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Boys on Film 23: Dangerous to Know

Peccadillo’s 23rd edition of their Boys on Film series presents ten encounters from across the globe, where the dangerous allure of a risky attraction yields emotional results. From heartfelt comedies to heartbreaking dramas, this series offers something for everyone. Well, at least thats what the release says. Personally I have to say that I was a little underwhelmed by this collection. 

My Uncle’s Friend (Brazil)
Vincent looks back at his childhood, when his father bought a camcorder and incessantly and annoyingly filmed his shy young son, who was coming to terms with his queerness. The boy’s secret affection for a friend of his uncle is accentuated when we learn that the friend died of AIDS a few years after the start of the film.

Budapest Closed City (Hungary)
Hungarian teenager Péter is taking his British friend Adam on a tourist visit of his home city, Budapest. When they go to a club, we see a depiction of a burgeoning love which is unrequited in a mixed-up oppressive world.

Eden (Belgium)
A restless gay man tours cruising grounds, sauna and dungeons in search of something more than just sex – though he gets plenty of that. It’s moody, largely bereft of dialogue and light, but there are moments of cinematic beauty  when the love-making bodies take on a statuesque look and feel.

Chaperone (USA)
When a young man is picked up by a mysterious stranger, details of their terrifying arrangement are very slowly revealed as they arrive at an empty house clad inside with plastic sheeting. The boy has left behind all personal effects, while his quiet companion is firm but eerily tender as they head toward the enactment of this process. A deeply disturbing consensual crime thriller.

Break Me (Norway)
Cage fighter Mansour is hiding his sexuality from his Muslim family. When his father arranges a marriage for him, he is forced to decide whether to stay true to himself - and his boyfriend - or to be the obedient son. This was my fav short in the series. A compelling piece that doesn’t shy away from subtly criticising every angle of Mansour’s world.

By His Will (Israel)
Another film about the clash of the religious and the secular. Young Jewish student Elisha is in love with classmate Daniel. Parents and Rabbi all realise he is troubled, but as Elisha tells them, he doesn’t feel part of God’s plan for him – a plan he has no control over. His father replies: “Man plans and God laughs”. But without spoiling too much, it’s a little film with a big heart and important storyline about hope and queer love defying the world.

Red Ants Bite (Georgia)
Set in Tbilisi in Georgia, we follow two black men, who have some kind of queer attraction, but with the added complication that one has an estranged wife and daughter. I have no idea what the ending meant.

Jim and Hornbeam, both from UK are two films I have seen before and have reviewed them previously and they can be read here.

Too Rough (UK)
A puzzling film about two young gay lovers, who after a night out end up at the dysfunctional family home of one of them. There’s a dark element of farce in the story of how the secret visitor can escape.

As I mentioned, the films here felt more like encounters, which, there is nothing wrong about, but somehow none of the films made an impact besides a couple I had already seen and the American and Norwegian one. Rest were all pretty average. (4.5/10)


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