golu, it's a pure gem. Thank you so much for letting me know about this one.
It kinds of reminds me of "beautiful thing", both with the social background, and the fact I needed subtitles lol. Dialogues are incredible, and I know I'm missing half the references that would make this series even better...
Golu said…
Yeah this one was definitely a very very pleasant surprise. Unfortunately, I don't think this show is getting any publicity that it truly deserves.
I am glad you got to see it and enjoyed it.

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