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Der Einstein des Sex (German) [The Einstein of Sex]

This German film came back in 1999. It follows the life story of Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld, a German Jew, who as a physician established the field of sexology, and fought militantly against German anti-sodomy laws in the late 19th century. In 1897, he founded the first gay political group in history. I am honestly not sure, how much of th film is based on true facts, but the film feels like a work of fiction showing us incidents and motivations of a man doing something that he was so passionate about.

As a y young adult, Magnus is fascinated by sex and sexuality and through his growing years. His uncle and aunt help him pursue his education. His quest leads him navigating through various political issues and opening his dream Institute for Sexual Studies. We see how he meets a potential lover who is through thick and thin in this journey, but Hirschfeld worries that any love story of his own will jeopardize his research. The man after being patient can't take it anymore and leaves him. Th next big entrant in the doctors life is a cross dresser, who has been shunned and beaten up by everyone intros Nazi regime and she becomes the doctors caretaker. A the years pass by, the doctors reputation is taking him places and soon he finds himself young suitor who wants to work with him at any cost. The doctor finally gives into love and a love story begins between two men, while his sole purpose in life is to promote sexuality and freedom for people to be who they are. Of course, in the Nazi era in the 1920s you cannot expect much. Soon the clinic and institute is attacked by the armed forces and all the relevant material is burnt while he was out of country. 

What was most interesting to mean this film was that even though in public he promoted a liberal attitude towards sexuality, his personal sexual preferences were guarded from the outside world. It is inferred that he believed that any respect he had gained by academics might be com[promised by the public knowledge of his own sexuality. Thus, his love affairs are marred by secrecy, and even if they are made up stories, they add up a nice little touch in the overall film. Even though the film I a biography dealing with an important subject, somehow the treatment is very simple and easy to understand and is filled with some comical undertones, which I really enjoyed. At no point, the film feels like a documentary trying to force information on us, rather it is kept as entertaining as a biopic on such a subject could be. And I think credit goes to the director and the actors who made sure of this. The screenplay has identified some quirky characters including our leading man, which makes sure that as an audience we are never bored by seeing what's unfolding in front of our eyes. We get insights into his lovers, friends, his caretakers etc. He clearly needed love as a closet gay man but also stability of the home. He could empathize with the outcasts in every way. As per the film, Hirschfeld died a few years after his clinic was raided. For all the sympathy this character deserves as a Nazi victim and respect as one who did much for others, one is left with the feeling that Hirschfeld was not able to focus on his own relationships, always keeping those who most wanted to be close to him at a distance. This man was clearly someone, if we believe the material we see, who deserves more of a name in our history books to attempt and do something so radical that people even today are scared of doing so. I think this film deserves a watch. (7/10)


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