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Sunday Morning

This film deals with a very important and relevant topic but the execution of the film is painfully bad and tests your patience, despite the runtime of the film being only about 50 minutes or so. This film could have been so much better, but sadly it never aspires to be. To top it all the background music of the film is so jarring, it could easily blast your ear drums for no reason at all.

In a suburban small town, Sean is adjusting to a life of single parenthood. He hangs out with his friends, who do not like this other guy James since he is rude and aggressive and they also think he might be gay. But they soon find out that James parents are getting a divorce and they sometime even geophysical. As a caring person, Sean decides to be there for James to support him and bond. They have a sexual chemistry. Th night James asks him to stay over, Sean has beautiful dreams of love which turn into nightmare when Sean forces himself on Sean that night and rapes him. Dealing with single foamily, and James's physical and sexual abuse, while also coming to terms with own sexuality, Sean starts to break down internally. James continues to take advantage of Sean threatening to out him in public. Scared of his sexuality being revealed, James is breaking internally every day. When he will have no more, with the support of his sister, James decides to come out to his family and stand up against James.

This film is apparently a personal story from the director, which I can understand. But how I wish the director tried to make a statement out of it rather than plainly sharing a story. There was a message to begin here. Rape is just not right in any circumstance. Male or female. I wish there was a stricter stringent way in which Sean deals with rape rather than just giving a fist to Sean. Part of me thinks that maybe the idea was to tell that since Sean comes from a traumatic abusive family, his only way of showing love was abusive, but even if that was the case (in the remotest possibility), the way it is done is still not right. Even today there are situations were teenagers do not report rapes or sexual abuses for fear of respite and in cases like these where sexuality plays a picture, it becomes even harder. I think we need more education and more openness about these issues, because it is just not right, in any circumstance. Back to the film, the acting was strictly ok. No one manages to reach even above average and the acting was borderline hysterical and theatrical which doesn't work in this situation. There are quite a few dream sequences which are stylized, fictional and very slow and I am still not sure what was the point behind all that. I really wished the makers had used this opportunity to do much more than what they just presented before us. (4/10)


Miisu said…
This is not the first time you create a serious dilemma in me - part of me wants to see this film, but the other part argues very intensely and demands I'd spare my eyesight and find something else.

However, that said... your review reminded me of a series that is based on a book and discusses the same topic(s). Have you seen "13 reasons why"? I just finished the third season (and now I look like a rabbit, red eyes etc) and gathering strength for the 4th. And that series reminds a little of the Estonian "Klass" (The Class) + its 7 sequels. Have you seen those?
Golu said…
It is an interesting dilemma to have fo sure for this film.

I did watch 13 reasons why. Loved season 1 and season 2 was ok. I wish they had just stopped after first season because it was very relevant and important. And then when I heard negative reviews about season 3, I just didn't watch since I wasn't he fan of second one either. But part 1 was GOOD.
Miisu said…
I totally get the negative reviews about S3, although I don't know what makes other people pissed about it - I myself groan and curse every time someone decides to redeem an a**hole. Like - wtf?! Such "a** to angel" transformations are downright impossible (I've lived and seen enough to actually know that :D ), and such storyline in any film or series makes everything else around it unrealistic as well.

The "best" redeeming an a**hole happens in a German film "Krabat". Violating the story in the book, since the author kept it real and all the characters remained who they were until the end. Have you seen it? It's a historical fiction about a boy who is lured to a mysterious mill to work there as an apprentice and all the things he experiences there. Demonic stuff versus wise minds. Love wins.
Golu said…
I have not seen Krabat, but that sounds interesting. I just read a quick synopsis on imdb. Maybe I will pick it up soon.
But seriously between work and so many amazing web series, there is way too much too see and so little time

and between all that, these bad gay films to review and roll my eyes . lol
Miisu said…
The timing couldn't be more right - "Krabat" is a traditional Easter-feature, at least here in Northern Europe it's always on during the Easter weekend, at least on one channel. But if my advice is of any value at all, I seriously suggest you read the book as well (already checked the preview, the translation is good). There are some events (two of those are rather funny) that didn't make it to the film/play. The book has been included into the school mandatory reading list here in Estonia, probably since it was first published. I saw a really good production in the theatre and the film is also very engaging. Preussler did an amazing job creating this story :) Enjoy!

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