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Juice (UK) (Mini Series)

The official BBC3 synopsis reads: “Juice is a surreal comedy that follows Jamma on his quest for attention as he navigates chaotic family dynamics and literally stumbles through love." Created by Mawaan Rizwan, a name that I have not been familiar with, is apparently a famous YouTuber and a standup comedian in Britain. Apparently inspired by one of his stage acts, this 6 parts mini series done in a sitcom style, was actually fun to watch. The show delves into the mind of a cartoonish millennial named Jamma, played with (intentionally) excruciating hamminess by Rizwan. It’s a show about what it means to be a grownup when you’re incapable of doing anything for yourself.

It's hard to explain what Juice is about. Gamma works in a marketing agency, where he uses his clown personality, a childlike humor, a person who doesn't want to grow up to his advantage. To th opposite his boyfriend is Guy, a therapist, more mature than him and who wants something more stable. Gamma has moved in with him but hasn't unpacked anything at all. The contrast is evident and nicely done but with loads of chemistry. Then we have his mother Farida who runs a center for immigrants family and she is even more eccentric than the son. We do get see some tender moments when Farida tells her son about her past and love for another woman. Apparently Actress playing Farida is his real life mom. The family casting continues with Rizwan’s real brother Nabhaan playing Jamma’s sibling Isaac, who threatens to upstage him at work. With its breezy 20 minute episode format, the show, through constant humour, show s us about trials in Gamma's life, his parents life, his friends, brother and most importantly how him and Guy are going to navigate through their relationship being so different that they are from one another.

I have to say that by the end of first episode, I wasn't sure where this is going or whether this is my cup of tea. It's hard to explain, but the direction and humor style is something completely different from whatever I have seen before, so I have to give kudos of novelty. But right from second episode, I was all in. The way it handles themes of love, relationship, ex, family, workplace, immigration is very innovative yet light hearted and fun. It is a very imaginative show where distinctive trippy visuals fill your screen throughout. The scenes effortlessly merge with one another and there are meta references whenever anything is happening. For example When Guy says “I love you” in a clothes shop fitting room – something Jamma clearly finds overwhelming – we see the walls literally closing in on them. When they bang in a pub toilet cubicle, a burst of confetti fills the screen at Jamma’s moment of climax or Jamma’s need to “unpack” his issues is represented by a series of cardboard boxes clogging up his flat that shake about, like they’re about to explode. I do feel though that binge watching the show may not be the right way to enjoy this. Somehow small dozes might be a better way of watching it. But despite that thankfully the show doesn't overstay its welcome and wraps it all up nicely in just 6 episodes. In many ways,  it’s a love letter to slapstick comedy rendered in the millennial vernacular, a cheerful expression of the lead actor/creator's unique comic sensibilities. Juice has plenty of zest (not to forget naked butt-cheeks dance). To see an immigrant family from Pakistan, succeed in showbiz in UK and create a show like it, makes me feel nice and proud. I am happy that the show was created and with its unique comic sensibilities and visual presentation style is getting all the attention it deserves. OH and did I say how handsome and gorgeous both the real life brothers are :) (7/10)


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