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Three Months

I am shocked that not once did anyone think of this subject. I absolutely LOVED this film. Most things about it. I have not been so excited about a film in a long time now. Apparently, its based on the filmmakers own experiences, and this is a comedy, drama but most importantly a really heart warming and refreshing tale of dealing with the fear of HIV that the teenagers today absolutely positively need to see and have access to. I really don't know if this film is making the right noise, but it absolutely should. With an incredible cast, this film could go places with the right kind of promotion. And this is how you should make teenage gay love stories. 

Set in 2011, the film is about Caleb, an 18 year old, 'weird' teenager whose only friend is Dara. The duo work together in a South Florida convenient store. The summer has just started and he has recently been told that the last guy he slept with after breaking up with his ex, has just been diagnosed with HIV and apparently the condom broke when they had sex. Terrified Caleb goes to health clinic, gets tested negative, but is also told that it takes unto 3 months to be 100% sure of he contracted HIV because of this incident. On the doctor's insistence, h joins a support group where he meets Estha, and India teenager who is going through similar trauma and who is also not out his traditional conservative family for fear of shame. The two boys form an incredible bond since the two are the only ones who understand each other. Over the course of next few months, the duo stand for each other and sparks fly and an interesting romantic connection starts developing. His best friend Dara is dealing with her own romantic troubles. When Estha is finally found negative, he decides to focus back on his studies and future leaving Caleb confused and reignite his abandonment issues. The film ends on thankfully a very positive and endearing note.

This sensitive comedy is goofy and was an absolute pleasure to watch. The first things that stands out are the top notch performances by both Caleb and of course Estha. The dialogues are so natural and every day that the director doesn't have to force humor to remind you that this is a comedy. The comic and emotional moments are inherently present everywhere. I had a smile throughout and every time Estha says "You say strange things", I would giggle. Of course, there were too many things in the film that I could personally relate to, which I won't go into details, but trust me I could empathize with aspects of Estha's struggle, dealing with unknowns of HIV, Caleb's abandonment issues etc. Th lead actor playing Caleb is AMAZING. He plays both Caleb’s sarcastic humor and his constant worries with ease, just as exciting to watch when he’s cracking big jokes or allowing his emotions to spill over. Right from the first scene he has you hooked. In contrast, the actor playing Estha brings in that peace and calm to Caleb that he needs. Teenagers should not have to go through with issues like this alone. Imagine an age, where you are not just struggling with sexuality and family, you add up the fear of being HIV positive and what it means for their future which is only beginning to take shape. It can brutally shake you up to the core. And thank you to the film maker, who has taken a very positive approach to deal with the subject without making it a cry fest. Another note, I'd like to make is that I never notice the music in a film , but somehow the songs, the music and lyrics stayed with me from this film and somehow they went well with the whole story.

Caleb and Dara's friendship also had a very interesting and humane touch and I liked their chemistry. But the contrast between Caleb and Estha remains the movie’s greatest asset. Caleb is funny, he also feels relatable, young and fresh. Estha is literal, confused, shy and awkward. Their relationship feels right, it grows over a period of time to give us a pseudo summer romance. Their relationship grants room for the audience to witness and appreciate their differences, not just culturally, but as fully drawn individuals. The characters are young, but the perspective remains refreshingly mature. You don't judge either of them for doing what they did, because t hey had their own reasons and I liked that the director didn't make Estha to be this bad guy. I can't speak enough of how important this film and how this is the way important subjects should be told with empathy, sensitivity and yet a dash of humor. A very commendable job by the writer/director and the two wonderful actors who keep this movie together to make it a gem. Watch it NOW. (9/10)


Miisu said…
I knew it! I knew you'd like this film very much and I was waiting for the review! I also noticed the use of music, the supporting characters and of course the amazing work Troye Sivan did playing the protagonist. I had almost forgotten what it felt like waiting for any results or resolutions in the teenage years and how much of your brain the waiting anxiety can actually hijack. The time can seem at least twice as long and he showed it very well.
Golu said…
I guess the few of us regulars here by now have an idea of what we all would like. As I have mentioned, just about everything in this film is sooo good, including the music, which I never never notice.

You are right about the anxiety. As if being a teenager is not painful enough already, you now have to deal with anxiety of finding out something so taboo still !!

more recommendations please !!
Miisu said…
It's kinda challenging to find something to recommend that you haven't already seen since I'm the newbie in the context of this genre, but I just checked that you haven't reviewed the Canadian "Sebastian" here ( It has many features that I like - music, storytelling, talented drawing, some catchy lines (Are you a plumber? You just flooded my basement!), and open-promising ending.

Then I also noticed that you haven't reviewed "Ranchlands", but you must have seen it, right? ( I like the honesty and openness the two protagonists have had to acquire and their communication is pleasant to watch. There is also an older brother who's sick and senses everyone's tension around him.

I also like period dramas about 1950s-1970s, so I suggest German "Ku'damm" series, if you can find them with English subs. It's about a family that consists of a position-addicted matriarch and her three daughters, one of them marries a gay man, who leaves her and follows his heart. There's also music to notice, cars, dresses, food and tableware (my secret passion). Swedish "The Restaurant" falls into the same time period and also has gay and lesbian storylines, plus music, dresses, food and tableware galore. All this "keeping up the appearances" that sometimes makes it painful to watch.

And of teenager/young adult series - have you seen "Elite" and "Sex Education"? The latter has some over the top scenes, but in general it's well written and performed, especially how the "this is not real" is conveyed by dressing contemporary people in the 1970s clothes and giving them ancient cars.

Miisu said…
Couldn't agree more - that's what these series are probably made for. Guilty pleasure and decadence, perfect for procrastination.

Looking forward to the reviews of "Sebastian" and "Ranchlands" now :)

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