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Not Me (Thai Series)

Full marks to the makers for treating the audience with some thing unique and different from the usual BL stuff based in universities etc. But is that enough to keep people hooked, I don't know. I am very sure I will be in a very small minority who is unable to understand the huge hype and praises that this show is getting online. Everyone has been reaping praises, and I have to admit there are some really good and admirable high points about the show, but overall it juystfailed to keep my interest. At the end of episode, I never had the feeling that I wanna watch the next episode immediately. In fact at 14 episodes with average 45 minutes each, its quite a commitment.

Black and White are twin brothers who are really connected, but when their parents separate Black stays with mom in Thailand whereas the father takes White with him to Russia. After they grow up, White moves back to Thailand with this father who is some big shot in government and White's job is also almost guaranteed. When one day White feels unbearable pain, he can't understand the reason. He gets a call from childhood friend Tod, informing him that his brother Black has been badly beaten to death and is in coma. White decides to assume Black’s identity (they’re identical twins after all) and find out who is responsible for hurting Black so badly. Except Black has always been the strong bad guy and White is more quiet, peaceful types guy. He somehow manages to penetrate the gang and become close with a guy called Sean. He is trying to figure out who amongst the friend circle of Tok, Gram or Sean is the culprit. After spending some time with them, White realizes that what the gang is actually trying to do is bring about social change for the less fortunate and exploited communities in Thailand. They might be getting caught up in illegal situations, but their cause is good. While the gang carries out their events, Sean and White (pretending to be black) form a unique bond and love story. Things change when black wakes up and decides to take his life back. The truth about who did this to Black and how these individuals go about social justice forms the rest of the series. IN between all this we also see the love story between gang member Yok and a secret artist Unar/Dan, who it turns out may have some connection to the gang somehow.

When you take such a heavy subject and a relevant topic in today's political environment, the actors, characters and situations have to be believable, which is my biggest issue with this series. I understand that maybe the production house didn't have budget to actually execute the grand vision that they had, but that's just one aspect. A few meek college students taking on an entire rich elites of a nation is not an easy thing to pull off. It requires mental and physical strength and not just come cute twinkly bodies. The actors just didn't fit the character. All of them. Only the activist/cop Dan guy actually suite the part. Rest everyone looked like kids. And for me, that was a major issue but at any point I couldn't believe the possibility of the whole thing. Also the lot is full of loopholes. Just assuming Black's identity including tattoo's and all is not that simple for White to not be discovered for who he really is. Also the sudden disappearance of White's father who till a certain point was so involved in his life and was then never to b seen. The whole family dynamic wasn't convincing. When the suspense is lifted, even the reason behind beating up Black wasn't all very solid. And finally the love between White and Sean. It just came out of nowhere. I mean there was a build up gradually but there was no solid foundation on why were these two people attracted to one another in first place. Compared to them, the love story and build up of You and the painter/cop guy connected with me a lot more. The ending of the show is also lame. I mean, yes the public comes out in support of these guys and they are saved from Twi, the bad guy, but how can things just end here. These are some college kids against some big billionaires and multi nationals. The kids fighting against snipers and harsh criminals single handedly was just too much to ignore.

Coming to relationships, even though Whee-Sean were not a couple with solid foundation, their chemistry was indeed very good. The scenes that had them together are a good watch. They are emotional and fun of love unlike the usual shy husband-wife camaraderie that's common tp Thai BL troupe. The two girls , like most shows were totally wasted. Some random confusions regarding affairs and all is created for no reason at all. Actually, everything in the show besides the social justice angle by the gang seems fluff and absolutely unnecessary. To be fair to the actors they all did a good job in what was asked of them and you can see the hard work they have all put in, but that is not enough to make things successful. As mentioned before, I would give full marks for novelty and thinking out of box about a story thats relevant and important to tell, but the execution fails IMO. This is also because of expectations. All in all, I know i am in small minority of people who didn't think much of the show and I can see critique coming my way. But I really tried. You be your own judge. (5/10)


Sailor Maan said…
Whoops I feel bad recommending it to you now because it does take a lot of time to watch ^^; But I would again anytime because I truly loved it.
First, I have to admit I agree with most of the things and flaws you've mentioned, mostly the credibility (especially in the beginning). But the thing that made me go over all this is the unmatched atmosphere, ambiance, vibe, call it what you want. It gave me all the cyberpunk feels, one of my favourite genre. Without the cyber part, if that makes any sens lol. Anyway that vibe more than saved the series for me. So did the characters, their chemistry and their evolution. I think some scenes were trully remarkable too (the kiss scene OMG...). I just think most of them happen in the second part though.
So after an ok beginning, I got increasingly hooked, and ended totaly obsessed. At the same time I totally get why people wouldn't like it. Hard to explain sorry, I'd say it's like when you know the flaws but as a whole can't help to be madly in love. Thank you Golu for your different (and probably more realistic) review.
Golu said…
Don't feel bad at all my dear friend and please continue with more recommendations. Our good streak of likes and dislikes of shows was too good to be true. At some point we were bound to have different opinions. Al in good fun though.

I see that you are fan of cyber punk and all that, so I can see you totally being into the series. IN fact, when I read about the show, almost 95% plus had most amazing things to say, but I guess personally sometimes, you just don't know what may click you and what won't. And this is where our individual personalities come into being.
Miisu said…
Just finished it yesterday, got a few hours of almost sleep and went to work, feeling things I haven't been able to feel for years. The twin connection was presented really well, that is probably the main thing to "blame" for stirring my heart - or any empath's heart, I presume. There were points where the story pulled me in and held me there.

I also loved the scenes where Yok's charcoal sketches literally happened on the paper, it was so effortless (watching someone's hands create something aesthetically exquisite is my second-most-favourite ASMR).

However the "who did this?"-storyline was kinda weak for my just expectation (according to the plot on IMDB that should have been the main storyline). Not weak-weak, but the discontinuity of it made it almost fade here and there and that got me confused too often. But then the ending was just my kind of open-promising, so I'm glad I watched it.

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