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I have always been fascinated with stories about dysfunctional families. Something about messed up people is always interesting and fun to watch. This film could have been so much better, it had potential but eventually the makers were so much into their head of making an arthouse circuit film that a whole lot of things in this film just didn't land properly. Having said that , its from the director of Longhorns and Rock Haven, my expectations were not too high anyway. We will talk about all this in details in a bit.

Tyler returns back home to visit when he hears the news of his brother having been diagnosed with cancer. It soon becomes obvious that Tyler has estranged relations with his mother and they do not see eye to eye, most likely because of Tyler being gay. There is always tension in the air. There he meets Noah, a god fearing, church going young man who helps his family in the ranch and son enough they find getting attracted to one another. But Tyler is dealing with his demons. It turns out that when Tyler was younger, his father caught him with another boy, who even tally committed suicide. Tyler was savagely beaten almost to death by his father while his mother just stood in silence leading to all this hatred in Tyler's head. When the mother finds out about Noah and Tyler, she blames Tyler of seducing the young man. A huge argument happens between mother and son in which some other family secrets are revealed out of nowhere. Movie takes on year leap. Noah and Tyler are now together and accepted by family.

The story was interesting, but he whole execution of the film was below average at best. This film has got be the worst editing I have ever seen. It felt like the scenes have randomly been stitched together. There were so many scenes that would come out of nowhere and then just go. As if they were added as fillers as an after thought. The continuity was sorely missing in the film. Even the confrontations, the romance build up and the reasons were all too hard to digest for. There is no back story of any character. Sure, the family was god fearing religious people, but that cannot be the only reason. Then there is no build up of love between Noah and Tyler. It was more like, well we are the only two gay men here, so lets be together. This film has the leads coming together in the most bizarre manner. There is absolutely no chemistry. Even Tyler's brother just occasionally shows up out of the blue, gives his opinion on thins and then we don't see him for scenes galore. The big secret reveal by the mother of her abuse was so random. Just for a shock value, but that has absolutely no bearing or reason for her to treat her son they way she did. The dialogues were all super average as if they have been taken from many other films and said just because they are good. Whether they sound fitting in a scene or not is purely coincidental. Coming to acting, Noah, in his small role is the only decent actor here. Tyler and his mother were both odd. I mean, their pain never connected with me. Tyler, who is supposed to be carrying this whole baggage within, never once connected to me as audience. Bad screenplay, awful direction and just lazy editing and dialogues have spolied a concept which could have been so much better. (4/10)


Miisu said…
Thank you (for watching and reviewing)! Now I can actually get what was missing for me. I loved the scenery, the camera angles and of course Noah. He was so natural and camera loved him, and it made me realize that although I studied art very long ago and I don't even remember when I last painted an actual picture, but there's still some art in me, yay :) Every frame with Noah in it was like a watercolour (and he looked like a porcelain doll, almost angelic). For me the script seemed like a retrospective diary of Taylor - mind pictures, fragments, pieces of puzzle. Not one story, but many little miniatures on the same topic.

The "broken family" line was probably the writers' personal thing, indeed. I hope seeing the finished film on screen helped them get the general idea that if you want a solution and the other party's not willing to work towards it - leave.

Plus the changing relationship with the sick brother. It's always difficult to adjust to someone's serious illness or condition, but it's almost impossible to actually achieve an environment where the healthy members of the family can still remain just as important, too.

I so agree with you - great material, with more tweaking and rewriting and creating more fluent flow from scene to scene it would have been a beautiful "the summer that changed everything"-film.
Golu said…
I know you loved the film a lot more than I did, but it definitely had potential. Rewriting with a better screenplay would have been so much better.
I completely agree with the fact that fo families its very hard to figure out what to do when someone is sick. Should you remain same or should you change , is all very questionable. There is never a right answer.
Miisu said…
I actually found a couple more films that you haven't reviewed here :) There's a surprisingly good French indie "Un frére" (A Brother) that is written after a comic book. It's available on Youtube: Lovely locations, talented protagonists and extra lovely little sister. The film was made in 2 weeks, really intense working hours etc, and it shows. I spent quite a long time looking for the review in your blog because I was so sure I read it here first and then went looking for the film. Where did I read it then :D ?

There's also a making-of about the film, here:

Since you're a fellow SKAM-aficionado - have you seen the Belgium version wtFock? Their third season has amazing music attached to it, very expertly chosen. And what makes the Belgium version different is the season of wtFock-down between the third and the fourth season - the Zoom conversations during the first pandemic in 2020. Link here:
Golu said…
Thank u for these suggestions. I will definitely look them up soon

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