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Sebastian (Canada)

Ever since the success of the film 'Weekend', we have seen quite a few films which touch about similar concepts of meeting possibly your partner of life in a very short period leading to intimacy and companionship and love like never before. Here thankfully the leads get to spend almost a week with each other to realize their feelings and act upon it. Here, the director of the film also happens to be the lead actor. It is a light romantic gay film, apparently expanded from a short film by the same director.

Alex is a struggling artist. One day his boyfriend introduces him to his cousin Sebastian, a medical student from Argentina spending a year in Canada and now visiting their city. The way the two look at each other, you know exactly where it is headed, you just wanna wait to see how. Thier chance meeting again the next day and a crazy sexual tension between them leads them to bed and sex , despite Sebastian constantly reminding himself and Alex that Latino men don't steal boyfriends of their family members. Sebastian in interested in Alex but Alex has baggage and commitment issues. A story from his past has been haunting him, which surprisingly he manages to confide in Sebastian. Of course when Nelson finds out, he is furious and he leaves and so does Sebastian since he is family traitor. Alex is then introduced to an art gallery owner by his closet friend who recommends him to turn his life pain into artistry. A show happens magically 2 days later, Sebastian is back but also ready to leave for Argentina the next day. In a full filmy finale Alex realizes and accepts his true feelings for Sebastian.

The film is a regular feel good romantic gay film. Do not expect to find anything novel here, besides the treatment of forbidden love, which in this case is “Is it ok to sleep with your cousin’s boyfriend?”. But the two leads are attractive hunky and the sex scenes are executed tastefully with no nastiness, making the audiences not feel too bad about what's happening. Once we understand where Alex is coming from, we empathize with him slightly but still that doesn't give him any right to treat his boyfriend Nelson they way he does. Also, what's missing here is the relationship between him and Nelson. If Alex is clearly not into him, there is no way Nelson would won't have seen signs. Backgrounds for Alex's and Sebastian is rightly setup with family history, leading each of them to get into a vulnerable space that they are both scared of. But problem for me is that it all started with just purely physical attraction for one another and everything else just followed. Some supporting characters are also string, like Sebastian's aunt and her support for him plus Alex's friend the drag performer, who is the only one, Alex remotely is closest to. Their week-long affair has them caught up in a swirl of different conflicting emotions, and by the film’s end, they have to reckon with these feelings. Thankfully there are no over dramatic moments and every time things are handled through conversations.

Its a filmy concept and you know where the film is headed, but part of me still enjoyed the film despite its flaws and my reservations with many situations. The lead actors and their chemistry made it good. The sis one of he cases, where I didn't want to put too much logic into what's happening but just enjoy the simple gay romance unfolding in front of me. (6/10)


Miisu said…
I am so relieved to read that you liked this film :) The overall story is pretty... eem... omnipresent?... since it's been the backbone of many other (gay) films before and will be afterwards as well, but somehow it feels natural and not played. Most of the time. Especially when Alex tells his story to Sebastian. When I first watched it I didn't see THAT coming at all and it left me speechless for a while. I mean - come on! - this film doesn't clearly aim to be anything deep and lifechanging, but that story stayed with me for quite a long time, making me think about how fragile a human really is (and that it's too easy to break anyone, easier than one might think).

The aunt was amazing, absolutely. And of course XENIA - lovely personality and captivating looks, a pleasure to both watch and listen, since her lines were so pointy and catchy. I have used the "you just flooded my basement" quite a few times :D

The only thing that bothered me was the very ending at the airport. A few more seconds, let them see each other, and then let the end titles fly :D That would have created much more rewatchability, at least for me (depending on my mood when I start to watch a film, an open ending could turn into anything in my head).

P.S! Please tell me you're watching "Heartstopper" right now!
Golu said…
Heartstopper is totally on my list, but I am a little preoccupied with some personal commitments at this point. I am gonna take that up as soon as I have time on hand to be able to binge watch some stuff.

Agreed with you on everything about this film. I know I haven't written much about Xenia, but I agree that she was quite instrumental
Illinois John said…
I liked this movie as well. The "Weekend" comparison surprised me--I find weekend devastating. Like Haigh's other films, he just rips out the foundations of what one's life has been built on, whether keeping your gay self buried as the lead character does or making a big show while never really following through as the other.

While I"m here--memory check. Did you ever see a short film about a guy at a hotel, he has trouble getting into his room and some odd old hotel resident gives him a tip. His homophobic father comes to visit him because his mom told him he'd had another fight with his partner. His father gives him some advice and reassurance, and has actually brought his partner with him to see if they want to talk it out. Been searching for it for a couple of weeks and sometimes I think I can almost remember the title. No, I'm not ambitious enough to blog like you! lol
Golu said…
hey buddy. The similarity with Weekend is from the perspective of a short fling that eventually tuned into an unexpected romance (2 days vs a week) in this case. Besides that, the tw films are definitely different.

Regarding the short film, arghh! its so hard to think of a name like that. And I can totally relate to the frustration. There are so many times when I wanna think of a name and stories and characters keep flashing in front of me, but the name keeps evading me. Sorry, I can't think of the name.

Do keep visiting the blog and posting your thoughts.
Illinois John said…
Thanks for the replay and for giving it a think. I went on a streak back at the start of the pandemic of watching all sorts of shorts on Vimeo and YT and hadn't developed a habit of either liking the ones I liked or saving them to playlists or anything like that. Every once in awhile one will pop into my head and I'm usually pretty lucky in finding them.
Golu said…
I know exactly what you are talking about. But I also do not save the copies with me and there have been times where I wished to watch something again but either I can't remember the name or find a suitable copy to watch. Having said that, There is so much more new content coming up every day, that it is getting extremely hard to watch all of it anyway.

Sometimes, I wonder why do I torture myself watching these and then blogging about it, but I guess this is one of those small things that give me a little pleasure and a change from my monotonous life.

Please do keep visiting the site and sharing your thoughts and views.
Miisu said…
Me again :)
I love the idea of yours that this film reminds you a little of "Weekend". Same here! Both stories are squeezed into a very small time frame where all parties know the end date, but both films also have an open-promising ending. At least in my head both stories continue on, there might be Facetime, texting, e-mails, occasional visits even. And since my brain is programmed in a very female way, it keeps suggesting that "they will definitely get married in the end". Because they did in "The Falls" trilogy :)

Then I thought a little about the relationship of Alex and Nelson. It reminded me of another film, the Mexican "Cuatro Lunas", especially the Full Moon relationship of Andres and Hugo, where Hugo finds the relationship and Andres too boring and wants some excitement. Andres, instead of leaving, is willing to make an effort to make them work again, creates a two-week plan of several activities for them etc. But it still doesn't work and he sees that they are really over for good. I've seen that kind of pattern quite a few times in real life and I've been the one trying to make it work. Because for some reason, when certain kind of broken people see their significant other drift away, they assume that it's their fault. So they convince themselves "if I'm more attentive and if I just love them harder, our initial love and attraction will come back". Well, it won't. Poor Nelson just found out the most painful way that loving Alex harder won't make him return the affection.

Please keep on blogging! There's a new Estonian short film already somewhere at the festivals, I think the English title is "Grandma, Meet Mary". Would love to hear your opinion :P
Golu said…
hey again.
Thanks for the recommendation on the short film. I hope I can find it somewhere soon. Its amazing you an remember the Mexican film. These days I feel so old that I forget about the film just about after a week of having seen it . (so ashamed to admit it)

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