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Candy Color Paradox (Japanese Series)

Investigative journalism is a unique storyline, which as far as I remember, has not been explored in BL genre. So naturally when I read the synopsis, I was intrigued. Luckily enough, they didn't say that just for the sake of it, but they also show 2-3 scenarios where the journalist ego about investigating. This Japanese show, with its occasional over the top reactions and a modest 8 episodes of around 24 minutes each is a fun, vibrant drama, that can easily be seen in one go. It does have its shortcomings and we will talk about those later.

Onoe is a young journalist who works for a weekly tabloid publication Dash. HIs colleague Kabu specializes in writing about famous stars and scandals and Onoe sees Kaburagi as a rival at work and calls him an "annoying punk" as Onoe's articles always get overshadowed by him. Kaburagi is handsome an popular with ladies and he also flirts back. One day due to employee shortage the two of them are tasked together to make a team and One is tasked to partner with Kaburagi on the next case. Reluctantly they both agree. Trying to save cases like famous actress having an affair, a political committing financial fraud and finally a famous actress luring young actresses into porn. Withe each case, the initial annoyance between the two slowly start to convert into more with both of them being honest about their feelings but also not being completely expressive at the same time. Kaburagi slowly warms to his new partner and likes teasing him. He constantly flirts with Onoe, making him flustered. Eventually , as you would expect, after a few misunderstandings, the two are able to accept their love for each other (with help and push from their boss and their common friend who runs a restaurant).

The shows does tackle the overall theme of journalism to a good extent. It address some taboo topics in a light hearted way, but also once in a while brings the topic son ethics in journalism that the duo face while investigating the cases. The polar opposite Onoe and Kaburagi complement each other's strengths and flaws, forming a compatible partnership. Onoe's earnestness is at odds with Kaburagi's pessimism. Yet, their relationship strengthens as they learn from each other's perspectives and grow as individuals. But the problem with all this is that the relationship just come out of nowhere. The build up is just aotthereand randomly they both end up kissing each other. And somehow that felt fake. Despite good acting by both leads, as a couple their chemistry failed. As I say this, I also might contradict myself because the romance is hardly there. The duo just try to improve their relationship with every case and somehow somewhere also fall for each other. The show has a happy ending and actually has a repeat value but not for a typical BL show. I wish there was more focus on BL aspect, more on the relationships, good build up. Instead we get to see investigations, which were good (although very stupid and no one follows suspects in such obvious ways), but not good when I am here to watch a BL and not get too much of that. Still a decent one time watch. (6/10)


Miisu said…
I remember suggesting you watch this piece around the time I watched the George Michael documentary and what he had to deal with (and we came to an agreement that being a tabloid journalist requires a big amount of a**hole-ism in the person's character). This series showed the inside of such work and kinda pointed out that it's possible to work in that field and remain a decent human being. But that was Japan, not the Pudding Islands.

Another thing I liked was the story showing that every mess clears when you apply a healthy amount of communication to it.

And lastly, the amount of BL was tiny indeed, but all is compensated by that sweet morning-after bed hair of Kaburagi:) Got my Oscar for The Best Bed Hair instantly. Amazing, how one natural scene can make the whole series seem more natural and real - all other BL characters so far wake up with freshly styled hair and never-smearing lipstick, and then there's that honey-colored bed hair... Whoever added that scene is a true talent.
Golu said…
Communication can indeed solve a lot of problems and issues for sure.
Sailor Maan said…
I agree, too bad teh romance is too little too out of nowhere too late anyway. With many miserdunstandings to try to make a lacking plot for the romance. It's more the different persoalities at first that learn from the other and make them grow that was interresting.
Also I was excited because it's based on a manga and I was eager to spot the differences. And, well, reading the manga is still on my to do list ^^; And now I don't remember much of the series. Stupid me...
Miisu I so much agree with you, sometimes a single scene can touch /strike you and save a show. You won't remember a thing about the actual show, but may watch that scene over and over again.
Golu said…
"You won't remember a thing about the actual show, but may watch that scene over and over again."

I couldn't agree more. There is this one scene on my fav film "Big Eden" which I can anytime revisit and brings me to tears every time.

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