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Wedding Plan (Thai Series)

A lighthearted Thai series, which thankfully doesn't have to many sub plots for a change, focuses on the main story line and thats it, and best of all has only 7 episodes. Can you believe it? Looks like finally my prayers are being answered, or at least for this show. Even though the episodes are almost 50 minutes long, the plot flows briskly through each entertaining episode. I laughed at the irreverent jokes, had a silly smile on my face and grinned every time one of the leads would do something silly.

The plot of the show is not very complicated. Nuea is an experienced wedding planner. He wants to be in love but because of his busy schedule , doesn't have any time. One day Nuea and his company are approached by a couple Lom and his fiancé Yiwa who want their wedding done in three months and have nothing decided yet.  Lom and Yiwa are one of his trickiest clients ever. This couple is uncooperative and has no idea what they want. And NNuea is out of his wits. Things are complicated because Mom is exactly the kind of guy Nuea likes and he is trying his best to not get attracted to the groom-to-be. Since Yiwa doesn't have any suggestions, Nuea is forced to spend more time with Lom and things don't help when Mom shamelessly flirts with Nuea at every given opportunity confusing Nuea very much. We soon find out that Yiwa has a steady girlfriend and Mom is gay. They are childhood friends and are getting into a marriage of convenience. Lom had actually seen Nuea at a wedding which he planned and has ever since crushed on him but he hasn't find the right opportunity to confess that to him since he doesn't; t know if Nuea will like him back. Nuea finally gives into the flirtations by Mom and the duo end up in bed. Next morning Nuea is full of guilt for spoiling someone's wedding plans and disappears. Lom eventually gets to explain everything to him and Yiwa and her girlfriend also try and explain things and eventually Nuea agrees to date Mom is secret. The wedding day finally arrives but Yiwa decides she has had enough and along with her girlfriend she runs away to England, there clearly the way for hopefully Nuea and Lom being able to date and come out in open.

An openly gay man falling for a supposedly straight guy who is about to get married does create a sweet and spicy love story with memorable relationship moments. As avid viewers of BL shows, most people will know from a mile away that this is where the story is headed, but its the light moments, silly antics and constant comedy makes this show a worthy watch. Nuea is undoubtedly the star. His smile, the way he keeps reminding himself to not fall for charm of Lom and everything else is quite funny. The flippant humour produces a lively atmosphere that entertains from start to finish. I happily tune into each new episode, anticipating hours of cheerfulness and cheekiness. I did question Lom's unbashed attempts at straight on flirting, especially, when he had more than several occasions when he could have clarified things with Nuea. The show is not all just fun and frolic. Towards the last 2-3 episodes, plots explore personal autonomy, family obligations, and moral conundrums. Contrary to the humorous antics, the narrative themes are surprisingly relatable. Even with its bittersweet moments, like Nuea's family time or family pressure that Yiwa and Lom are in or the whole fun atmosphere f the wedding plan office; the series never loses its signature playfulness. The energetic cast brings enthusiasm to their roles, injecting joy and mischief into each joke. The overall production quality is very high end and the characters suit their part. As I mentioned in the beginning, what I liked the most os that there are no unnecessary side stories to distract you. We have Yiwa and her girlfriend's story but that is also very essential and central to the overall plot. Overall I enjoyed this show. (7.5/10)


Sailor Maan said…
I loved it and I must say it was totally unexpected. Tbh I started it relunctantly, because stories of the "straight guy" in a straight relationship falling for a gay guy (or the other way around) will never be my favourite. Having been there sort of, I always end up feeling more for the girl than for the gay couple. And written by Mame I was fearing something super toxic. To my very pleased surprise it is absolutely not that here! The very opposite actually, it was lighthearted and funny. And just 7 episodes + 1 special episode. Same team who did Love in the air with the same concept, I'm sure they read your blog Golu ;)
Thankfully mame didn't disaapoint on her other trademark : very pleasing hot and kissing scenes :D
I liked how they didn't just use cliches. Like how Nuea felt bad, but not because of what he assumed was Lom discovering his sexuality, Nuea doesn't care about that. No, he felt bad because of Yiwa. Same for Lom. At first I didn't understand why he wouldn't explain everything to Nuea and it seemed it was just for drama purposes (... ok it was too). Then he explains he can't give up everything and risk Yiwa's situation for a guy he just started dating, even though he has the biggest crush on him. Which makes sense.
And who cares, given how charming he is, Lom is forgiven anyway. Especially shirtless :p
Miisu said…
Although I recognize some elements from your memories, I still feel like I watched a completely different series :D There were likable elements and situations and locations and characters (the cameos of "Love in the Air" were an excellent addition), but there was a really big shit trigger for me and I'd better shut up now :D
Golu said…
Sorry too hear that Miisu, but like sailor bro, personally I enjoyed the light heartedness of it all
Miisu said…
Don't feel sorry, I'm fine (it was a decently short series, thank heavens), just surprised to see the end result being so different. It obviously didn't have any elements that would feel toxic to you, you lucky piece of something nice :D And thanks for being a positive trigger, reminding me a line from my favorite film ("Sympathy" is in the dictionary, son, between "shit" and "syphilis", right.) and I think I'm gonna take a break and rewatch it, "Free Fire" that is :)
Golu said…
With so much new shot being thrown at us all the time, I can't even think of Re-watching anything
Miisu said…
Oh, "Free Fire" can always have its 90 minutes of my time at the expense of anything :)

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