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En Of Love: Love Mechanics (Thai Series)

Love Mechanics is the second installment of the En of Love series. Consisting of 4 episodes of about 30-40 minutes each, it is an easy watch, although its still a very messy and boring watch. Just slightly better than its predecessor, it share a lot of the same problems. The only good thing here s that the leads have more charisma here.

Mark had a crush on Bar but his heart gets broken. He gets drunk and meets Vee who knows Mark from common friends circle. See sees how drunk Mark is and is making sure that he is ok. In the process the two guys end up kissing. The next morning they are both embarrassed, especially since Vee has a girlfriend. But Mark starts having feelings for Vee and See feels the same and keeps finding excuses to spend time with Mark. But when Vee's friends tell him that his girlfriend has been cheating on him, he can't take it and he becomes a couple with Mark. The next two episodes focus on their courtship, jealousy, return of ex-girlfriend, more misunderstandings and finally the couple coming together and accepting each other.

Simple story, basic execution and amateur treatment; the series is saved by the cute Mark's smile and side glances that he looks Vee. Vee's character IMO is quite toxic. He keeps moving from Mark to girlfriend to back to Mark as per his convenience and even tries to justify it to Mark. Mark is no less and feels like a serial dater. The whole start of their relationship, the way to is carried forward and everything else, I can guarantee that in real life this couple won't last more than a few months. Also, there is a thin line between possessive and obsessive. The fact that he says that Mark cannot meet anyone, can't hang out with anyone, can't swim in front of anyone etc, would be a strict no-no in my books. He is clearly control freak, trying to prove he is the "man". Just marginally better than part one of this show, I would still rate this show as pretty low. Mark's charisma is the only saving grace here. (2.5/10)


Sailor Maan said…
I liked this one. It was cute and simple (maybe too much because I don't remember much...).
They plan to make and release a longer version of this one this year apparently. I know you are super excited now Golu ;p
Golu said…
oh god! NOOO!

I hoep maybe they take more charming actors at least or just work super hard on the script.
Miisu said…
Well, guess who just finished the longer version. If someone out there knows the reason WHY I watched it until the end, please tell me. I deserve to know. Otherwise I keep to my own conclusion that someone has my voodoo doll and is playing really shitty games with it. There's not a single cell in my body that doesn't hurt at the moment, of all the cringes - applauding to the scriptwriter who has done a superhuman job finding ALL of them and including them in the script - and adding some new ones as well. Every episode (there's 10 of them, btw) contained my biggest allergen - second hand embarrassment. I have no idea how to cure the overdose of that. It was like other people watch horror movies, through the fingers and squirming on the floor.

The actors were the same as in the short version and there was something going on in every episode so I wouldn't call it slow, but everything else... send help, seriously.
Golu said…
Why would you torture yourself with that?
Thats crazy !!
Sailor Maan said…
I join you in your pain Miisu. I somehow liked the short version. The long version takes it to another level... not in the good way. I kept wondering "was the short version this tedious to watch?". I don't plan on checking sorry (I'm not THAT masochistic)
Golu said…
yeah please don't. If you have time, you can watch other shows and then come back and recommend us to not watch them . lol
Miisu said…
@Sailor Maan: Great. Just fabulous. Now (in addition to my own pain - even my hair hurts!) I feel sorry for you as well :D I knew my shit tolerance is kinda higher than average, but the longer version was too much even for me. The ultimate quintessence of concentrated cringes, plus the load of second hand embarrassment. There I was, thinking I've seen the worst already (My Engineer... Secret Crush on You... Cutie Pie...). Guess bloody again...

Starting to watch "Manner of Death". Hope it helps. It just has to.

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